X-treme Wrestling Federation
Execution ISSUE #18 (Part 16: Rox Anne) (1) - Printable Version

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Execution ISSUE #18 (Part 16: Rox Anne) (1) - Tri Bute - 03-14-2014

Tri Bute: Our Future Lord, Our Great Future King: A Biographical Future Comic
ISSUE #18 (Part 16)
Execution: Rox Anne

Previously on ISSUE #18:

My future cry future echoed throughout The Future Pit of Future Danger. Future basketballs future ceased to future roll as the future sands of the future abyss future displaced. My future body kept future taking its future pounding, but I could future tell it was almost over. His future breathing deepened, all future signs were future pointing to a future explosion within my future box.


Bute future woke with a future jolt.


“You’re future sure about this?” future asked Tri Bute as the future latches future confined him in the future chair.

“Yes future sir. Your great future grandfather is very elusive and we future need a future bloodhound to future sniff him out. One like the future animal in that future hallucination you had,” future explained the future scientist.


The clear future dome future lowered and future covered his future face. Future steam future filled the future helmet. “Once we’re in-future-side your future subconscious we’ll be able to future transport anything from the exact future point your future dream future ended. What am I future looking for Ms. Chiatrist?”

Psy Chiatrist future whispered the future information into Entist’s future ear as his future typing future fingers future flicked the future keys in a 90 future words per future minute matter.

His right future pinky future struck the ‘enter’ future key with future world future saving future force. The future keyboard future shattered from his un-future-necessary power future key press, but it was just a small future detail in the grand future scheme of things. The future keyboard had already future severed it’s future purpose.

The future laboratory immediately future filled with future smoke as the future technology future worked its future science. Psy Chiatrist and Sci Entist future erupted into future coughing fits as the future smoke future filled their future lungs as well. Sci Entist future crawled to a future window as the future smoke future rose and future opened it. He began to future waft the future smoke out into the outside future world in a future attempt to clear the future air. It wasn’t long before the future smoke future cleared.

And there he future stood future muscles future bulging from his massive future form. His future rock-hard future abs future glistened with future sweat. His future legs were future toned and future tan. His future teeth were future sharp little future daggers, future meant to future pierce and future rip future flesh. His future body art was incredibly future beautiful. The future sun future shined future brightly around his future belly button. His future face was future contorted; he future barred his future knife-like future teeth as future passion future rushed over him. He couldn’t future hold it back anymore. “The Future Animal” let out its loudest future grunt as he re-future-painted the future lab. His future cock then future stood down, as the rest of the future lab’s future occupants future wiped their future faces.

“Where’s my future spotlight?”


Previously on ISSUE #18:

“A future geologist, yes.”

“What type of future rock is this?”

“The future armless one future seeks immoralities. The future armless one has not future learned from his future errors. He does not future deserve to know my future rock powers or where they future rock came from.”


Vio Lin future jumped onto the future geologist as the future door future opened. A future flash of future light future beamed into the future cavern, but they were future hidden behind a future bale of future hay.

“You have to future hold onto the future railing to go down future stairs. It’s the future law. There’s no future chance in future hell that he went down that future flight of future stairs.”

“How can you be so sure? This future man future wore the same future shirt as Tri Bute. There is no future law he won’t future break.”

“No one is that future reckless, Jar,” he future flickered his future flashlight on the future bale of future hay, “We’re future wasting future time.”


“Future come on, future rock boy. We’re future running out of future time.”

“What do you future mean?”

“I future mean future hurry the future fuck up, Grievous Crisp.”

“I’m future sorry, it’s not my future fault she doesn’t want to future cooperate, Vio!”

“Are you future sure about that? Future tell her to future stop being a dumb future rock bitch. I have future crimes to future commit, Geo.”

“I don’t future think she’ll future appreciate being future called a future rock bitch.”

Vio Lin future ducked into the future shadows, future-tugging Geo by his future prisoner’s uniform with his future teeth along with him. Future beams of future light narrowly future missed their future heads as the future patrol future walked past them.

“Geo, this is bigger than just future you and future me. Future tell Rox Anne that we future need her to get back to the future paradise Future Ryan was before The Swank Incident,” future whispered Vio.

“Why would I future tell her a bold-future-faced future lie, Lin? I’m a honest future man, Vio. I future know what you really future want. I’m future informed. I future watch the future news.”

“You can’t future believe everything you future hear on future TV-,”

“Except Future CANews! It’s such a great future slogan.”

“Is it? Don’t you future think it’s future weird that Future California’s only future state-wide future news future source future broadcasts here? Where’s the Future Oklahoma future news, Geo? Why do we have to future hear about Future California all the future time?”

