X-treme Wrestling Federation
Shall we proceed...? - Printable Version

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Shall we proceed...? - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 08-31-2014

"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."
- Buddha

Early morning
Route 60 North
Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky state borders

It never did matter to him the means of travel. He can be anywhere at anytime. It's the journey that matters to him.. Life on the road presents him with a chance to influence the entire world. However, doing it by ambulance wasn't his first choice. After stealing one which carried Ben's dead corpse, the Doctor felt it best to find a new way of travel.

The ambulance travels Route 60 going north towards the border for three states and where the mighty Mississippi and Ohio rivers meet. They will come from Missouri, through Illinois, and enter Kentucky. The Doctor and his patient follow the bridge across the river and into Cairo, Illinois.

[Image: 4Md2lAT.jpg?1]

A small, rather desolate town the Doctor thought to himself. Perhaps they could exchange vehicles here. The Doctor directs Ben around a few corners and down a bank along the river. This is where they leave the ambulance in neutral and the vehicle coasts down the rest of the way into the river and floats away. Instead, the vehicle coasted a short way, turned sideways and fell to it's side. It slid about twenty more feet until getting stuck between a large rock and a tree.

Doctor D'Ville-

Ben looks over at the Doctor and lets out a small moan.

Doctor D'Ville-
Yes, I say, not exactly what we planned, my boy.

The Doctor lights a cigar and paces in a small circle. Ben continues staring at the ambulance down below.

Doctor D'Ville-
Allow me, Benjamin.

Doctor D'Ville kindly shoo's Ben aside and stands bowing foward, staring at the ambulance. Much like an old school pitcher. The Doctor looks at Ben, nods his head, and winds up for the pitch! As he throws the cigar from his hand it resembles a firework single firework shot into the sky. Almost in slow motion the cigar flies through the air hitting the ambulance and exploding on impact. The explosion was so loud and powerful, it threw Ben about five feet back off of his feet from 50 yards away. The burning ambulance bounces off the ground a few times and what little remained of it fell into the river.

Ben was to his feet and the Doctor had already made his way up the hill back to the main road. Ben quickly follows behind him. The two walk through the middle of the town, which seems like a ghost town these days compared to it's former almost a century ago. The town once held close to 15,000 people. Due to the decline in river trade, the population and economy suffer, 2,500 people are left to stop the abandonment of the town. The Doctor feels a bit at home.

Doctor D'Ville-
What do you say we find a drink, Benjamin?

[Image: Xuv0lvX.jpg]

The Doctor and Ben sit in the River Front Bar beside each other. Ben slowly picking from the basket of peanuts in front of him. The Doctor propped up on a bar stool sipping an iced down drink. The bar looks new, but from a 1940's point of view. The barkeep even dresses like he was born in 1920. He had a large curly mustache, a shiny bald head, and wore a black apron in front of him, continuously wiping down the wooden bar with his white towel. The Doctor lights a cigar and blows a few smoke rings out across the bar.

Doctor D'Ville-
Hello, my friends. I hope you don't mind we take a rest from our travels for a moment. It has been a busy couple of days for your doctor and his patient. Isn't that right, Benjamin?

The young man shutters at the sound of the Doctor saying his name.

Doctor D'Ville-
My arrival was nearly a month ago, my friends. It seems many of you have failed to see meaning behind my sessions. My hollow words of warning to you all of the indelible disease that floods the XWF. Intolerance, ignorance, beligerance... All signs of everyone of you lacking a clean mind. Therefore you lack the focus you need to succeed! With several XWF events happening across globe this very week, my guidance here is infallible. My sessions are vital to all of your victories.

Doctor D'Ville- May I first begin with my current patients. Your doctor is going to appear, once again, in a battle royale. Twelve competitors, one victor. I have proven once that this is feat I can easily accomplish. Kristen Silver, I have already mentioned the target across your back, my dear. After your actions sealing our previous match, I am sure there are a few... larger competitors with their eye on you. I see that you especially, Miss Silver, have been of victim of my hollow words. As a doctor in my field, it is my specialty to look beyond this cover you speak of. It is my job to get inside that brilliant mind of yours... and dig. You claim to be something more than you let on to be. More than the beautiful, spoiled, little brat from Miami. All you have done is painted a picture for the world, to show them you are alright. I see through the painting, my dear. I see the scared little girl inside your head. She's not stomping around. She's not screaming demands. She's definitely not tweeting. She's crying and alone. You consume and thrive for all of this attention on the outside, when you need it on the inside. If you are a book like you say you are, my dear, why won't you open up? The Doctor is here for a shoulder to cry and an ear for listening. Perhaps by Monday the shy little girl will stir up the courage and come see me.

