X-treme Wrestling Federation
[pin] Not A Pin Attempt[/pin] - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: [pin] Not A Pin Attempt[/pin] (/showthread.php?tid=14714)

[pin] Not A Pin Attempt[/pin] - Vincent Lane - 08-26-2014

Sup, Harrison.

Let's do this the easy way. That shit was mine and my opponent took it. I'm pinning you.


[pin] Not A Pin Attempt[/pin] - LH Harrison - 08-26-2014

LH barely gets his shoulder up thanks to divine intervention!

1. In your title you have [PIN] Not a PIN attempt. [/PIN]
2. You changed you name to include PIN.
3. 'I'm PINning you.'
4. The lone PIN at the very bottom of the post.
5. There is a PIN in your signature.

RE: [pin] Not A Pin Attempt[/pin] - AerialKnight - 08-26-2014

((Not sure if they count this, but there are the letters to spell out pin on his shirt.))

[pin] Not A Pin Attempt[/pin] - LH Harrison - 08-26-2014

Those are different words that aren't connected. Shouldn't count. I looked at that.