Wednesday Night Warfare (3/6/13) - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation ( +-- Forum: Warfare Boards ( +--- Forum: Warfare Results ( +--- Thread: Wednesday Night Warfare (3/6/13) (/showthread.php?tid=1257) |
Wednesday Night Warfare (3/6/13) - Wallace Witasick - 03-06-2013 Wednesday Night Warfare
3/6/13 The Night of the Painkiller! Standing in a hallway waiting for Warfare general manager Wallace Witasick to exit his office is Steve Sayors holding a microphone. The slick hair and the chiseled jaw of the multi billionaire Wallace Witasick slithers out from his office as he's greeted promptly with an interview. Wallace Witasick: "Well, well, well, come to interview the money bag fueling show first thing, eh Mr. Sayors? Steve Sayors: "Why have you dubbed tonight 'The night of the Painkiller?' What exactly is your motives?" Wallace Witasick: "Tonight I'm expecting each and every one of my stars to come out here and deliver a performance worthy of killing the pain the XWF fans must have had to endure while watching Saturday Nights pathetic show. Therefore, this is the night of the PAINKILLER!" Wallace walks looking excited and anxious to start tonight's show. Steve walks away as the first match is about to begin. 'The Paladin' Chris Hartt
- vs - World-1 International - vs - Martin O'Connor Triple Threat -- One Fall The bell sounds as Martin O’Connor, World 1-International and Chris Hartt eyes dart back and forth from one another warily. Utilizing his speed, World 1-International strikes, landing a dropkick to the chest of O’Connor…actually pressing off O’Connor’s chest into the strangest springboard moonsault I’ve ever seen, right onto Chris Hartt! World 1-International slides of Hart as O’Connor dashes in to break up the pin…he just climbed that turnbuckle like a squirrel scrambling up a tree...and he’s off with a somersault into a hurricanrana to the Olympic gold medalist…sending him crashing directly into Christ Hartt!t Right now, World 1-International is simply dominating this early going with his preternatural speed and agility…the two bigger men just can’t seem to find their bearings yet…World 1-International off the ropes, Hart and O’Connor are waiting for him with a double clothesline, but the speedster uses their arms like a monkey bar, skinning the cat, landing on his feet and nailing a flying double clothesline! O’Connor is up, and the original Captain America is fighting mad! O’Connor with the single leg on World 1… The Olympic Warrior going to try and channel is storied amateur background to take this to the mat, where his strengths lie…but World 1 has other ideas, dropping O’Connor with an Enziguri to the back of the head! Chris Hartt interjects himself with a waist-lock to World 1, over into a German suplex…but World 1 somersaults out…leaps into a flying bulldog on Chris Hartt…but the Paladin has him scouted…and finally grounds him with a back suplex! Hartt pulls the Japanese Canadian grappler up to his feet and takes him back down with a Russian leg-sweep…not bothering with a cover, takes him back up and over with a T-Bone suplex! World 1, the smaller man, is writhing on the ground, stunned from the impact. O’Connor, groggy from the Enziguri, is getting to his feet, Hartt apparently decides that three is not a company and clotheslines the Olympic gold medalist over the top rope, and to the outside… Hartt whirls around and floors World 1 with a clothesline just as the Japanese jumping bean was coming at him…great instincts by Hart…who now applies a figure-four in the middle of the ring, pursuing the very sound strategy of taking away the aerialists legs, pinning the bird’s wings, so to speak. The hold is on tight…this actually might do more than ground World 1…this might be the end of the match, right here and now…he can’t escape the hold…Hartt’s too strong, too technical…the agony is written all over World 1-International’s face…he’s got no quick in him but there’s no way out of this…he’s raising his hand up…is he ready to tap? O’Connor! O’Connor! O’Connor with the leg-drop across the throat of World 1-International…I suppose O’Connor’s strategy there was to prevent the tap and at the same time ensure that he’s only got one opponent to deal with for the time being…he’s down in his amateur wrestling stance and he’s waving Hartt on…challenging Hartt to test his technical know-how against the man that went to Athens at took home Gold at the end of the millennium…and Hartt…Hartt is game! He ties up, collar and elbow with O’Connor, O’Connor with the duck under to the waist-lock…Hartt quick to apply the double wrist-lock, however, to those powerful arms…prying O’Connor’s grip apart…applying pressure and now parlaying that hold into a hammer-lock and coming around with the crossface…he’s got in him The Avenger! Hartt has Martin O’Connor in The Avenger! O’Connor is fading fast! World 1-International is on the top rope now, he’s gonna fly…Hartt drops O’Connor and meets World 1 with a Superkick! Landed with pinpoint accuracy…Hartt’s going for the cover on O'Connor!!… 1…. 2…. 3….it is all over, Chris Hartt has beaten a Gold medalist and a lightning quick high-flier to take home the win before this capacity crowd! Slamming the fans AGAIN! Pendulum – Slam blast over the loud speakers and Chris Macbeth walks out onto the entrance ramp and down to the ring. He asks for a mic from the announcer and waits for the mixed reaction from the crowed to die down. CM: Hello all of you great XWF fans. This produced some cheers from the packed out Indianapolis crowed. Macbeth looks around soaking in the atmosphere from the RCA Dome. CM: So here we are, The RCA Dome, former home of the Indianapolis Colts. The crowed erupt into cheers after the name of the beloved Colts being mentioned. Macbeth looks over to section of the crowd on the front row. CM: I see we have some of your Indianapolis Colts here tonight. The crowed erupt again. CM: Who have we got down here.. There’s Offensive Linemen Justin Anderson and Anthony Castonzo, Quarter Back Andrew Luck and Tight End Dwayane Allen. The crowed give out a loud cheer every time Macbeth mentioned one of there heroes.. CM: It’s great to have you guys here tonight. The football players nod in agreement that it is great for them to be here. CM: You know I am from the UK originally so… honestly I'm not massively into this American football you guys play, but I am trying. I'm trying to understand it now I am over here permanently. “Some cheers from the crowd there, I really think Macbeth is winning the XWF Fans over.” “Are you surprised bigging up there Colts like he has tonight. Smart move if you ask me.” CM: