X-treme Wrestling Federation
Gator made me do this. - Printable Version

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Gator made me do this. - Hot Todd - 08-21-2014

*The camera flicks on. We see Todd sitting in a hotel room, Gator lying on the bed behind him, flicking through a comic book*

T: "H-Hey everyone-"


*Todd turns to Gator*

"Speak with some goddamn confidence man!"

T: "Errmmm... Okay..."

*Todd clears his throat*

"Like this?"

"Much better. Carry on."

*Todd turns back to the camera. He takes in a large breath and exhales*

"So, being a wrestler has been my dream since I was a kid, but I never got the training and, as you can tell, exercise was never my daily regime. But, Gator says after Relentless, he's going to train me to become a real wrestler! Which is exciting, but terrifying..."

"Yeah! And he wants to take on the current Trio champs for his first match!"

*Todd spins around in his chair*

"What! NO!"

"He said you guys are a bunch of pussies and Morbid Angel loses all the time!"

"NO I DIDN'T!!!"

*Todd faces the camera. Looking very worried*

"No, guys please don't listen to Gator! I'm just going to have a match here and there with guys my own level that's all! Please don't kill me!"

*Gator laughs*

"Great start to your introduction Todd."

*The pair are silent*

"Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys I might be wrestling sometimes, someday.... Thanks for watching..."

*Todd leans in to turn off the camera*

"You're not going to talk like that all the time are you?"

T: "I hope not, it hurts my throat."

*The footage quickly goes black*

Gator made me do this. - Griffin - 08-21-2014

Todd's already had a match-ish...he tried to pin me for my belt...anyway welcome to the fray todd

Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-21-2014

This is the best thing. Ever.

Gator made me do this. - Hot Todd - 08-21-2014

T:"Well Griffin. The reason Gator made me pin you is because I'm huskier than most, so he thought it would be harder for people to throw me off. He tried the same thing with Flynn."

"Oh. And thanks for believing in me Loverboy. You rule, also Gator says hi."

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

"Sir Todd, the first lesson of being a fighter is to have some valor. You can't be thrust into a match if you act like a complete coward. Maybe Sir Gator can throw you into a pit of snakes and teach you how not to cry like a little bitch."

He smiles.

"If he does that, I'd be more than happy to join him for the lesson."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-22-2014

Hey, Knight, you might want to cool your jets with the smack talk, dude.

After I get done with you, I think Todd will be a pretty big challenge. He'll have two working legs, after all.

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

"All talk. I know you're preparing yourself for the six man tag match, but there is absolutely no way you'll be one hundred percent after Relentless."

He pats Vinnie on the shoulder

"I know you mean well, Sir Lane, but there is no way that Todd can be able to fight with his current experience. Save your energy for the ring. I wish not to fight a man who doesn't bring his A-Game to the ring."

Gator made me do this. - Darren Dangerous - 08-22-2014

Looks like Gator found himself a boyfriend, way to go buddy!

RE: Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"Boyfriend? Darren listen up and pay some attention for once in your miserable life. Todd has been my cameraman since before your fat ass struggled it's way through the door of the XWF."

Gator made me do this. - Darren Dangerous - 08-22-2014

His name is Hot Todd and he is alone with you in a hotel room talking about wrestling. That sounds pretty gay Gator.

Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"No, his name his Todd Moschitti. His wrestling name, which he picked, is 'Hot' Todd. Is this all you've got man? Calling me gay is your go to fuck you trash talk? Listen up you fat fucking worthless nobody. After your excruciatingly poor performance leading up to your match at Relentless, which is tonight by the way! I would be surprised if you make it down the ramp without running out of breath. And then the real struggle begins, you climb up 50 feet of scaffolding, if it doesn't snap under your massive frame, your caking loving, diabetes having ass could barely make it up 10 feet of scaffold before you have a heart attack and die."

"You better hope they installed an escalator for you to get up there. Wouldn't want your debut be ruined by your glandular problem or whatever. Also, you fucking suck. Like really suck man, I actually feel half bad for telling just how badly you suck. Plus you're a liar, you lie about the size of your dick which is pathetic. You lie about fucking Pest's and Scully's mums or whatever else.... I'm going to stop here. I don't feel like wasting anymore breath on you."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-22-2014

Never diss Hotty Toddy.

Gator made me do this. - Darren Dangerous - 08-22-2014

Woah settle down there Gator, how was me saying you have a boyfriend bringing up your homosexuality as a negative? I have nothing against gay people. Who or what you are sexually attracted to is none of my business and despite what you and WGWF try to make everyone believe, I do pay attention and notice things. It is such a shame that the two of you are at such a loss of words that the best comeback you two can come up with is trying to make me sound like an idiot. Just focus on the things you know, comic books and private time with your cameraman.

Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"A couple of things Dick Dastardly."

"One. Don't tell me to settle down. Usually I would kick someone's ass for telling me to settle down but I'm above you, if you're lucky Todd can kick your ass instead."

"Two. You're right there's nothing wrong with being gay. Maybe I flew off the handle a little but I tend to do that when people try and insult me."

"Three. Don't compare me to Pest. Anyone can see that you're an idiot. Especially now, seeing as I actually never called you an idiot before. I said you suck, I called you fat and I called you a liar. But I never made you sound like an idiot. I just gave my opinion of you. Try and listen next time buddy."

"Four. That was not my best comeback. If I'm ever unfortunate enough to have a match with you, then, you will see me at my best. I have a title match on Sunday, that kinda proves how much better I am than you."

"Five. Fuck you. I'm washing my hands with you for now. Todd or whoever feels like it can pick on the fat kid now."

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

Quote:It is such a shame that the two of you are at such a loss of words that the best comeback you two can come up with is trying to make me sound like an idiot.

"I'm not sure about everyone else, but I think that Sir Lane and Sir Gator are in the right on this. I mean, sure, Gator has demonstrated some rather odd behavior beforehand, but that's just his personality. As for Todd's choice of name, I'm pretty sure it was still his choice. If it was Gator's, choosing the nickname 'Hot' doesn't really mean that he's a homo."

He scoffs.

"Hasn't the whole 'pro wrestling thing is for gays' topic faded away by now?If not, it shows that I have more work in store than I thought I did. Anyways, the first thing I think of when I hear 'Hot Todd' is the term 'Hot Rod'. Because of that, I think it sounds rather cool."

He holds up a finger.

"Before you try to tear me apart, remember that Sir Lane is currently in the process of doing that, and he certainly acts far more honorable than you've presented yourself as. Maybe you can redeem yourself by defeating Scully in the scaffold match. Keyword: maybe."

Gator made me do this. - Darren Dangerous - 08-22-2014

And you call me childish Gator? Insulting me for the size of my body is about as classless as you can get. The first thing everyone seems to go for is calling me fat. So what if I am fat? How does that make me any different than anyone else?

I actually think you might be gay now considering how you reacted to a silly joke. Maybe not flat out gay right now, but one of those guys who will get married and have kids only to ruin their lives when you come to grips with your own gayness.

RE: Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-22-2014

I actually love wrestling fat guys, dude!

They hit the ground WAY harder.

RE: Gator made me do this. - SwagMire - 08-22-2014

"Darren, I'd shut the fuck up pretty quickly. You're not impressing anyone. All you're doing is making yourself look like an idiot. Swear to god, you make it long enough for Fred to get free of the Ukrainians, he'll fuck you up so bad. Make that fall you're taking tonight look like a dive into a pool. Fucking pig."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Satoko - 08-22-2014

#1. Unlike what his weight may suggest Darren has surprising stamina for a man his size, trust me.

#2. If I didn't break under his weight I doubt a scaffold will. Unless I'm stronger than a scaffold and in that case yay me.

#3. I agree with loverboy but I'd also like to add being soft and furry like a teddy bear to his reasons.

RE: Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-22-2014

Asian chicks always love me.

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

Quote:#1. Unlike what his weight may suggest Darren has surprising stamina for a man his size, trust me.

"Well in that case, I hope the testosterone he gained from boning all those wenches helps him in his match."

Quote:#2. If I didn't break under his weight I doubt a scaffold will. Unless I'm stronger than a scaffold and in that case yay me.

"I'm sure he won't break the scaffold entirely, but he might break the boards holding it up. I can hope that the Black Knight of the Federation would be a damn good climber in that case."

Quote:#3. I agree with loverboy but I'd also like to add being soft and furry like a teddy bear to his reasons.

"Being called soft can be an insult to people, ya know? That, and I'm sure his hair has no contributing factors in anything. At least, I hope it won't."

RE: Gator made me do this. - SwagMire - 08-22-2014

"Knights don't insult women. That breaks Chivalry. What kind of knight are you?"

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

Quote:Knights don't insult women. That breaks Chivalry

"Ah, another man that challenges my beliefs."

He laughs.

"The thing is, these 'women' you speak of aren't women at all. They're wenches that show off their bodies to get unknowing saps into thinking that's what a proper woman is like. Tell me, out of all women in this federation, how many of them have slept with someone in this federation?"

He smiles.

"And while you're at it, tell me exactly who hasn't."

RE: Gator made me do this. - SwagMire - 08-22-2014

"I'm not sure. I don't keep tabs on who's dating who. Either way, they're women and deserve respect."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"Hey Shovel Knight. I think you're cool and all, but you're kinda of walking into a shitstorm right now by asking that question."

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

"Those words are filthy lies and everyone knows it! Those women are nothing but prostitutes that joined this federation to attract men to their lair!"

He takes in a deep breath.

"No matter. Honor is something that many people lack. Maybe you just might be the next one I fight after Vinnie here. Regardless, you'll learn eventually."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-22-2014

Trying to go 0-2 my man?

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

(08-22-2014, 05:51 PM)Gator Said: "Hey Shovel Knight. I think you're cool and all, but you're kinda of walking into a shitstorm right now by asking that question."

"My apologies, Sir Gator. I did not mean to completely hijack this conversation anyhow. Maybe we can get together and chat sometime, mono e mono. What do you say?"

RE: Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"Are you coming on to me brave knight? Sorry, but I don't want to see your shortsword. I mean, I think you're okay. Knights are cool and all, but I don't swing that way man."

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

He gets a small chuckle out of Gator's response.

"Funny. I just mean that I'd like to hang out like friends, that's all."

RE: Gator made me do this. - SwagMire - 08-22-2014

"Frodo used that one on Azrael. As for you, Knight boy. You wanna lose all of your matches? Is that it?"

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

"I don't 'lose', I teach. Either I teach you exactly what real womenfolk act like or I fail and you continue gathering a harem."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, maybe. I'm not going with you to that Medieval Times restaurant though."

"I don't know though. I'm friends with Loverboy, I don't want him to be mad at me for hanging out with his future opponent."

RE: Gator made me do this. - AerialKnight - 08-22-2014

He laughs slightly.

"I'm not doing it to get someone angry. I'm just doing it because I just want to get together with some of my fellow competitors. As friends of course."

Gator made me do this. - Hot Todd - 08-22-2014

T: "Guys. Sorry for interrupting, but this is meant to be my debut speech as a wrestler."

RE: Gator made me do this. - SwagMire - 08-22-2014

"I have no harem. The only women I surround myself with are my mother and my niece. I just have respect for women. As long as their white and clean. No monkey hoes."

Gator made me do this. - Gator - 08-22-2014

"No one cares about you Todd!"

"And yeah, Shovel Knight. Just send me a tex- ... Send me a raven sometime and we'll chill."

RE: Gator made me do this. - Satoko - 08-22-2014

(08-22-2014, 05:54 PM)AerialKnight Said: "Those women are nothing but prostitutes that joined this federation to attract men to their lair!"

This may actually be the only factual statement you've ever made, at least in my case. Congrats, blind squirrel finding his nuts on a broken clock inside a dogs asshole that has the sun shining down on it and all that jazz.

RE: Gator made me do this. - Vincent Lane - 08-22-2014

Hang with him all you want Gator baby.

He's gonna be the pissed one when his debut gets spoiled.

Gator made me do this. - Darren Dangerous - 08-22-2014

"There are knights of the round table and then there are knights of the not to straight table. A knight who has any kind of issue with such a beauty as Satoko being here clearly belongs at the not to straight table.

As for Swagmire, you remind me so much of someone. For legal purposes I am not allowed to say his name but just like him you too are a dickhead."

Darren takes Satoko by the hand after handing her a large wad of cash.

"Come Satoko, I need some stress relief before my big match."

Darren turns towards Swagmire, Gator, Knight, and the others at the sausage fest and winks.