X-treme Wrestling Federation
What's to fear? - Printable Version

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What's to fear? - Martin McPherson - 09-06-2014

Ted Dibiase, Jr. Randall Keith Orton. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. What do all of these blokes have in common? They're all third generation superstars.

So am I.

Growing up in the great country of Scotland, I watched my father win championship after championship. He watched his father before him do the same. As I watched these great men step into that ring, both in person and on tape, I learned the craft from the early age of six years old. That's what we called it. "The Craft". It's not so much unlike any other craft, in that you can develop a desire for it. A burning passion deep down in your soul that makes you want to be the best at it. I have that desire. I was born with that passion, and it's a passion to winunlike any other.

I don't want to be as good as my ancestors though, lads and lasses. Nah, ya see, I want to be better. I want to go out to that ring every night, and pour out my blood. I want to drip sweat. I want to cry out in pain, but at the end of the night I will stand tall. I will stand tall with my hand raised above my head, and you all will hear the ring announcer say my name. Over and over.




Has a great ring to it, aye?

You know, it sounds better than "Mastermind". Here we have a man who I cost the Xtreme Title only to have it handed back to him by Shane. Because another man, Tommy Gunn, negligantly let a child pin 'im for that very same belt. They said it was a joke, but I say they have a sick sense of humor. For you see, you never send a boy to do a man's job. A man like myself could have gottem that job done, no questions asked. No problems out of the Master of Minds. He cannot master my mind, simply because my mind is stronger than his. I graduated from the finest schools in my homeland. My mind is strong, and my heart?


William Wallace and I both have something in common, and that is the heart of a warrior. I will fight and I will die till my dying breath for what I believe in, and what I believe in is my becoming the most recognized name in our sport.

My opponent?

Blake Myles.

This man, like myself until now, hasn't bothered opening his mouth. I've heard neither hyde nor from ya, boy. Are ya scared? Does my prescense frighten ya? It really shouldn't. After all, this is just my debut match. I'm unproven. Untested. But know this, Blake Myles, that both of us men will step into that ring Wednesday Night. There will be no silence, no running away. Both of us step into that ring with a dream, only I will fight harder for mine. Qnd at the end of the night? I will be the obe who realizes his dream.

From there? I will prevail. I will become what I am meant to be, by my blood...by my lineage.

The best.

What are ya scared of, Blake?