So anyway, I heard you Colts were coming in tonight so I fired up my Apple Mac at home got on my internet to do some research on you guys. I mean I didn't want to be come here unprepared. I had one issue though. I couldn't find the Indianapolis Colts website. Macbeth puts a confused and puzzled look over his face. CM: I thought this is odd. A professional NFL team has no website. I thought everyone has a website nowadays, hell even the buffoon I beat last week has his own website, Crimson Cobra who I am going to take to the cleaners later has his own website. Why have the Indianapolis Colts not got their own website? “I don’t know what Macbeth is talking about here”. CM: Then it dawn on me… Your Indianapolis Colt’s won’t have a website will they… I mean of course they won’t have a website how could they have a website when they can’t string three W’s together. Macbeth smiles and the crowd erupts into a chorus of boo’s and the Colts players waving there arms at Macbeth as if to say to get off. Macbeth just continues to smile as he drops the mic and heads backstage with Pendulum – Slam playing of the P.A system. “Macbeth really knows how to wind these crowds up” “Yeah last week it was the XWF’s great Canadian fans now it’s these here great fans.” “And he doesn't care” “No he doesn't, not one bit, we’ll see him later tonight in a match with Crimson Cobra.” Macbeth is just about at the top of the ramp when there is an explosion of pyrotechnics and Danzig – Thirteen can be heard over the P.A system and the number 13 is shown on the X-Tron. Macbeth has froze on the spot looking up at the screen with some confusion before there is another blast of pyrotechnics and the screen fades to black and the arena lights come on. “What the hell was that?” Macbeth looks around the arena confused before gingerly heading backstage. "I don't know what that was all about." KnightMask
- vs - Arnaud Chevallier Standard Rules Arnaud Chevailler swaggers to the ring, his nose in the air. Briques’ ‘Les cautionneurs’ plays through the PA system, seeming to incite the partisan crowd, who is more than familiar by this point with Chevailler’s anti-American statements. A few fans desperately reach out to high five or at least touch Chevailler, but he shrinks from them with disgust. As Chevailler arrives in the ring, he takes the microphone from the announcer, apparently intent upon addressing the capacity crowd. However, he’s cut off as the lights dim and Stryper's ominous instrumental, 'Abyss', plays on the PA system. At the top of the ramp, KnightMask lays crouched in prayer. As ‘Abyss’ segues into 'To Hell with the Devil' the masked grappler charges the ring, carrying his momentum into a leap that spans carries him to a hard, feet-first landing on the ring apron. He doesn't stay for long though--Arnaud wastes no time in knocking to the floor with an elbow to the face. Apparently the French superstar is not one to wait for the bell. KnightMask, caught off balance by the attack, seems to have landed directly on his head. He's not moving, ladies and gentleman! The referee is stepping out to check his condition, while Arnaud scales the top-rope...and lands on the prone KnightMask of his specialties...the Frog Splash! Arnaud's Frog Splash is devastating enough in the middle of the ring...but taking it on the concrete...not to mention after you've just had a bad spill like KnightMask just just don't get up and walk away from something like that. The referee is trying to pull Arnaud off of KnightMask and we still haven't had even had a chance to get the bell rung to star this thing off in the proper way, if that's really what needs to be done at this point. Arnaud takes KnightMask up...and...piledriver onto the floor! KnightMask is down and totally limp, near lifeless on the outside. Arnaud seems distracted...he's looking at that fan in the front row, with the American flag...Arnaud apparently doesn't have much use for it...but I don't think the fan cares too much about that! Arnaud is trying to grab Old Glory away from the fan... The fan isn't giving it up though! They're struggling over the flag…Arnaud spits in his face and slaps him! The referee is yelling at Arnaud, Arnaud spits on the referee as well! The fan just slapped Arnaud right back...! Arnaud's seething...Holy Toledo! Arnaud just knocked out a member of the audience....right on national television...that...that wretched excuse for a human being actually knocked out an audience member...the referee is yelling at Arnaud, but right now it seems to be so much hot air. He’s letting the Frenchman do whatever he wants, short of taking out a gun and shooting somebody. Arnaud rolls KnightMask into the ring and finally the bell is rung to signal the start of this bout! Arnaud dragging the unconscious KnightMask to the middle of the ring…he lays him there…and climbs up the turnbuckle, slowly, leisurely, all the while staring daggers into the audience members. “Vive le France!” he declares as he finally reaches the summit for another Frog Splash…after he hits this, it’s all academic…KnightMask somehow, some way rolls aside at the last second! Arnaud’s Frog Splash is perfect form, but he hits nothing but empty canvas! Both men down and out in the middle of the ring…we’ve got the referee administering a count now... 1…. 2….. Arnaud is up…he’s dragging KnightMask to his feet…scissors takedown by KnightMask! Out of nowhere! KnightMask has got Arnaud’s feet entangled in what he calls the Gordian Leg-Knot...which, if it lives up to his name, means that unless we’ve got a French Houdini in front of us, Arnaud’s legs are trapped and at the mercy of KnightMask’s leg-submissions! KnightMask is applying a heel-hook to Arnaud…this is a very, very dangerous hold, folks…originally popularized in New Japan Professional Wrestling in the 70’s…long story short, it will shred the ligaments in your knee apart in a very, very short amount of time…Arnaud is crying out…he’s screaming about his knee…it looks like now its Arnaud that’s seriously hurt…KnightMask quickly relinquishes the hold…Arnaud is writhing on the ground, it looks like the referee is going to call in the medics…KnightMask can barely stand himself, but he’s offering Arnaud a hand up…Arnaud takes it…and nails KnightMask with a low-blow that would make Andrew Golota blush! KnightMask doubles over, practically feeding his head to Arnaud for the DDT…wait, KnightMask lifts Arnaud, bridges over into a Northern Lights Suplex…skips the pin, floats over into a double wrist-lock, or Kimura if you prefer, into a short-arm scissor submission! Shades of the late, great Lou Thesz! Arnaud’s got a foot on the ropes…the holds being broken up…KnightMask still slow to get to his feet, still fighting those tremendous cobwebs from earlier…Arnaud back on the attack now pounding him with what look to be closed fists to the head…ref is letting it go…Irish-whip takes KnightMask into and off the ropes…KnightMask comes off, spinning like a break dancer right into another heel-hook attempt on Chevailler! He’s got the hold on, but he’s unable to trip the Frenchman down to the canvas. Excellent balance by Chevailler! Now…he’s stacking KnightMask up, right onto his shoulders, even as KnightMask applies pressure to the hold… The referee is counting…KnightMask has exactly three seconds to make Arnaud tap! 1….Arnaud is grimacing… 2… ... .... Tap... Tap... Tap... and it looks like the Frenchman is giving up like usual. Knightmask with another significant victory to add as he continues to roll on with his second win here on WARFARE! Winner: KnightMask Crimson Cobra
