X-treme Wrestling Federation
Here's to you Aaron Reign - Printable Version

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Here's to you Aaron Reign - Mastermind - 08-08-2014

OOC: I know both Reign and Lucena didn't show up for the event, and Reign has internet issues, but they still lost so it's still a loss.

The camera fades in back stage just after the tag team match between Mastermind and Ricky Maine against Aaron Reign and Clean Lucena. The camera fades Mastermind walking towards the exit.

"Great match tonight Maine, maybe one day soon we can have a one on one, but for now let's take the win. We both got the win at the same time. Me with my submission move, the Mind Controller, made Aaron Reign tap out, whilst for some reason you covered him and got the three count. Any way doesn't matter. I know he tapped out.

Therefore Aaron Reign, you should find a t-shirt in your locker room, when you recover from the beating that Maine and I gave you, but just show my fans can see what it is... Here's a copy."

From his bag Mastermind takes a t-shirt as he gets to his limo. He shows the camera, and he can hear his fans go beserk in the stadium. The t-shirt says:





Mastermind smiles as he opens his limo door.

"I know it's been 3 weeks since my last week fans. But I'm back with a win finally. And next Monday will be another win. See you in the future Maine."

Mastermind went to get into his limo, when he backs out and looks at the camera again.

"Oh and Clean Lucena, this isn't over yet. We haven't solved any differences. The fact that I made Reign tap out and you were left abandoned, is a shame. I want a one on one match sometime with you in the future you little scardy cat. Catch you alter."

Mastermind gets back in to the limo, and the limo drives off.

RE: Here's to you Aaron Reign - Pest - 08-08-2014

Congratulations on your hollow victory. Maybe some day you can be half the competitor Cain is. Work on those useless victories.

Here's to you Aaron Reign - Ricky Maine - 08-08-2014

OOC: Eh what a waist of time that match was. How about next Warfare; Mastermind vs. Ricky Maine. It makes sense, we both show up. Here I'll set the cart in motion.

"I knew this was going to happen. I bust my ass, extract rabbits from hats, get the clean pin fall, and some bourgeois prick takes all the credit."

"Mastermind, life's so easy for you isn't it? Sitting in your mansion next to Shania Twain. You're not going to take credit for my victory. I'll see you soon Mastermind, real soon."