X-treme Wrestling Federation
Demons Breeze Pt.2 - Printable Version

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Demons Breeze Pt.2 - Mandii Rider - 05-07-2014

I'm sorry.

The car stopped in front of the forest where Helen hid her home. I felt my heart race and my blood boil as soon as Hadassa spoke those two words. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself before looking over at her and smiling.

Fuck you.

My door opened and Amaryllis pulled me out of the back of the car. Hadassa and Miranda followed after us shortly as we walked off the dirt and into a grassed area. I let a sigh fall in the air as we stood in front of the trees and the veil was lifted. We walked in and Faline was there to give me a smirk and cross her arms.

That was fast.

Well I do plan on killing your sister I just need the proof to do it. What better way to get proof than come to the place she lives and just show you all that she is hiding Sigh? Then again if I can't prove it I guess I will just have to deal with you all after I kill her anyway.

The smirk on Faline's face fell short as a smile grew on my face. Feline walked away as Amaryllis pulled me across a grassed area. There were people here now, no doubt just help so the Originals could sit on their asses and not do anything. I rolled my eyes as looks of anger worked their way onto a hand full of faces I past.

My mother is innocent of what you think she did.

Oh really?

She's more innocent than you are. A lot of innocent blood is on your hands and has been spelt in your presence Mandii. I have respect for you for the way my mother tried to start and you fighting against her but she has done nothing wrong this time.

If she did we would have noticed.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk even with Amaryllis pushing on my back. At last we got to a building where two men were standing outside, probably waiting for little ol' me to arrive. We stopped in front of them and they opened the doors allowing us to go inside but not until after they shot me more looks of anger. We walked into the building and I was taken up a flight of stairs before being forced behind a set of bars. A smile stretched on my face as Amaryllis left along with Miranda and Hadassa. Now to wait to get out of here.


I sat on a cold hard ground looking up at the moon through a crack in the wall. I had already tried to break the bars to the cell, obviously with no luck. I started to feel weak before noticing the blue in my skin fading away. I sighed and looked back up at the moon, the cells were almost killed off and I only have what is left in my back pocket. I looked around at my surroundings outside of the cell before noticing a small shard of glass laying in the corner of the room. If I could get it I could get out of here. I looked back at the crack in the wall before reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a syringe full of a blueish green fluid. I forced the needle into my leg before allow a blue fluid to fuse with my skin and blood. I sat back and looked at the needle filling it with air. I didn't want to kill anyone, it doesn't mean I wouldn't if I had to. Someone would be around to check on me soon and that's how I would get out of here. Besides, I have a match to put on with Karate Kid. I began to close my eyes before drifting to sleep.


Let me be.


I groaned before slowly opening my eyes and looking up at Angel. He looked down smiling at me before offing a hand and pulling me up. I let out a slight yawn before looking around. The moon still hung in the sky but I was on the top of a building looking down at lights. Angel came up behind me before resting his hand on my shoulder.

You ok kid?

I shook off his hand and walked to the edge of the building, allowing my feet hang off the side as I rolled my eyes.

Don't call me kid. I wish people would stop asking me if I'm ok.

Well you've been sleeping a lot more and on top of that your mind hasn't been that fun to be in as of late. You can tell everyone else you are fine but you can't tell someone in your head you are fine when you aren't.

I looked up at the sky and rolled my eyes. Angel sat next to me and looked up with me. I saw the wind blow his white hair out of the corner of my eye before looking over at him. He had slight stubble and like always he had this sarcastic feel about him.

I'm going insane.

You are under a lot of stress and pressure. You and I both know that Nerobell isn't telling the the truth but you want to believe her because she is your sister. You want to find your father not so you can be with him but for her. You do the same things for Jason. Then you have Sigh who you really aren't that worried about, you just want her to be with Helen so you can justify killing her.

I'm seeing people, dreaming of people, and now I'm in a jail cell.

Angel smiled at me before looking down at the lights from cars and buildings below. I leaned back on my hands and bit my bottom lip.

I just need out of this cell.

Then what?

I don't know.

Angel smiled and laughed under his breath before working up to his feet. I looked up at him and he began to walk away.

This mean I'm going to wake up soon?

My words echoed on top of the building and Angel turned back around.

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Ya. When you wake up you should start thinking about what needs to be done and what you want to do. If you chose something because of your past you will find yourself falling into a trap that you can't get out of. Sometimes what we need to do and what we want to do don't go hand in hand.

Does this have to do with Nerobell or Helen?

I turned around to where Angel stood but he was gone. Looking down at the ground, I turned back to look up at the sky again before hearing the small noise of a voice then my name.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked between the bars of my cell. Hadassa stood right outside kneeling down on a knee.

Oh great.

I'm going to get you out of here.

My eyebrow raised as she lifted up a set of keys.


You saved my sister, after this I owe you nothing.

That's not all is it.

Hadassa looked to the ground before pushing up from it and unlocking my cell door. I stood to my feet before walking near the door.

Don't kill anyone.

What did they plan to do.

Hadassa looked at me before looking down the hall.

They plan to kill you. If you escape now you can find safe ground with Teakkin. I fought along side the both of you and I don't want to see you dead. If you ever come back here or if you are ever caught they will kill you. The fact you do have the attributes of an Original means nothing at this point.

All this from a little threat?

It's not Helen who ordered this if that is what you think. Mandii, you've already proven you have the strength to overpower an Army and maybe even the Originals. They feel threatened and if they find you...

I'm good as dead. I know.

Hadassa nodded and stepped aside to allow me to leave the cell.

Get everyone out of the building.


I promise I won't kill anyone.

What are you going to do?

A smile stretched on my face.

Give them an example of what they are getting into.

I put my hand on Hadassa shoulder.

Thank you.

With those last few words I ran down the hall and Hadassa began to walk away. I was an outlaw here, I wasn't wanted alive. Between the dreams and what I was being told outside of the dreams I had a big arrow on my back and if I watch watch it I would be a dead bird. I now had to run, run away from here, run from everything that is me.

I looked behind me where a pool of lighter fluid streamed from the broken lanterns that were hanging on the walls. I did a small salute before grabbing one of the lantern off the wall and walking outside. There was enough panic from Hadassa telling everyone to leave that no one noticed me. I stood at the doorway before tossing the lantern into the building and watching as the flames began. More pantic went on allowing me to walk through the small crowd and make my way to the entrance of the "kingdom" without being detected. I stopped and turned back around to the burning building and the sun rising.

They want me to run because they fear me. They fear what I am and what I can do. I should run...But I will never run from a fight.