- vs - Chris MacBeth Standard Rules “Click Click Boom!” echoes through the arena as Crimson Cobra makes his way out from the back. He walks out sporting the Crimson Crest clothing, red, red, and more red. Cobra walks out onto the stage where he stands for a moment holding his 24/7 FTW UFO championship. He lifts it over his should which re-adjusts it and makes his way down to the ring. Ring Announcer: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring from Aurora, Colorado! CRIMSON COOOOOOBRRAAA! Cobra is making his way down the entrance ramp holding his arm out to the fans. He gets down to the steel steps where he bounces on his feet warming up his legs for the match. He darts up the steps and makes his way across the ring apron. Cobra rises his arms the calling sign for the Red Fang is risen into the air and the crowd screams with cheers. Ring Announcer: And now entering the ring the opponent…. CHHHHRRRRRIIIIIISSSSS MACBEEEETTTHHHH! “Slam” plays over the X-tron now. The arena lights go out for about 30 seconds, there is an explosion of light as some pyrotechnics explode at the top of the stage. Chris Macbeth walks out and soaks up the atmosphere from the packed crowd, before continuing his walk to the ring. Chris is starting to walk along the edges of the barricade being known now in XWF and enjoying it quite a bit. The two men now center ring are staring each other down. An intense battle of the minds is going down and neither man is ready to break. Chris takes a small step towards Cobra who then follows. The two get almost nose to nose and the crowd is going absolutely wild! Chris makes the first move, locking up with Cobra, a real test of strength going on now. Chris is able to get the upper hand with a little help from a kick to the mid-section of Crimson Cobra. Cobra is bent over and Chris grabs the back of his head and jumps! BULLDOG! Connects sending Cobra face first into the mat. Chris right back up to his feet as is Cobra the men’s speed is nearly matched. Chris grabs the arm of Crimson and sends him running to the ropes. Duck! Crimson goes running to the other side as he barely got away from that clothesline attempt. Headed right for Macbeth! Dodged! Macbeth leaps over Crimson who was going for a running shoulder check. Crimson still running bounces off the ropes again and this time has Macbeth’s back, Cobra jumps up to his shoulders, spins into a power bomb position and flies backwards! Hurricanranna connects beautiful showing the speed and agility of Crimson Cobra. Macbeth right back to his feet along with Cobra this match is starting to get good. Macbeth leaps into the air! Drop kick! Cobra’s chest is bright red after the boots of Macbeth were slammed across it. Cobra is now holding his chest trying to recover in the corner. Macbeth makes his way over and climbs up to the second rope, he lifts his right hand into the air and begins to drop the hammer onto Cobra’s face. The crowd is chanting along with the punches. ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! FOUR!!! FIVE!!! SIX!!! SEVEN!!! EIGHT!!!! NINE!!!!! Macbeth takes a break before hitting the tenth shot on the forehead of Crimson Cobra, Chris rises his arm to the air this time taunting Cobra and finally goes for that last shot. NO! Cobra blocks it, Cobra begins to punch back! The two are going punch for punch and the fans are still counting along. They go on until they get to nineteen! TWENTY!!!! Macbeth back in control hits Cobra with a powerful right dropping him to his butt, now sitting in the corner. Chris pulls Cobra to his feet by his hair, he then lifts him and flips him upside down placing him in the tree of woe. Chris puts his boot to the neck of Cobra and begins to pull on the ropes choking him. The referee is yelling at Chris now telling him to stop the illegal maneuver, but he doesn’t listen so the ref begins the count. ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! FOUR!!! Close call but Macbeth backs off and walks to the other side of the ring where the referee is, now Macbeth yelling at the ref intimidating him and almost forgetting about the match. The crowd is giving a small bit of boos to the evil intentions of Macbeth but he still has his fans out there that are trying to start a “Mac-Beth!” Mac-Beth!” chant. Cobra able to capitalize on not being attacked makes his way to the top rope and the crowd is waiting in anticipation to see how the two high flyers will react both being very agile in the air. Macbeth finally turns to see Crimson on the top rope! Both bodies slam to the mat! What did we just witness?! Crimson Cobra went for a cross body but at the same moment Chris jumped at Cobra for the same move! Both men are down and crawling away from each other. Chris getting to his feet first turns and sees Cobra on one knee grabbing the rope to get up. Both men now looking at each other go out in a full on sprint and swing an arm out. OUCH! A double clothesline sends both competitors right back down to the mat, this time both are able to pop up. Cobra quickly moves in on the situation and grabs Chris by the arm sending him towards the ropes. Crimson Cobra standing in the middle of the ring lifts Chris into the air and sends him crashing down to the mat as he flips him over his own back. Chris lands hard hitting his lower back and arches up covering the pained area with one arm. Cobra walks over to him and now lifts him to his feet by his hair. Chris is trying to fight back and only gets up to his knees before attempting to throw punches but Cobra has the higher ground and is able to connect with a punch right to the temple stunning Chris. Cobra runs and bounces off of the ropes! A leg is planted on