X-treme Wrestling Federation
My 1st Taste of "Victory" RP #1 - Printable Version

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My 1st Taste of "Victory" RP #1 - Percy Gains - 06-27-2014

June 27, 2014 8:06 AM - Percy's Condo

The sound of Percy's alarm clock comes on and Ice Cube's "Today was a Good Day" is playing for about thirty seconds. Percy grabs and smack the snooze button, like a pimp smack one of his hoes, then comes the yawning and stretching. He realize he's late with an interview with Steve Sayors at 8 o'clock but didn't really care too much about it. As he slowly open his eyes back he notice a glare on the shine of his closet door, Percy grabs his forty caliber smith and wesson pistol from under his pillow then quickly turns aiming it at the person that sat in a chair besides his bed.

Whoa..whoa...whoa big guy it's me Steve Sayors

Sweating and breathing heavily as he identify himself before death.

What the hell you stupid motherfucker! How the fuck you get in hear? Creepy son of a bitch!!

Percy scolds Steve into a stage of pitiful like he was caught by his dad masturbating at the age of twenty-six. Steve seems to be choked up on Percy words.

Ayo Steve I'm sorry but you don't do shit like that and that's a no no plus you can die that way ok?

Ok but I ju.........

I know, I know you want an interview with the "realest off the porch" PG-13, now how the hell you get in here?

Your girl.....

Hold up I don't one of those...more like a profitable investments, get it? She's probably the hottest you ever laid your beanie eyes on, huh? Since I know what you here for so let me wash my dick off and get situated Steve.

Okay, not a problem Mr. Gains

20 Minutes Later

Percy walks in the living room in an all white linen outfit with brown sandals and cartier glasses. He sits across from Steve placing his hands on his knee helping his posture while making a deep sigh. Steve and the camera man looks lost as Percy comes out in a different kind of attire. Percy looks back with a serious face, as the cameras start rolling.

Questions please....well I'm only going to do two. I do have more money to make and you don't wanna get between me and my money, right?

Steve nods like an obeyed puppy.

Ok, Mr Gains how does it feel to be in the XWF?

Can you ask me that again next week but I'll answer partial. Yea I'm the "New Blood", "Little Gunslinger", "Young Grasshopper" or whatever those guys wanna say about me. Those are just only fucking titles that's only temporary just like these belt titles are temporary, I wanna build a legacy of "Victories" and great fights. Next question I'm pressed for time.

Did you watch the promo last night from Victor of the Mafia Men?

That explains of me falling asleep early because that shit was hot garbage on a July afternoon in southern Georgia, just sad. For the nerve of this fool to say, "For your sake don't turn up. That's all I'm going to waste on you for now." Yea, you don't know nothing about me but where I'm from " Murder Capitol Chiraq" the turn up is "real". I don't know shit about you except your first lost next Wednesday for you and your outback, down under, kangaroo jack ass.

That's Australia, he's from New Zealand and that wasn't a good insult.

Well dammit same shit hole and I didn't know there was enough population to make a mafia let alone men. And bitch I'll smack the dog shit out of you! Nobody asked for your feedback. I got my point across for now. Now I got business to tend to before my adrenaline kicks in.

Scenes Fade as PG-13 walks away