X-treme Wrestling Federation
Apologies - Printable Version

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Apologies - Elisha - 04-18-2014

I have been pretty inactive on the boards and skype since the Trio title shot. I'm not one to share everything happening in my life, but in short: family member (grandmother) was dying so my family took turns (days/hours) watching her through out the week since March and she passed away Monday, I had to do the funeral.. I haven't had a day off work in 4 weeks and I'm totally exhausted.. and I haven't slept more than 4 hours in about 4 weeks. All that plus spending time with my wife and daughter some and my family while they were in town (my mom more specifically since she lives away).

I haven't really even been on the website to look at what's been happening.

To the GMs, I apologize for my inactivity especially to Theo for lack of rp for this past Madness.

My mind is tired and I just don't feel like doing anything extra at the moment, but I'll be back. I think I have Monday off!!! Finally a day of rest.

Apologies - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-18-2014


Apologies - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 04-18-2014

You've done MORE than enough to prove your worth here and to earn this time whenever needed. No worries. Take your time. Take things as they come and just try to keep a level head through these tough times. XWF should be what you do for fun and not be something you feel obligated to do.

Apologies - Ozymandias - 04-18-2014

Yeah what Shane said. No need to apologize to me. While I may be bummed about a lack of activity on the show I knew what was going on with you and again, as Shane said, you've done plenty to earn a few weeks off.

Good luck with everything. We will be here when you get back.