Macbeth’s body! The other legs knee drives up into his head! Cobra hits a shining wizard! He immediately goes for the pin. ONE!!! Chris already kicking out! There is not stopping these two men, Chris Macbeth showing true resilience kicking out at only a one count! Cobra is up to his feet now stomping Chris in his stomach and chest. Chris is slowly being pushed to the side of the ring. Chris is able to roll out of the ring and rest sitting down escaping the barrage of kicks and stomps. But being a standard match the referee begins the count. ONE! Macbeth is still resting as well as Crimson Cobra who is in the ring. TWO!! Cobra props himself up with the turnbuckle. THREE!!! Chris has rolled over to get to his hands and knees. FOUR!!!! Macbeth looks up noticing that Cobra has no idea where he has gone. Macbeth is able to quickly sneak up the steel steps and hop onto the same turnbuckle as Cobra! Chris Macbeth hops onto Crimson’s shoulders and spins to the same power bomb position Crimson was in on Macbeth’s shoulders. Chris swings his own body down towards the mat hard. SLAM! Crimson Cobra hits the canvas hard! He holds the back of his head where it looks like most of the pain had gone to. Macbeth is able to quickly get to his feet and he walks over to the downed Crimson Cobra. Chris grabs both of the man’s legs and wraps them up into his arms. Chris begins to turn Crimson to make him lay his stomach on the mat but Crimson snaps to and doesn’t want to let Macbeth hit his signature move the Macinator! Macbeth fighting hard! Cobra fighting back! MACBETH HAS IT! Cobra has been locked into the Macinator in the middle of the ring! There is nowhere to run. Crimson Cobra is shouting in agony as his back feels as if it is going to break with all of the pressure! Cobra shakes his head as the ref asks if he wants to give up. Crimson Cobra is going to try as hard as he possibly can to escape the move and get back into a dominant position in this fight. But it seems Macbeth is much too powerful with this hold Crimson can barely move an inch! But he is trying to crawl! He is trying to make his way to the ropes or at least distract Chris and escape the move! Chris arches his own back causing more discomfort for Crimson Cobra! Cobra unable to move again has to lay there and take the punishment. He shouts in misery and slams his head against the mat to try and relieve some pain. Cobra is reaching.... reaching.... Macbeth is fighting to get him back in the ring..... This one might be... NO! Cobra grabs the end of the ropes and MacBeth is forced to release the hold. MacBeth can't believe it as his first reaction is to get upset with himself and slapping the anger straight off his face. He sees Cobra stirring on the ground and decides to take advantage while he still has the upper hand in the fight. Pummels him in the face a few times before tossing him into the ropes. Cobra comes back flying but ducks the clothesline... Ducks another clothesline after flying off the ropes gaining speed and momentum. This time he connects.. FLYING ELBOW TO THE FACE of MacBeth. Wasting no time he chases after MacBeth and sits next to him on the mat locks in a cobra clutch and then does a bridge using his own neck and legs to support it and stretches out the torso and neck of the opponent while applying a regular cobra clutch to them. He's locked in the Cobra Cluth!! Can MacBeth get out of this one... reaching.... reaching... Not this time... MacBeth taps and it looks like Crimson Cobra has come away with an impressive victory here over a worthy opponent. The ref signals for the bell and this one is over... Winner: Crimson Cobra Sebastian Duke
- vs - Sweet Cheapshots Standard Rules “Can You Hear Me Now” plays over the X-tron and the lights in the arena go out as smoke starts to overtake the stage. The main guitar kicks in and blue spotlights begin to search the darkened area. Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First entering the ring from Los Angeles, California! SWEET! CHEAPSHOTS!!! The man is now seen on stage but there is something not right about this. There are two men, who is that behind him? SEBASTIAN DUKE! With a powerful axe handle to the back of “the cheap one”. Sebastian is beginning his attack before this match is even started. He pulls Cheapshots by his hair and drags him down to the ring. The referee confused calls for the bell as he is instructed to by Sebastian. Sebastian sends his opponent running to the ropes. The oversized boot of Sebastian Duke is lifted into the air and connects with the head of Sweet Cheapshots. Duke picks the already almost lifeless body up and angels him, a clothesline into the corner. This familiar set up of moves can only mean one thing! A stiff jab to the throat! Sweat Cheapshots then does a backflip landing face first onto the mat after Sebastian Duke connects with Soul Shot! Finally Pandora’s Box is locked in and forces Sweat to tap out if he wants to continue living. The referee calls for the bell and Sebastian Duke stands to his feet. Ring Announcer: YOUR WINNER SEBASTIAN DUUUUUUKKKKEEE!!!! Crimson Deadly
- vs - Owen Crooks Xtreme Rules “Making his way to the ring first, from Wolverhampton, England…” “You Could Easily Have Me” by Metronomy plays as Owen Crooks walks down to the ring empty handed. Remember folks, Crooks said that he wouldn’t touch any weapons in this match despite it being contested under X-Treme Rules. Is that a gutsy or stupid move on his part? “He weighs 230 pounds, please welcome: Owen CROOKS!” “And his opponent…” Saliva - Click Click Boom erupts from the speakers as Crimson Deadly appears from behind the curtain, his arms spread out wide with his fists clenched, he walks a little to the left on the stage and then to the right in the same position, he then lets out a battle cry as he stands in the middle and thrusts his arms to his chest and throws them back out, as the same fireworks blast from both sides of the stage. He then runs down to the ring at full sprint and slides into the ring, quickly getting up and mounting the turnbuckle before putting his arms outward again towards the crowd. “He is from Sheffield, England. He weighs in at 279 pounds. Representing The Crimson Crest, this is Crimson DEADLY!” Deadly steps into the center of the ring to meet with Crooks. The two Englishmen meet for the first time. Deadly talks some trash as he looks down at Crooks. CROOKS SMACKS DEADLY ACROSS HIS FACE! How insulting. Deadly snaps as he begins to unload on Crooks with rights and lefts. Deadly then throws Crooks across the ring with a t-bone suplex. Crooks goes right back up to feet following the impact, and walks right into a back body drop which sends him flying out of the ring. Deadly looks impressive in the early moments of this match as he goes to meet Crooks on the outside. Crooks catches Deadly with his guard down, and hits him with a European uppercut. Deadly staggers back as Crooks follows up with a series of knee strikes. He attempts to perform a suplex on the mat, but Deadly blocks it by interlocking his leg. Deadly then reverses the hold into a side effect. Crooks’ back hit the mat violently on that one. Deadly reaches under the ring where he retrieves a metal trash can which is full of goodies. Deadly pulls out the first item which is an unopened beer can. He pops the can open, takes a swig, and then smashes it over the head of Crooks. The first row of fans gets showered by the splash of the beer. Crooks stumbles back, and drops to one knee. Deadly walks back up to him and looks like he’s about to hit his second T-bone suplex of the night. But Crooks throws some elbows to the side of Deadly’s head. He even removes his elbow pad and hits him again in the temple with his bare elbow. That was enough to shake Deadly off as Crooks readjusts his elbow pad. Still utilizing his elbow, Crooks hammers Deadly into the back of his head with some downward strikes. He throws Deadly over with a butterfly suplex. Crooks slides Deadly back inside the ring. This could be his chance to finish the match. He pins Deadly. 1 2 Deadly kicks out. Crooks Irish whips Deadly into the ropes and catches him with a sleeper hold. He’s going to really slow Deadly down with this hold or worse—knock him out. However, Deadly’s strength is impeccable as he moves forward one step at a time. Crooks begins to notice that Deadly is gaining a lot of ground, and hops up on his back, wrapping his legs around Deadly’s torso. Deadly doesn’t stop, he’s still making his way towards the rope. He finally does, and he launches himself and Crooks over the top rope! Both men are down on the outside now as Deadly made that desperation move. Both men recover at the same time. Crooks hits Deadly with a European uppercut… Deadly retaliates by spearing Crooks into the guardrail! Deadly doesn’t use a spear often, but this was the perfect moment to bring it into play. Deadly goes back to the trash can of weapons that he brought out earlier. He pulls out wooden plank that is wrapped in barbed wire! Deadly takes the barbed wire board in his hands and looks it over. At that moment, Crooks ducks down and rushes into Deadly, tackling him into the side of the ring. Deadly drops the board as Crooks lays into him with some kicks. He gives Deadly a headbutt, and then gives him a gutwrench suplex onto the padding! Crooks throws Deadly back inside the ring. He rolls himself back in as well, but not before he kicks that sadistic barbed wire board under the ring. Crooks pins Deadly. 1 2 Deadly reaches up and grabs the ropes just in time. Crooks sees Deadly’s outreached arm, and drops his elbow into the center of Deadly’s forearm. Deadly clenches his forearm and rolls around on the canvas. Crooks then takes that same arm, and locks in a Fujiwara armbar. Crooks is pulling up on that arm as he keeps Deadly in place. Deadly is in pain as he yells out loud. Crooks thinks that he might have this in the bag as Deadly isn’t able to move. Deadly lifts his hand as if he’s about to tap… But instead he uses that hand to push himself up off the mat. What incredible strength! Deadly manages to regain his footing, and pushes Crooks away. Crooks goes right back after Deadly, but Deadly uses his good arm to propel Crooks with a back body drop. Crooks shoots right back up to his feet, but Deadly takes him down with a clothesline. Oops, he used his bad arm on that one and hurt himself. Nevertheless, Deadly maintains his momentum and nails Crooks with a spine buster. He pins Crooks with his one good arm. 1 2 Crooks is able to kick out. Deadly didn’t have a very strong pin in place. Deadly points to the outside where the trash can is, and where Crooks kicked the barbed wire board under the ring. He goes to the outside, and approaches the ring apron— Wait a minute! From under the ring! John Madison emerges from under the ring and tackles Deadly. What the hell is this lunatic doing?! John is punching away at Deadly like he’s hitting a punching bag. John backs off of Deadly and measures him up. He looks like he’s going to give Deadly the same shoulder tackle that he used to knock Flo Feder off the stage last month. I think he refers to that shoulder tackle as the “Flo Buster.” John Madison charges after Deadly for the move, but Deadly side steps the attack and throws Madison into the guardrail! But wait—Crooks is now running towards Deadly, but Deadly knocks him down with a roundhouse kick. Deadly now has his sights set on the barbed wire board. He picks it up, and knocks out Crooks out with it. Crooks gets right back up, but Deadly knocks him down again with a running attack with the barbed wire board. Blood is flowing out of Crooks’ forehead now. Deadly throws some punches into the open wound in order to increase the bleeding. Crooks is in a bad way now as Deadly shoves him back into the ring. Deadly is about to reenter the ring when out of nowhere, John Madison runs into him with another spear. Deadly fights back though, punching into John’s back relentlessly. Deadly and John regain their posture simultaneously. Deadly his John across the jaw with a left hook. Madison takes a knee and begin fidgeting around in his cargo pocket. Deadly goes to follow up, but Madison gets him in the eyes with PEPPER SPRAY! Deadly hits the ground instantaneously as the pepper spray burns into his eyes. He kicks the ground in pain and tries to rub the substance off of his eyes. The rubbing only seems to make it worse though as Deadly is completely blinded. John walks away with a bloody lip as he seems satisfied with his attack on Deadly. Crooks drags Deadly into the ring. He’s still bloody as hell, but at least he can see. Deadly gets up to his feet as Crooks stalks him… Deadly is just reaching out with both hands, trying to get a sense of where he’s at while coping with the pain of having pepper spray in his eyes. Like a vulture, Crooks is able to pick apart Deadly. Crooks runs in and takes Deadly out with a Yakuza kick. He then gives him The Elementality (fisherman DDT). He pins Deadly. 1 2 3! Crooks picks up another win here, but he looks like hell right now. Crooks holds his arms up in victory as the blood continues to pour down his face. Sin Gambit
- vs - Benjamin Crane Standard Rules
Out Of Time plays over the PA as Sin Gambit walks down the aisle.