The Doctor finishes his drink and stands up.

Doctor D'Ville-
Shall we be going, Benjamin?

Ben jumps off the chair and heads to the door. The Doctor follows behind him carrying his suitcase at his side. The two walk out the door and out onto the street. It's much later in the day now, as if the two of them sat in the pub for hours. Ben didn't think very hard about it, but it only seemed about five minutes to him. The large door to the bar slams shut and shakes the cardboard and planks of wood covering the windows. A large 'Out of Business' sign hangs on the outside of the door.

The Doctor and his patient walk around the block to a parking lot. A few cars are parked alongside a small gas station and outlet store.

Doctor D'Ville-
Ben, what do you say we catch a ride?

Ben nods to the Doctor and slowly creeps over to one of the parked cars. Ben's choices ranged from a blue stationwagon to a big red diesel truck. Between the two was a white van. Ben runs up to the side of the white van and swings open the door. Two men in ski masks, one holding tightly onto a shotgun, scream aloud:

The Two-Men in Ski Masks-

The man holding the shotgun fires it prematurely and blasts Ben in the chest sending him flying backwards. The two men in ski masks look at each other and slam the door shut.

Doctor D'Ville-

The Doctor watches the white van go in reverse then forward and out of the parking lot. As the van escapes sight of the Doctor, it begins to backfire. The van stalls out and coasts to a stop across a large, endless plain of railroad tracks.

Where did all of these railroad tracks come from? What the hell is going on here?!

The doors are locked! I can't get out! Unlock the doors, man! Unlock the doors!

Several horns can be heared simultaneously. The driver looks around him and sees a single spotlight in the distance down every track around them. Both of them pull on the doors, nearly breaking the handles off trying to escape. The wind up windows just wined and didn't have any effect on the height of the window. The two men begin kicking the windshield and pulling on the side door as it seems they're in the path of trains from all directions.

Three hours later...
Two hundred miles from Columbus, Ohio

Ben drove the blue stationwagon away from the attempted robbery as if nothing ever happened. His clothes stained with his own blood and after his body should've been blown apart, he continues on in his journey with his beloved doctor.

The Doctor pulls a drink from his flask and follows it with a cigar.

Doctor D'Ville- Now that we are back on track to Columbus, my friends, shall we proceed?

The Doctor takes a long drag from the cigar. The smoke slowly surrounds his devilish smile.

Doctor D'Ville- I have a confession to make. I have lied to all of you. Each of you have displayed different signs of your own kind of mental illness. A mental DISadvantage. And I told you everything would be alright! And everything will be. For all, minus LH Harrison. You, my friend, are now unable to decipher right from wrong. Following your last match, after you shot your conscience in the face, was my spawn into the XWF. It could have been you all along, Mr. Harrison, subliminally calling for the Doctor's aid. Well, I am here, my friend. After your time with the Doctor you can bet you will be the same inspirational hero you were a week ago. You, Mr. Harrison, do not take my kindness for weakness like I've hear about Mr. Fame.

Doctor D'Ville- Chris Fame you sound just as greedy and ignorant as the next guy around here. My purpose here has been explained time and time again. I appreciate your acknowledgement, but are you disappointed to be involved in a session with me? I admit being in two battle royals two weeks in a row was a bit tedious at first. Now, I feel flattered. Because following this battle royal, two in two weeks, I will be the last man standing once again. Two title shots, two claims that I will succeed. If connecting with my patients here in the XWF means I have to win every title there is, so be it. I am willing to do anything I need to, my friends. Following this battle royal, the next patient on my list is the XWF Television Champion, Gator.

Doctor D'Ville- You have risen to the top of the XWF ranks. You win some. You lose some. You have won titles. And you will lose titles. I can see your heart is in the right place, my friend. You have been a competitor your entire life. You have chased your dreams to foreign places. You have a certain passion burning inside of you. Has that passion ever burned out? And what if it does? Were you ever so very tired? Do you hide in a costume like that to hide any emotions? It's easy to disguise your emotions when you are a mascot, my friend. Maybe it's time to open your eyes and come out behind this persona. A change in this organization is needed and it's starting with the holder of that title. My influence on this company depends on it. Doctor Louis D'Ville as an XWF Champion is just what this place needs right now.

Ben and the Doctor continue their journey across several states. Finally reaching Ohio, they're closing in on Columbus and should be there in a couple of hours. The Docter, eager for his next session, begins shuffling around the many different documents in his briefcase. The Doctor's future here in the XWF looks very bright in the distance, with a black cloud hovering high above it.

[Image: KRtlHry.jpg]