X-treme Wrestling Federation
Important: Peter Gilmo' you are required - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Important: Peter Gilmo' you are required (/showthread.php?tid=12703)

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Mr. XWF - 06-03-2014

Aight home boy I gave your request some serious thought but you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU SAY YOU WANT TO TEAM WITH ME FOR THE BELTS BUT I THINK I NEED TO HEAR IT FROM YOU IN PERSON! THAT'S RIGHT I AM REQUESTING TO KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO BE AT WARFARE TOMORROW NIGHT, BECAUSE IF YOU ARE......................... I want to meet with you. For the love of christ if you want this big ol' dick by your side again like ol' times YOU WILL BE THERE TOMORROW! What say you? If you aren't there I will Rock Bottom you through literally 25 tables the next night I am in the same building as you AND........ YOU.........................KNOW the doctor doesn't play when it comes to his wood.

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Peter Fn Gilmour - 06-03-2014

I'll be there but if u try to do anything like u did in the past I'll do to u what ramsay did to theon lovejoy!!! No dick!!

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Ozymandias - 06-03-2014

Not sure if you are trying to make a joke or not, if you are, cool, if not, it's Theon Greyjoy.

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Peter Fn Gilmour - 06-03-2014

That's who I meant

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Mr. XWF - 06-03-2014

I will see you there. And there will be dick. YOU CANT EXPECT ME TO CUT IT OFF JUST BECAUSE I AM MEETING WITH YOU RIGHT? IF I AM THERE..........MY COCK IS THERE! Agreed?

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Gilmour Classic - 06-03-2014

I take it ur looking for the real peter gilmour

the one whos good

ok, ill be there mr. xwf

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Mr. XWF - 06-03-2014

I don't even know what da fucks goin on with you SO HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH BE THERE! DONE!

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Gilmour Classic - 06-03-2014

u dont want him there trust me

he admitted to having sex with maria

maria has aids and shes fat

we dont want aids on our team

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Mr. XWF - 06-03-2014

You know I be fuckin her left and right too right bro? You know she pays me for it too right ho? Thought so! I AM THE CURE.........I AM THE PEOPLE'S COCK.........I CAN NOT WITHER, I CAN NOT FALL, AND I CAN NOT CATCH AIDS EVEN IF IT'S FROM ALLLLLLLLLL A YALL! I bet every last one of you fucks got that shizzit except for me!

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Peter Fn Gilmour - 06-03-2014

I'll be there to end fake gilmour/kevin steen

Peter Gilmo' you are required - The Gilmour Army - 06-03-2014

We will stand with you, ready to vanquish your enemies Peter.

Peter Gilmo' you are required - Peter Fn Gilmour - 06-03-2014

shut up loser