“First; from Sheffield, England; weighing 253 lbs; Sin GAMBIT!” “And his opponent…” Kryptonite plays as Benjamin Crane comes out and looks the crowd over all the way to the ring. He walks up the steps, climbs in, throws off his hood and raises both arms in the air. “From Louisville, Kentucky; weighing 215 lbs; he is “The Monolith” Benjamin CRANE!” The bell sounds as these two cruiserweights go after each other with great speed. Gambit tries for a running crescent kick, but Crane ducks under. Crane catches Gambit across the jaw with a couple of quick jabs. Crane then throws Gambit into the ropes… Crane goes for a superkick to knock Gambits head off, but Gambit ducks that. Gambit tries for a standing leg sweep, but Crane hops over it. Crane then puts both of his feet into Gambit’s face with a basement dropkick. Crane sits right back up and goes for a standing moonsault, but Gambit gets both of his knees up! Gambit is back up and runs off the ropes. He catches Crane with a hurricanrana, and rolls forward with both of Crane’s legs hooked behind him. 1 2 Crane reverses the pin and rolls up Gambit. 1 2 Gambit rolls out of the pin. Gambit jumps on Crane with some mounted punches. But Crane quickly rolls over, and launches Gambit into the corner for a slingshot! But wait—Gambit lands unscathed as he places both feet on the second rope. He props himself up to the top rope, and flies through the air and lands on Crane with a moonsault. He stays on top of Crane, pinning him. 1 2 Crane gets his shoulder up. Gambit sits Crane up on his ass, and begins to deliver some knee strikes to the back. After hitting six strikes, Gambit runs off the ropes and hits Crane in the back of his head with a dropkick. Gambit pins Crane. 1 2 Kick out. Gambit throws some more punches into Crane’s face. He whips him into the ropes, goes for an attack, but Crane ducks it. Crane bounces back off the ropes, and then throws Gambit across the ring with a running headscissors. Crane follows that move up with a shining wizard, but Gambit ducks it. Crane is still able to catch Gambit with multiple knee strikes to the chest. Crane pushes Gambit into the corner, and runs at him for a stinger splash… Gambit moves out of the way though. Crane eats the turnbuckle. Gambit grabs a hold of Crane, runs up the corner, and slams him to the mat with an Acid Drop! Gambit with the cover. 1 2 Crane kicks out just in time. Gambit scoop slams Crane, positioning him at a good distance from the corner. Gambit ascends to the top rope as he looks down at Crane. It looks like he’s about to go for the Double Rotation Moonsault, but Crane gets up to his feet. Crane then shoots himself into the ropes, knocking Gambit off balance causing him to land nuts-first on the turnbuckle. Crane goes up to the top now, and it looks like we could see our second superplex of the night! Crane is about to hit it when Gambit knocks him off target with an uppercut. Gambit follows up with a series of rapid headbutts. Gambit goes for a hurricanrana off the top rope! But Crane counters with a sitout powerbomb! Holy s***! That was basically a top rope powerbomb by Crane. Crane pins Gambit. 1 2 Gambit kicks out again. This Gambit guy can really take a hit. Crane can’t even believe it as he looks down at Gambit. Crane positions himself on the top rope where it looks like he might be going for the shoot star press. CRANE: “FOR ASGAAAARGH!” He executes the move perfectly, but Gambit is able to get both of his knees up in time. Crane ends up landing on both of Gambits knees. That knocks the wind out of him as Gambit recovers. Gambit drops Crane with a falcon arrow, and then goes back up to the top rope. He soars through the air with a Double Rotation Moonsault, and this time he’s successful in landing on top of Crane. He pins Crane. 1 2 3! Sin Gambit has won his debut match. That kid took a lot of punishment towards the end, but somehow managed to come back. [center]WINNER: Sin Gambit MAIN EVENT Peter Gilmour - vs - Mark Flynn Xtreme Rules If Gilmour wins it becomes a Triple Threat w/ Sebastian Duke for the US Title against Flynn at a later date “Making his way to the ring first…” The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits as "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we then hear a loud scream from the lead singer as Rose Smith comes out wearing a very sexy red halter top with black pants. She gives the crowd a sadistic wink of her eye and then we see Peter Gilmour come out in a black vest and black tights with PBK on the sides. Peter grabs Rose's hand and they make their way to the ring. They get in normally and then both get into the center of the ring and flash the "X" symbol as fire emits from the turnbuckles. They then pose for the audience as they wait for Peter's next opponent to come out. “He weighs 265 pounds, and resides from Los Angeles, California: Peter GILMOUR!” “And his opponent…” Eleanour Rigby plays as Mark Flynn walks out in an overblown robe. No expression, no eye contact with opponent, eyes open. “From Battle Creek Michigan, weighing 210 pounds. He’s the United States Champion: Mark FLYNN!” As the two competitors set to square off we notice that quietly coming down the ramp is Angelus, dressed in jeans and his "Kicks 2 Faces" t-shirt. The crowd starts to cheer, and Flynn clocks this and sees red as Angelus takes a seat next to Steve Sayors and Liz Weinberg. The bell rings as Peter Gilmour and Mark Flynn prepare to wrestle. SAYORS: "Joining us right now is the Xtreme Champion Angelus... to what do we owe the pleasure?" ANGELUS: "Well, I saw Flynn out here a few weeks back and figured if someone like him and his ninth grade education could do this why not give it a shot." Mark offers his hand out to Peter. He wants to shake Peter’s hand like an honorable champion. But Peter isn’t falling for Mark’s trickery! He goes after Mark, chasing him out of the ring. Mark looks over his shoulder as he rounds the corner and does a lap around the ring with Peter on his tail. ANGELUS: "Gilmour is going to tire himself out. Last time I saw him run like that there were free bear claws on the catering table." SAYORS: "Certainly a lot of motion in the ocean going on here." Mark back into the ring. Peter follows, and Mark traps him with some stomps to the back. Mark kicks Peter who eventually makes it up to his feet, shaking off the stomps from Mark. Mark kicks Peter into one of the corners, chokes him for a couple of seconds; and then grabs a handful of Peter’s hair and rakes his face across the top rope. Peter has some serious rope burn on his cheek from that move from Flynn. LIZ WEINBERG: "Anj, I have to ask, technically you yourself are a number one contender for the US championship... so is Sebastian Duke and if Gilmour picks up a win here tonight there could be a Triple threat for the US title. What's your response?" ANGELUS: "Let me make it clear to you Liz and to everyone out there. There's only one slot for the number one contender and that belongs to me. I got nothing against Duke or even Gilmour, but they gotta wait their turn." Mark goes back to work on Peter with some kicks to the back of his knees. That puts Peter down on his knees as Mark is able to apply a front face lock. Flynn is really cranking on the neck of Gilmour as he uses the ropes to hold himself in place. This is X-Treme rules so nothing is off limits. Peter sees that he’s in a bad way as Mark chokes him while utilizing the ropes. Peter fights dirty, and gives Mark a taste of his own medicine with a low blow. Peter then reaches under Mark, and throws him over the top rope with a firemans carry! D*** that was a harsh fall for Mark as he smacked his back on the outside padding. ANGELUS: "That looked like it hurt." SAYORS: "Well, Flynn got what he paid for on that one." ANGELUS: "I'd go over and offer a hand, but I just remembered I needed to text someone back." Peter is now standing on top of the ring apron looking down at Mark. He jumps off of the apron, and lands on top of Mark with a leg drop! Holy cow, Peter just dropped that thick leg of his over the throat of Mark on the outside. Peter assists Flynn back inside of the ring, and covers him. 1 2 Flynn kicks out. Mark had trouble breathing from having Peter’s 250 pound mass drop on top of him, but he isn’t done just yet. ANGELUS: "You know I actually have sympathy for Flynn right now. I've had Peter flop down on me. It smells like an egg inside a horse's ass on a hot summer day." LIZ WEINBERG: "Very, uh, astute observation Anj." Peter goes back to work on Mark by squeezing the air out of him with a body scissors. Those gargantuan legs of Peter are squeezing the chest of Mark like an anaconda. Mark bridges himself up and rotates his body so that he can loosen himself from Peter’s grip. With Peter on his back, Mark stands up and runs into the corner. That’s enough to knock Peter off of him as he throws some back elbow strikes. Mark turns around and delivers a series of chops into Gilmours chest. Mark pulls Peter out of the corner and gives him an atomic drop. He then goes up to the second rope, and knocks Peter down to the mat with a swinging dropkick. Mark continues to assault Peter with some stomps. ANGELUS: "I'm starting to understand why the fans boo the crap out of Flynn." SAYORS: "Oh yeah?" ANGELUS: "I have yet to see him do one impressive thing in this match. He just walks around with a look on his face like someone pissed in his cereal and made him eat it." SAYORS: "Well, I don't --" ANGELUS: "Someone tell Corky Gilmour to get his head back in the match or it's going to be a long ride on the short bus back to the hotel." Mark throws Peter into the ropes, and attempts a knee lift, but Peter catches the knee and carries Mark over to the corner. He sits Mark on the top rope, and smacks him across his jaw with a punch. Peter climbs up to the second rope and throws some more punches down into the face of Mark. Peter then pulls himself and Mark up to the top turnbuckle, and jumps off with a SUPERPLEX! Peter pins Mark. 1 2 Mark barely kicks out. ANGELUS: "Dear God, I thought the ring was going to cave in when he did that." Peter goes back to work on Mark with some mounted punches. Peter goes for a falcon arrow, but Mark drops behind him. Mark takes out Peter from below with a chop block. Mark then goes to the outside where he steals a steel chair from the ring announcer. He stops to stare over at Angelus and the crowd starts to chant his name. SAYORS: "Looks like this crowd is very much behind you." ANGELUS: "Yeah, capacity crowd you can tell they're obviously into this match as much I am. Glad this wasn't our Main Event tonight..." Mark goes back into the ring. He swings the chair at Peter, but Peter ducks it. Peter kicks Mark in the stomach, and gives him a Samoan drop. Peter stands up, runs off the ropes, and hits an elbow drop on Mark. He pins Mark. 1 2 Kick out. Peter picks up Mark and gives him an irish whip to the corner. Mark reacts quickly on feet by hopping up to the second rope. He goes for another missile dropkick, but this time Peter side steps the move. Mark’s backside eats the mat as the force bounces him back up to his feet. Peter knocks him back down with a clothesline. Peter pins Mark again 1 2 A kick out by Mark. Peter throws Mark into a rear chin lock. This is his chance to catch his breath while he thinks about his next move. ANGELUS: "Oh my, what a maneuver! Like that Sayors? I could take over this gig for you." SAYORS: "What? Are you saying I'm not doing a good job?" ANGELUS: "No, but Liz has moved her chair to the end of the announce table so I'd take that as meaning something." Peter goes back to work as he lifts Mark up to his feet. He scoops up Mark, gives him a shoulder breaker, lifts him back up, and drops him to the mat with a running power slam! And another pin by Gilmour. 1 2 Mark just barely gets his shoulder up in time. Peter pushes Mark up so that he’s sitting on his ass, and throws some kicks into his back. After five kicks, he runs off the ropes, and charges through Mark with a Yakuza kick. Peter pins Mark again. 1 2 Another kick out! Somehow Mark is hanging in there as Peter dishes out everything he’s got. Everything but one move… ANGELUS: "Man, Gilbo Baggins is looking winded out there." LIZ WEINBERG: "Looks to me like he's holding his own." ANGELUS: "Yeah, because for some reason it looks like Flynn has left his head back in Singapore or wherever it was that he crashed landed." Peter sets Mark up for some type of double underhook move. Could this be the new finisher that Peter told us about? Peter goes for it, but Mark forces his weight down to prevent the move from taking off. Peter loses his grip of Mark’s arms as Mark pushes him back-first into the corner. Mark then delivers a series of shoulder strikes to soften up Peter. Mark picks up the steel chair that was brought into the ring earlier, and SMASH! He smashes it over the skull of Peter Gilmour. Peter is still standing in the corner though… ANGELUS: "Great, a shot like that and now he's not going to remember where he left his Wolves Howling at the Moon t-shirt, which is now available in