X-treme Wrestling Federation
Sssssh - Printable Version

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Sssssh - Mastermind - 07-16-2014

Mark Flynn is about to head to Thursday Night Warfare, when suddenly gas comes from nowhere.

He can't escape it, and he collapses to the ground. From out of no where Mastermind walks up to him.

"Rock a bye baby on the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock."

Mastermind covers Flynn



RE: Sssssh - MarkFlynn - 07-16-2014

THRE-NO! Flynn just barely kicks out!

Mastermind tries to dive back on top of him, surely the gas must be knocking him out, just as Flynn reaches into the back of his tights...

And pulls out a giant piece of posterboard, confounding Mastermind! It bends around his face, just blocking the gas from reaching his nasal passages...

"Just some stats, I thought I'd throw them your way."

Flynn flips the first chart forward.

"This is how close I am to getting another title shot from holding the X-Treme title."


Mastermind rips the chart out of his hands... Exposing him t-

NO! He instead has revealed another chart behind it! Flynn is still safe.

"This is how close I am to earning a 24/7 Briefcase."


Mastermind pulls that one away! And yet there's another in its place!!!

"This is how likely you are at any point this month of winning the X-Treme Title.


Mastermind furiously yanks that one away!

Another still!

"This is how many times you've actually tried to pin me and failed."

11 times!

Mastermind pulls the sign away!

Just as Flynn kips up and catches him with an elbow across the skull.

Mastermind lays on the ground unconscious.

"And That's how you knock out a less intelligent mind."

Flynn smiles and turns to the camera, twisting the gas cannister closed.

"This kick-out is brought to you by Devry University's Mathematics program. Mastermind, if your career is centered around taking this belt away from me... Maybe it's time you thought about furthering your education and pursuing other lines of work."


RE: Sssssh - Mastermind - 07-16-2014

Mastermind holds up a sign: