X-treme Wrestling Federation
Get Ready...HE is here. - Printable Version

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Get Ready...HE is here. - Ryan_Wells - 03-28-2014

Cameras pan to a 2015 Silver Mercedes C-Class pulling up to XWF headquarters. The car stops and out steps a man of massive size, wearing a custom made Kiton suit and sporting a PATEK PHILIPPE 3974 R on his wrist. He has a big smile on his face as lines upon lines of fans are waiting for his autograph and going absolutely crazy with cheers as he comes over, shaking hands with the fans and signing autographs. The camera pans into the neck of this man, where a very noticeable and long scar is visible. He signs autographs for about 20 minutes before coming over to the cameraman, where a XWF interviewer is standing by.

Interviewer: My god! You're here! The rumors were true...Ryan Wells has come to XWF!

Ryan Wells: Yes, yes, yes, hello! It's great to be here! I was called last week with a contract offer to wrestle here, and well, how could I refuse? Wrestling is what I do best and what better place to do that then here? I've been taking a break for a little bit to condition myself even further before getting back in the ring and now is the time to make my return!

Interviewer: I, along with everyone else in XWF, is beyond ecstatic to have you on-board. You have made quite a new for yourself in other wrestling companies. What do you plan to do here in XWF?

Ryan Wells: It's very simple, I'm here to win my first ever World Championship. I have wrestled all-over the world and against some of the best in the business. I have won numerous championships, but a World Title has always eluded me. But that ends now with my arrival in XWF. World class talent is in this company for sure, but no-one has ever faced The Freak. And I promise you, when they do, they'll realize that while every single wrestling fan in the world is happy for me to be here, no-one in the locker room will be. I am anyone's worst nightmare in a wrestling ring.

But I want to squash the myth out there that because of my neck injury, I am fragile and one wrong move away from being forced to retire. That couldn't be any farther from the truth. I am in perfect condition if you couldn't already tell, and my neck is in terrific shape. I can go toe-to-toe with anyone and walk out not only the winner, but unscathed as well. And if anyone thinks otherwise, they are more than welcome to have a try.

Interviewer: That sounds absolutely terrific! I certainly can't wait! One last question: Now surely not everyone knows of your extensive athletic career, being an All-American Defensive End in College, being a top 5 pick in the NFL Draft, and after your horrific injury, becoming one of the best wrestlers today! What do you have to say to the locker room of XWF who may doubt you and not worry about your arrival at all?

Ryan Wells: It seems like you've done your research! Well, the guys in the locker room can talk, think, and do whatever they want. I'm not one to get upset over whatever anyone says about me. I don't prove people wrong with my words, I prove them wrong with my actions. That basically includes me driving someone so hard into the mat, they become a pancake. I am not worried at all about my perception backstage, it's these great fans of XWF that I care about! They are the heart and soul of this company and I am here to fight for them, as I have always done!

But anyone in the back that feels they can take me down is more than welcome to try, and I couldn't put anymore emphasis on the word "try". That's because they won't succeed, and will ultimately fail miserably. I am here to dominate and I have always done that everywhere I've been. And certainly no-one here, as great as they may be, will be able to stop me either.

But I must go! Nice chatting with you and look forward to seeing you soon!

Wells walks towards the door before turning around and waving to the crowd, which causes them to erupt with cheers. He then walks inside while the crowd continues to scream with cheers for Ryan Wells.

RE: Get Ready...HE is here. - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 03-28-2014

"Didn't pay attention to single thing you said. Are you supposed to be important? I bet you'll be gone after you lose your first match."

RE: Get Ready...HE is here. - Ryan_Wells - 03-28-2014

(03-28-2014, 05:58 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: "Didn't pay attention to single thing you said. Are you supposed to be important? I bet you'll be gone after you lose your first match."

Wells: Well, I could careless if you paid attention or not. Your opinion is irrelevant. But I'm not SUPPOSED to be important, I AM important. I'm the newest wrestler here, and the next World Champion as well.

And if you seriously think I'm going to lose my first match here, or any match at all, then you clearly have no idea how strong or skilled I am.

RE: Get Ready...HE is here. - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 03-28-2014

Frodo gets close to Wells and whispers

"You should do some research, buddy. We don't have a world champion. Do you mean King, or what? Cause I think you should check what happened to everyone else who went after the crown. There's murmurs that after Theo kicked their asses he had McBride kill them. Please go after his crown, you'll lose and Theo will have you killed, it'll solve all your problems."

RE: Get Ready...HE is here. - John Samuels - 03-28-2014

"How the fuck did you make All-Pro in college? Better tell your nameless interviewer to research his shit. Actually, why don't you both just shut your fucking traps? The smell of bullshit is offending my nostrils."

Get Ready...HE is here. - Devin Black - 03-28-2014

"Someone please give this Wells clown the Sid Feder treatment, and smash his leg in the steel steps."