X-treme Wrestling Federation
Good News?(Rp 5) - Printable Version

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Good News?(Rp 5) - Cain - 05-07-2014

Miako sat in the nice hotel room reading Life Magazine. The poor girl was bored, what can I say? After all, Romulus had been MIA. Would have been a perfect time for Morbid Angel to do somethimg evil. Romulus even (inadvertantly) gave him the opportunity. But eh, whatcha gonna do? Shut up Hogan! Okay, so our heroine is alone when she hears a motorcycle engine outside the room in the parking lot. She perked up with a big skile. She felt HIS precence. She stood and bounded over to the door, her skirt bouncing as she ran. She threw the door open and saw Romulus, dressed in the Terminator outfit he'd taken from Big Gay Fred. As he stepped down from the motorcycle, Miako ran up and threw herself at him, catchikg him off guard.

"Oh shit!"

He exclaimed as he caught his Asian trophy wife.


She was the last shred of humanity for The Original Beast so he would not refuse her. After all, she wasn't whute but she damned was hot. Her family connections were awesome too. A ring of organized crime and drug dealers. Who specialized in steroids. And in "some cases", bad steroids. He set her down gently.

"You act as though you've not seen me in ages, dear Miako."

"Ummm...well, I kinda thought you were dead. Because that was a terrible concussion. They wouldn't even let me stay in the room with you at the hospital. They said "immediate family only", like you were gonna die or something!"

We all know what happened with that. Obviously news doesn't travel as fast as people say it does around here. He destroyed an entire hospital. Hundreds of lives. He was a bit confused, considering that Morbid Angel knew about it but yet Miako didn't. Strange.

"Me? Die? Hah!"

He scoffed.

"You should know quite well by now that it takes more than a concussion to kill me. Especially now that I have an opportunity to prove who the true hell beast of this world is, ja?"

Miako suddenly frowned, and her eyes went down to the pavement below their feet. He tilted his head in confusion.

"What? What's wrong, Miako?"

"Ummm...Rommy...that Morbid Angel fellow was found dead. He was slumped against the wall with a needle sticking out of his arm."

Of course, Romulus was a bit disappointed. He walked with Miako, the two of them heading into the hotel room. Romulus stopped at the threshold and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Reds, taking one between his lips. He reached into his jacket pocket and produced a lighter, sparking the cigarette and puffing, smoke wafting through the air. Of course he was only dissappointed because that meant a lack of competition. He knew different about Miako's reaction too. Because suddenly, she grinned.

"Daddy made sure of that."

She giggled. Romulus just shook his head.

"So he "took care" of Morbid?"

His eyes flashed.

"Ummm...yeah, because daddy said he was three hundred and ninety pounds. He's much bigger than you, he would murder you with his strength alone!"

Romulus muttered, puffing his cigarette.

"I coulda took him."

"Oh, no doubt."

She smiled, and walked over to the cooler. Romulus eyed her pretty little ass the entire way, especially when she bent over and pulled two fourty ounce King Cobras out of the cooler.

"But daddy doesn't want anyone to jeopardize your meteoric rise to the top. You know, the one you haven't been incessantly bragging about since you signed your contract. Like...some people."

They both look at the invisible camera. Romulus smirked and opened the fourty, cracking the cap and just throwing it on the floor. He took a sip of the bitter beer and cringed.

"Ugh. This shit is nasty. What happened to the champagne I was promised?"

"I dunno..."

Miako frowned.

"...something about it being reserved for the Heyman guys."

Romulus rolled his eyes and then grinned.

"Oh watch! I saw this in a movie!"

He turned the bottle up and starting pouring it onto the white carpet.

"This is for my nigga, Morbid Angel.

Miako looked at him, horrified.

"Oh my god! Someone's gonna have to clean that up, Rommy!"

Romulus shrugged and downed the fourty ounce quickly. The scene faded out with a comment from Romulus.

"Ah, fuck it. They'll get a wetback to clean it up. They love doing that shit."

-Fade to Black-