X-treme Wrestling Federation
An English Dilemma - Printable Version

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An English Dilemma - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 08-05-2014

The people important to my past did not help me in making my decision as much as I had hoped. Those memories did fade, after all. It would be awful to think that Morgan was dead in a ditch somewhere already with Pierre trying to work out where to bury another body.

Do you know what I decided to about the situation for the time being? Nothing.

Perhaps it was the selfish decision but the XWF means the world to me. It is, as Pierre said, the last thing that I have purpose for. You see, no ordinary man can hold this briefcase and this championship by always picking the selfless option. In this case, I needed to think about the most important person in my life, me.

It is safe to say that the self proclaimed ‘first killer’ is beginning to get a bit of a following when it comes to fans, and I cannot allow that to affect me during our match. Of course they will be supporting him, but I thrive under the heat of the fans. The jeers I receive when I stick a thumb in his eyes makes the blood rush through my body even faster. It’s an adrenaline that you only receive when you are about to seal a victory, something like scoring a goal in a world cup final, or the winning touchdown in the Superbowl.

I want that feeling on Madness. I want to defend my title successfully and have my arm raised at the end because that’s what I deserve. That’s where I am headed right now.

With power, I stride down the corridor, backstage of the Allstate Arena. Fellow wrestlers look at me, some backstage fans try to approach me but I head straight onwards towards my changing room. When I get there, I hang my belt up on the wall and stare at it for a moment.

Who would have thought that I would become the Television Champion? Indeed, Paul Heyman and the Alliance may have had some hand in my win but that’s because they know that I deserve to be a champion.

I hold my head in the locker for a moment, staring blankly at its sleek surface, when suddenly a voice can be heard from behind me.

“You know, Steve, Madness hasn’t always been your home. Or have you forgotten who created you?” I recognized the voice, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on who it was.

“You could fight for the place that made you. Turn your back on Heyman. Turn your back on Madness. Do what is right for this company by fighting for the superior brand,” his voice was thick but the words were false.

“I fight for Paul Heyman. My loyalty to that man has not faded. He is a large part of the reason in which I hold this championship. I came to Madness for a reason and that is to fight with the finest talent in the world. Not with a load of washed up has beens and fucking nobodies. I’m Steve Davids, the Psycho Sensation. There’s probably two, maybe three people on your roster that are worth my time of day, whilst this roster, the roster of the superior show, it’s flooded with talent. You know that. I know that. That’s why you want me to fight on Warfare,”

“I am sure something can be arranged,”

“And what do you have to offer me? Money? I don’t need money. Championships? I don’t need them either. Listen to me, and listen good. I want nothing to do with your show unless I can fight against it, do I make myself clear?” The fire raged inside of me, I was angry for many reasons but this pushed me over the line.

“That really is, such a shame,” he responded calmly.

Suddenly, three men barged through the door and locked it shut. One man jumped through the window and another emerged from one of the lockers.

“You see, I had hoped that we could work together because I really didn’t feel like having to do this. You sure you don’t want to cooperate?” The English accent became clearer, and a final man walked through the door.

“You, I should have known,” I said boldly, as a suited Archie Lawson smirked whilst fiddling with his tie.

“You could have been great you know Steve, it really will be such a shame to watch you suffer against the ‘first killer’ tonight. In fact, I would be surprised if you make it out there after the beat down my boys are about to give you,” he laughed.

All of the men then pulled out various weapons. A baseball bat, a taser, etc. I knew I stood no chance, but I wasn’t going down without a fight.

I threw myself towards the first man and took him out instantly. The remaining men leaped on me and begun to slowly wear me down. Eventually they had me exactly where they wanted me.

They tied me to the chair and Archie walked around holding a baseball bat, whilst the other men stared at me, except the one I managed to get punch in on - he was out cold.

“You see Steve, if you refuse to work with me, I will break every bone in your body, one by one. You will not stand a chance against Cain tonight, and you sure as hell will not be fighting for Madness OR for Warfare. So how about cooperating?” How was I going to worm my way out of this one?

“I tell you what,”

“I’m listening,”

“You let me go out there and face Cain, one on one, in a fair fight. Well as fair as it can be with Ozymandias as the special guest referee, and I will do something for you in return, AFTER the match,” I smiled, I knew it would work.

Archie held out a hand.

He ordered the men to untie me, and they did.

As I went to shake my hand he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

“I’m going to give you this one chance, but if you fuck me over, then you can forget about the XWF. You can forget about ever becoming a champion again, and you can forget about your precious brother,” Archie grinned devilishly before exiting the room.

My eyes were bulged open in fear and shock. How had he gotten a hold of Morgan? What was he going to do with him? That guy really is a cunt….

I need to focus.

It’s almost showtime.