X-treme Wrestling Federation
Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Printable Version

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Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Ozymandias - 07-30-2014

Madness returns from commercial.

Frodo and Steve Davids are in the hallway talking, and Davids is looking visibly bored.

"Hey, I think we have a spy in the group. I checked it out, and you're clean. Maybe it's Tommy. Nah, he's my best friend, he wouldn't do that."

"Why is there a spy? Who would spy on us? Are you even on the team?"

"I dunno. Madness Unleashed, The Black Circle?"

"Why would Madness Unleashed spy on us? Aren't they defunct? And what would Madison gain from spying on us? He's got more power than Heyman, he doesn't need to see what we're doing, and I don't think he cares. Again, are you even on the team?"

"Yeah, I am. But until we find out who the spy is Heyman won't make it up public. We need to figure this out. How cool are you with Duke? He might know who the spy is. And I don't know why Madness Unleashed would spy on us, we can't trust Ozymandias, he doesn't like Paul. He is cute, but don't let that fool you. We have to find out who is after us and stop them. GASP!"

"Did you just say gasp, instead of gasping? Also, I don't think anyone is spying on us. How high are you?"

"Yeah, but I'm sober. What if Heyman is the spy?"

"Paul Heyman is not a spy. Why would he spy on us?"

"I don't know, it's hard to tell what his motives are. He is the one who is thinking about adding Shelby Cobra. Come on, man."

"You're an idiot. Heynan isn't spying on anyone."

Davids just walked away. Shaking his head.

“Choices, choices…”

The camera opens to a rather decrepit alley. All is motionless, until the eerie silence is broken by the scampering of a rat, which casts its enlarged shadow upon the brick wall for an instant as it passes the glow of a streetlight’s rays. We pan over the assorted junk -- hypodermic needles, discarded condom wrappers, torn garbage bags – until the camera focuses in on what appears to be a solitary figure, with its back to the camera.

“All I have are choices. And yet, predictably, all of them end in triumph. So really, let’s call these “choices” more like “victims-to-be,” shall we? I have many, many options for my next victim-to-be…”

The figure stretches his arms out wide, and appears to flex each individual finger. As the figure does so, in the shade of the alley’s overwhelming umbra, each digit appears to shift form, taking on fantastical, sometimes non-euclidean shapes and states of matter.

“I’m a damn busy man…er, thing…but let’s make one thing clear: I am never too busy to strike when and where I see fit. But where do I see it fit? That, among numerous others, is the question you should be asking yourself.”

This silhouette from out of nightmares finally steps into the light.
[Image: th?id=HN.608001068220286186&pid=1.7]

“Now, what are the other questions? Simple. Am I comfortable with the fact that I could be being watched at any possible moment? Can my feeble mind possibly comprehend the horror that sits waiting in every corner of my home? Am I next? Am I in danger?”

The monster in a man’s body smiles, and steps slightly to the left.

“Well, my hideous ladies and insignificant gentlemen…”

A flash. The light of the alley’s streetlamp is caught for an instant before a projectile hits its target. A throwing knife has embedded itself in the brick wall where, moments before, Mystica had been standing. He chuckles under his breath, and glares at the ground in front of him.

“You are, most certainly, in danger.”

Before he can react, the cameraman’s equipment is suddenly ripped from his hands by an unseen entity just off-screen. After a short struggle, the camera is suddenly tilted upward, revealing a most horrifying image: a pale young girl’s gleeful face, spotted with the blood of the fallen camera operator.

The image fades into static and then the camera pans back to the announcers table.

JOEY STYLES: "Well that sure was something. The Man of the Myst being as cryptic as always. But not Peter Gilmour cryptic. Actually cryptic. And we have Frodo Smackins playing the role of Detective while also working his way into the Heyman Alliance. But now the moment you have all been waiting for... our Main Event. Who will walk out of Raleigh as the new XWF Trios Champions?"

The lights in the arena fade to black as "Contact" by Trocadero begins to play over the loudspeakers. Small flashes of white light pierce the darkness at random intervals, until the lights explode back to life as the vocals begin. It is at this point when Jessie emerges from the back, making her way to the ring. During the walk, she doesn't once look up from the ground. Upon reaching the ringside area, she rolls under the bottom rope and gets back up. She brushes herself off before heading to her corner.

Olive exits the entrance and walks to the ring. Eyes straight forward and ignoring any and all fan contact almost as if she's oblivious to their presence or just really doesn't care they exist. Once she gets to the ring she slides under the ropes and awaits her opponent still just focused on what's about to happen rather than making a spectacle of herself or doing any obnoxious gestures for attention.

As Shelby's theme plays she walks out and onto the ramp. She stands there for a moment taking in the scene before walking down the ramp and to the ring. She hops up onto the apron, using the ropes to help her up to her feet, from there she steps through the ropes very slow and sexual like, she shakes her ass and gives a little show before stepping through the ropes fully and into the ring. She walks to one of the corners and leans on it as she waits for the match to start.

JOEY STYLES: "A excellent first round match by the three women who were just introduced. They are clearly out muscled here by their opponents but that didn't stop them in round one."

Azrael bursts from the back and takes off running down the ramp. Stopping just before hitting the ring, he turns to the crowd with a wink and a smirk. Then he slides into the ring, bounds up to his feet and hops up onto a turnbuckle, where he waits for the fight to begin.

The lights go out and stay out for several seconds. The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire. With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke and Enigma finally emerge. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if they are coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke and Enigma reach the stage, they slowly makes their way to the ring, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in O Fortuna.

JOEY STYLES: "If there are proverbial favorites in this tournament I would have to say it is these guys by virtue of their size, and strength as well as their cohesiveness."

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of IMPLODE by SLAYER begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Peter Gilmour! The music picks up as Peter gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his new valet Jessica Johnson come down to the ring. They get into the ring and Peter goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on and he awaits his next opponent.

The Lights dim for a brief moment a faint sound of the wind...or so you thought! Grand Belial's Key - Fecal Parturition blasts over the PA as Morbid Angel comes from the Back stage area storming down to the ring looking for blood and death but rather than walking down to the ring Morbid walks right past it and instead opts to take a seat right next to Joey Styles at the announcers table.

The lights go completely back as the intro to. "O Fortuna" by Therion blasts on the PA. After the intro plays, the lights come up to a dark red, almost fire-like hue and mist pours from the entrance way. There are druids standing on either side of the ramp with torches crossed, and Cain steps through the curtain, wearing a long black leather robe with spikes on the shoulders, no sleeves, and his hood pulled up. He slowly makes his way down the ramp under the makeshift arch, his head bowed, the mist following him. He slowly ascends the stairs and stands there with his head bowed. Close up of his face reveals glowing red eyes, and as he raises his head the lights come up. Entering the ring he whips the hood back and stares his opponent down with a sadistic grin, disrobing.

Entering the ring first for each team is Shelby Cobra, Azrael Erebus and Cain.

The ref signals for the bell and the match begins.

Azrael walks to the center of the ring looks his two opponents in the eye. Cain meanwhile smiles and tehn points to himself, then Azrael and then points at Cobra, suggesting that the two work together to take her out. Azrael nods his head in agreement and then charges at Cobra.

A shocked Shelby steps backwards but it’s too little too late as Azrael hits her with a flying knee. She stumbles backwards right into Cain who then takes the opportunity to hit Cobra in the back with a double axe chop which then sends Cobra stumbling forward like a piñata. Azrael rushes Cobra and hits her with a clothes line. He turns to Jeeie-ica who was waiting impatiently in her corner and smashes her in the face with an elbow. He then grabs the half conscious Shelby Cobra and throws her out of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “Azrael is on fire right now.”

You know when he wasn’t on fire Joey? Last week when I kicked his ass. VICTORYFOREVER”

JOEY STYLES: “Glad to see you aren’t letting that title go to your head.”

Azrael turns and walks over to the corner and tags his partner Enigma, and then walks back to his corner.

Meanwhile Duke is on the outside, near the girl’s corner. He grabs the downed Shelby Cobra, helps her to her feet, and throws her back into the ring.

JOEY STYLES: “Shelby better pray to God she gets tagged in soon or this match may be over before it even begins.”

Enigma walks up to her, and then starts stomping her repeatedly in the face. He then helps her to her feet, and snaps a DDT. He then covers her…



Broken up by Cain.

JOEY STYLES: “Broken up by the Inhuman War Machine Cain with a kick to the side of Enigma.”

Enigma then gets up and stares down Cain. Cain looks over to his corner and sees Peter Gilmour pointing to various women in the crowd and yelling “Suck My Dick.” He then walks over to his partner and slaps him on the back.

Get him Gilmour!

Peter turns around completely unaware of what just happened and as he does Enigma grabs Gilmour by the throat and yanks him over the top rope and tosses him into the ring.

