X-treme Wrestling Federation
Friendly Celebration - Printable Version

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Friendly Celebration - AerialKnight - 08-24-2014

Mystica is walking along the backstage halls of the Phoenix, Arizona arena with his belt over his shoulders. As he walks along, he notices that there is a table set up to his right. On the table, there is a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses set on two separate napkins, both of which are on the left side of the bottle. He stops in front of the table, curious about who left these here and why. Just then, "The Aerial Knight" Johnathan Heartsford walks into the camera's view to the right of Mystica. He is seen with a disarming smile on his face.

"Ah, I thought I'd find you here. Hello there Mystica, it is an honor to meet you. I just thought that since you've gained a victory over Sir Griffin #2, I would have a little celebration for you. You wouldn't mind that, would you?"

Before Mystica has time to respond, Johnathan is already searching his pockets for a corkscrew. He doesn't actually have one, but he's doing it to keep the illusion that he forgot it.

"Ah shit; I forgot my corkscrew. It looks like I'm going to have to shake the cork off."

He picks up the bottle and begins to shake it slowly. He shows a small smirk as he does so.

"Well, the bottle will never be open at this rate. It looks like we'll have to speed things up a little bit."

He shakes the bottle a little faster than before. The bottle is letting out a little air from the cork.

"Close, but not quite. I have to speed it up a little more."

He shakes the bottle even faster. Some fizz is escaping from the bottle. His smirk then turns into a full blown smile.

Oh yes; it's coming very soon now! I can feel it trying to escape!"

The cork is slowly sliding out. Johnathan proceeds to shake the bottle even faster.

"Here it comes!..."

Just after a few seconds of more vigorous shaking, the cork is sent flying towards Mystica's head. As if out of instinct, he ducks it, letting the cork hit a nearby two by four. Mystica smiles and scoffs at Johnathan.

"Blowing your top over me so soon? Clearly, you have no idea what a surprise attack even is."

Just then, the two by four from earlier falls over and hits Mystica right on the crown of the head. He then falls over, dropping his championship belt off to the side. Coincidentally, the plank falls over his shoulders, as if it was pinning him. Johnathan chuckles slightly as he sits down in a nearby chair and pours the champagne into the glasses. After he pours a modest amount of liquid into the glasses, he sets one besides Mystica's right hand, as if planning to give him a drink afterwards.

"Here's to the new Xtreme Champion.




((OOC: Yes, I did get Mystica's permission to have him speak in this title defense.))

Friendly Celebration - SwagMire - 08-24-2014

"What are you doing, Ariel?"

RE: Friendly Celebration - AerialKnight - 08-24-2014

Johnathan rolls his eyes as he downs his glass of wine and moves the two by four off of Mystica. He has a scowl on his face as he stares a hole through Swaggy.

"You're lucky that this plank of wood wasn't your champion."

His smile returns

"Knowing you, you'd probably get your ass kicked by that plank of wood."

He picks up the glass of champagne and throws it into Swaggy's face. He then proceeds to walk away from the scene of the crime.

"First honor was lost among these men, and now comedy is lost as well. What's next? Creativity?"

Friendly Celebration - SwagMire - 08-24-2014

"And now no one will count your pin. Check the rules, Holmes."

RE: Friendly Celebration - AerialKnight - 08-24-2014

"You act as if I want to fight champions anywhere else but the ring. I'm doing this to make the point that anyone and anything can pin the champion, not just wrestlers."

He smiles.

"Hell, I'd like to see a champion get pinned by a fucking cat one of these days. Maybe you'll be the first."