the XWFShopzone." SAYORS: "C'mon, cut it out." Mark smashes Peter over the head with the chair AGAIN! Peter still doesn’t fall down… This time, Mark gives himself a running head start. He runs with the chair in hand, and smashes it over Peter’s head a third time. Peter finally falls down. ANGELUS: "You'd think with that many shots to the head the man would forget how to tie his boots or dress himself but that's already his current condition." Mark rolls Peter over and pins him. 1 2 Peter gets his foot on the rope! Peter is still alive after three back-to-back chair shots to his head. Mark takes Peter and lays him head-first on the steel chair. He then climbs up to the top rope. He’s gonna try some move off the top rope while Peter’s head is resting on that chair! Mark jumps... For a knee drop… But Peter moves out of the way! And Mark Flynn busts his knee cap on the steel chair that Peter’s had was resting on. Mark rolls around on the mat holding his knee as Peter shakes off the cobwebs. ANGELUS: "Typical Mark Flynn trying to do something above the ordinary and he fails miserably. Story of his life." Mark is back up to his feet, goes for a kick, but Peter catches Mark’s foot. Peter then drops his elbow down into the hurt knee of Mark Flynn. That causes Mark to fall to the mat, immediately. Peter still has a hold of Marks foot, and begins to kick away at the hurt limb. Peter maintains his hold on the Mark’s wounded leg, and applies a FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Peter is pulling out a move we’ve never seen him do before. He wants the US Title shot badly. Peter steps over, drops down, and applies a well executive figure four! Naich’ would be proud right now. ANGELUS: "Really? This is the move we're supposed to be impressed with?" SAYORS: "We've never seen Gilmour do this before." ANGELUS: "Right, so next week if I go in the ring and decide to use a elbow drop off the top rope like Mark Flynn used to do off his couch when he was eleven you're telling me you'd be impressed?" SAYORS: "Well, I --" ANGELUS: "Case closed, Sayors." Mark is in a lot of pain right now. He’s close enough to catch a rope break, but Peter isn’t letting go. He doesn’t have to; it’s X-Treme rules. Mark is done reaching for the ropes… Instead, he’s reaching for the steel chair that was used earlier in the match. That chair is full of dents from being smashed against Peter’s head, but it’s the only useful item that Mark has right now. He ditches the ropes and begins to claw his way to the steel chair. Peter is trying his damnedest to keep this submission move applied. Mark is only inches away from the chair, but the pain is too much… He’s about to tap. He puts his hand up like he’s about to tap. And he does—No he doesn’t! Instead, he swung his hand down out of desperation to grab the leg of the steel chair. He’s got the chair now. Peter still refuses to let go. He sees that Mark is only seconds from tapping out. Mark takes the chair and smashes it over the head of Peter! Peter still keeps the figure four locked in. Mark can’t believe it… He swings, and hits Peter again with the chair! Peter allows himself to lie back, but that means his shoulders are down. 1 2 Peter sits back up, figure four leg lock still applied. He’ll need to stay sitting up or else he’s technically pinned. Mark takes the steel chair and hits Peter over the head with it again! Peter lets out a roar and maintains the hold! How is he doing this?! ANGELUS: "Watch out! Grimace is all fired up now." Mark takes that chair and once again smacks Peter in the forehead with it. The chair shot was to violent that it flew out of Mark’s hands and caused Peter to finally break the submission hold. Both men are hurt badly at this point. Peter is groggy as hell while Mark is limping. Mark knee is in bad shape, which will prevent him from hitting his finishing moves. Mark lifts Peter onto his shoulder, and sits him on the top turnbuckle. He places the steel chair flat on the ground, and climbs up to the second rope. He applies a front face lock on Peter… Don’t tell me… he’s going to DDT Peter off the top rope onto the chair?! Mark tries to do just that, but Peter bocks it and shoves Mark down. Mark hits the back of his head on the steel chair as he falls down. Peter is still groggy, but he manages to regain his focus. He goes up top, and dives off for a flying headbutt! But Mark rolls out of the way, and Peter lands head-first onto the steel chair! Da**! SAYORS: "Peter's going to need an ice pack for his noggin." ANGELUS: "Does Wallace really pay you to do this job? Seriously, Steve. Let's try to talk some strategy." SAYORS: "..." Mark plunges onto Peter's chest with a running senton splash. He picks up Peter, and does the only thing he can do with a messed up knee; a DDT onto the steel chair! Mark goes for the pin. 1 Kick out! What the hell? Peter just kicked out at 1?! Mark is shocked! How did Peter do that? Mark looks down at Peter in disbelief as he limps around with the steel chair in hand. Peter sits up, Undertaker style. ANGELUS: "Keep your eyes peeled, Steve. I think we're about to see Gilbo get all strong on Flynn." Mark Flynn runs, and delivers one final home run swing to the head of Gilmour that finally knocks the big man out. He pins Gilmour. Please let this be the end. 1 2 3. Thank God. SAYORS: "Well, both men left it all out in the ring here tonight. Angelus, you have to at least be impressed with the performance." ANGELUS: "Oh, I'm really impressed that Flynn could take out Corky Gilmour for the umpteenth time. This was absolutely depressing to watch. Gilmour was like the kid you try to pass the football to hoping he'll score the touchdown and he trips and fumbles the ball." SAYORS: "I don't know, Anj. Gilmour very easily could have walked away the winner in all this." ANGELUS: "Exactly, Steve. Could of. That's the key phrase. The man hasn't won a damn thing on his own merit ever. This is twice now on Warfare I've watched him laying like a broken down car in the ring." Flynn is up near the ring apron yelling at Angelus. ANGELUS: "What's that, Flynn? I can't hear you with all the BS in your mouth. How about you beat someone other than Sloth over there and then you can try and call out the whole damn show." Warfare fades out with the XWF logo behind Angelus pointing and laughing at Mark Flynn." ---- Another Painkiller night paved the way here on Warfare this evening? What type of crazy and interesting matches will Wallace Witasick provide for us next week? Find out right here... Same time... Same Administrator Network! |