Peter gets up but it doesn’t matter as Enigma puts Gilmour back down with a power bomb and then goes for the pin…


Shelby Cobra crawls over to her corner and in a last ditch effort reaches out and tags Diaz.


Broken up by Diaz with a kick to Enigma’s head. Enigma snaps his head around just in time to catch a boot to the face from a sprightly Diaz. With Enigma down Diaz pulls Gilmour to his feet, she then runs towards the ropes, propels herself off and hits Gilmour with a running bulldog and then hooks the leg...




Enigma returns the favor a boot to Diaz’s head. He picks her up and sends him into his corner, he then picks up Gilmour and sends him into the same corner where he smashes into Diaz.

Cain tags Peter on the shoulder while Enigma steps back a foot and tags in his brother. Enigma then launches himself across the ring taking out both Gilmour and Diaz with a splash before rolling out of the ring and walking back over to his corner.

JOEY STYLES: “I am curious to see what happens here. Cain and Duke have shown a mutual respect for each other these last few weeks.”

”Kick his ass Cain!

Random fan: “Get him CAIN!!!”

Suddenly and completely out of no where Morbid Angle turns around and sees that the random fan behind him screaming for Cain is wearing a Griffin MacAlister t-shirt. Morbid gets up and throws a massive haymaker at the guys face. The man drops to the ground like a bag of rocks as the fans around him all look on in horror.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell was that?’

Just doing a little spring cleaning Joey boy.”

JOEY STYLES: “But it’s July.”

Better late than never is what my mom always said. That fucking whore.

JOEY STYLES “Anyway back to the ring we have Duke and Cain standing a few feet from each other. Gilmour is rolling out of the ring and Diaz is trying to make it over to her partner for a tag.

Cain and Duke meets in the center of the ring. The two bump fists and then look up.

Was that a fist bump? Who fist bumps anymore?

JOEY STYLES: “They do apparently.”

”We’ll see about that.

With that Morbid Angel gets up from his seat at the announcers table, puts the Universal Title over his shoulder and then walks up the ring steps and stands on the ring apron.

Hey , fist bumping is for . Are you two a couple of ?

Duke and Cain turn their heads in unison at Morbid Angel. But before they could respond Peter Gilmour walks over and pulls Morbid down from the apron and starts screaming at him about not helping his teammates. Morbid apologizes and then offers his hand in friendship. Gilmour reaches out and accepts the handshake. Gilmour turns around and heads back to the ring…


Mobrid Angel just destroyed Gilmour with a shot to the head courtesy of the Universal Title. Morbid then spits on a downed Peter Gilmour and then walks to the back.

JOEY STYLES: “Well…here we are.”

Cain pushes Duke, Duke pushes back, then Cain tries to punch him, but Duke blocks and then knees him. Cain bends over, Duke grabs him and snaps an inverted DDT. He gets up, helps Cain back to his feet, and then snaps a vertical suplex. He goes for the cover.



From nowhere the little engine that could Olive Pendershore breaks the cover with a flying forearm to the head of Sebastian Duke.

She then gets up and runs at Azrael who has gotten into the ring, and spears him. Diaz comes flying from the top rope and hits Azrael with a super kick before getting up and running at Peter and hits him with a flying clothes line.

Shelby Cobra joins her team mates in the ring, and they clear the ring of Cain, Duke and Azrael as they stand there in a Charlie Angel's type pose. The crowd goes wild.

Then all hell breaks loose as everyone enters the ring. Cain, Duke, Gilmour, Azrael, Enigma.

JOEY STYLES: “Shit just got real.”

The the referee is trying to restore order, Cain sneaks up behind Duke, and as they're the legal men in the ring, he snaps a neck breaker, and goes for the cover...


Broken up by Enigma who then hits Cain with The Riddle(Spinebuster) and goes for a pin of his own…



Broken up by Gilmour who then goes for a KILLSWITCH on Enigma but before he can follow up the GTS into an RKO, Jessica Diaz springs to life with a kick to Gilmour’s knee and then a roundhouse kick.

JOEY STYLES: “This is complete Anarchy.”

The ref is still trying to sort out what is going on. Gilmour rolls out of the ring as does Enigma. The ref is shoving Azrael back out of the ring while pointing at Diaz and telling her to get out of the ring. Shelby Cobra is laying on her back in the middle of the ring, no idea what even happened to her amongst the chaos.

That leaves Sebastian Duke, Cain and Olive Pendershore in the center of the ring. Pendershore makes the first move with a diving cross body block to Cain. She quickly gets up and spins around and goes right at the much bigger Sebastian Duke. She baseball slides between his legs and before he can even turn around she drops him with a neckbreaker. The move seems to do little to phase Sebastian Duke as he gets right back to his feet. Pendershore backs up for a second and then goes for a kick to the face but turns it into an inverted stomp facebreaker also known as Face The Pain.

Olive goes for the pin on Sebastian Duke…



BROKEN UP by Peter Gilmour who just received a tag from Cain.

Gilmour picks up Sebastian Duke and goes for a yakuza kick but Duke catches it….


JOEY STYLES: “Out of no where Duke beheads Gilmour with a Soul Shot!!’

Duke hooks the leg for the cover…




JOEY STYLES: “Incredible!!”

Peter Gilmour kicks out of the Soul Shot. Duke pulls Gilmour up to his feet but before Duke could get in there and follow up Olive shoves Gilmour in the back. Gilmour stumbles into Duke. Duke punches Gilmour in the head and then sets his sights on Olive but Pendershore is too quick for him and she catches Duke with a Hurricanrana and goes right into a pin…




Sebastian Duke gets his shoulder up. Olive starts to get up but Gilmour hits her with a Yakuza Kick, quickly lifts her relatively light body up and then hits her with a Samoan Drop. He then charges at Duke who is back up to his feet and hits him with the END GAME!!

Gilmour for the cover…

JOEY STYLES: “This is it!!!




Enigma comes flying onto the scene and catches Gilmour with an elbow to the back of the head. The ref quickly moves in and yells for Enigma to get out of the ring. Enigma stares Gilmour down for a second and then does as the ref asks. On the outside of the ring Azrael has walked over to Jessie-ice Diaz and pulls her down from the ring apron and tosses her into the barricade.

Duke gets back up to his feet. As does Pendershore and Gilmour turns around and reaches towards the outstretched hand of Peter Gilmour to tag Cain. Cain looks at Sebastian Duke and then pulls his hand away leaving Gilmour confused and pretty much fucked as Morbid has already abandoned them. On the opposite side of the ring Pendershore is able to make contact with Cobra in a last ditch effort and the two slap hands. Cobra quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off…


JOEY STYLES: “HOLY SHIT!!! How did Duke even see her coming?”

Sebastian Duke caught Shelby Cobra in mid air and choke slammed her to hell.

He then crosses Cobra’s arms and goes for the cover…


Gilmour is turning around to see the pin going on…


Gilmour reaches out and tries to yank Cobra out from under Duke but Enigma comes flying onto the scene and clotheslines Gilmour…

Pendershore is climbing back into the ring and frantically trying to break up the pin.


Winner and NEW XWF Trios Champions: Sebastian Duke, Azrael Erebus, Enigma

JOEY STYLES: "That's it. That's all she wrote. The team of Duke, Erebus and Enigma are walking out of here with some new hardware. Each team gave it their all despite some serious handicaps. Join us next week for a special Tuesday Night edition of Madness in which the Television and X-treme titles will be on the line.

Big Thank You To:
Morbid Angel
Frodo Smackins
Eli James
Mark Flynn
Archie Lawson
John Madison
and all of you who roleplayed for the event.

The card for next week's show will go up later today. Please check the Madness Boards for it. Also be on the lookout for an exciting announcement regarding the next XWF Pay Per View. The announcement will be made on the OOC boards. .

Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Socrates - 07-30-2014

Congratulations, one and all!

Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Morbid Angel - 07-30-2014


Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-30-2014

congrats to team duke.. shine them belts up for me, morbid and CAIN.. WE COMING FOR YOU NIGGA er !

Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Sebastian Duke - 07-30-2014

Gilmour, you got nothing. You never did and what's more is, you never will. I'm better than you on every single level.

RE: Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 07-30-2014

"Man, did you see where Gilly and Cain struggled to take on the Mafia Men? When I destroyed them with ease. Sea Bass Tin Dyke would have done it with his clunge sewn shut."

RE: Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-30-2014

(07-30-2014, 01:36 PM)Sebastian Duke Said: Gilmour, you got nothing. You never did and what's more is, you never will. I'm better than you on every single level.

says the guy who only beat me once! BRING IT!

Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-30-2014


Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - John Msdison 2.Faggot - 08-01-2014

you tell that filthy pot head, peter!

Monday Night Madness 07-28-14 (Champions Are Crowned) - Peter Fn Gilmour - 08-01-2014

I just did