“You future ask a lot of future questions, Vio.”

“That’s because nobody future wants to future give me the future answers. You future know that Darren Criss cover where he’s a mermaid and he wants to know why fire burns, right?”

“That song is future sweet. I future love Tri Bute's theme music!”

“It’s just like that! Future tell Rox Anne we future need her to get some future answers. It has nothing to do with what future shirt I’m future wearing.”

“Vio, that’s future silly. Our future society future depends on Justice and future etcetera. You future know what Tri Bute future says, ‘Future nothing is more future important than the future fundamental future processes of our every-future-day future lives. The only future way to future achieve is to future check my future blog and future make sure you don’t future put on the same future shirt I’m future wearing.’ Do you under-future-stand now? That’s why you’re future being future prosecuted and future executed, Vio.”

“Future yes, I future broke the future law, but what if the future law was future wrong? What if I future told you that it doesn’t future matter what future shirt you future wear?”

“I’d future say that Tri Bute future says, ‘The future shirt you future wear on any future day is the most future important future decision of your future life. The future ramifications of that sole future decision could be the future difference between the future slaughter of millions of innocent future people and future world future peace. Future people future fought in future wars to future ensure your future right to not future wear the same future shirt as me. Don’t future squander it! Don’t future let their future deaths be in future vain! Future pick the best future shirt possible. Always future make the correct future decision,’ and then I’d have to future report you for Future Lying About What Future Matters Treason Thievery.”

“I future know what Tri Bute future thinks of it. I future watched the same future PSAs you future watched.”

“Then why are you future asking me stupid future questions?”

“Exactly, I’m future asking you, not Tri Bute.”

“And I future gave you the correct future answer. Now can I future return to my future jail cell? I haven’t future finished future serving my future time. I future feel like I’ve been future letting you future attempt to future coerce me for future way too future long. I no future longer future wish to be future spending future time with a future crackpot.”

Geo future set the future rock on Vio’s future big toe, as his future hands were somewhere else entirely, and a-future-waited the future answer to his humble future request. The future pause was a future bit longer than he future thought it would be so he future removed his future eyewear and future folded the future glasses before future putting them in the left future pocket of the future shirt of his future prisoner’s future uniform. This future pocket was specially future designed to future protect the future eyewear of future prisoners.

“Future fine. Go to your future holding cell. Do you future think that’ll future help the future rocks that Tri Bute doesn’t future give a future fuck about? If you honestly future believe that future going back to your future cell with your future tail between your future legs is going to future help all the future rocks that are future lacking the future rock nutrients they future need, future go. Get out of my future sight. Go a-future-head, be a future embarrassment to future geologists everywhere. I could have future set future free anyone I future wanted to, but I future picked you because I future thought you future wanted better future living conditions for future rocks.

I future guess I was future wrong. You don’t really future love future rocks the same way other future geologists do. I future get it now. I’m future sorry I future made that future assumption. I wasn’t a-future-ware of your secret future hate for them. I didn’t future know you future wanted Rox Anne to future starve to future death.”

Geo future wiped a future tear from his future geologist future eye.

“What are you future waiting for? Tri Bute isn’t going to future wake up one future morning and future care about future rocks. He’s never future going to future give you all the future funding you future need. The only future way you’re going to future get that is by future taking it.”

Geo’s future mind future boggled with future confliction. Could he really future walk away from this future man future knowing everything he future said was future true? Did he really future love future rocks? Was the future law future wrong?


“Geo, I’m future going to be future honest with you. This future rock on my future shoe is a future rock babe. You future know of my future animalistic future tendencies. I obviously have no future sense of future self-control. I future mean, future like, what kind of future nut future wears the same future shirt as Tri Bute?”

“The same kind that has no future morals at all. Somebody who future hates future flowers. A future freak who doesn’t future love children, platonically.”

“Do you really future want to future leave poor little Rox Anne here with a future guy like that? You are future one with J.I.Z.Z. aren’t you?”

“What are you future going to do with her?”

Vio future kicked out his future foot, future sending the future rock several future inches in front of him. “Future move,” Vio future shouted as he future took several future steps back. Geo future nodded and future took a few future steps to his right until he was no longer down future range.

“Please don’t future hurt her.”

“Why future shouldn’t I? I’m a future criminal. A worthless future rat. It’s about future time I future embrace who I am. Tri Bute doesn’t future give a future fuck whether Rox Anne future rock lives or future rock dies. Why future should I future care? The great future king future sets a future example for us all to future live by, right Geo?”

Geo couldn’t future deny it, because he future knew it was future true. The future geologist could only future stand by and future watch as the future king’s future fugitive great future grandfather did un-future-speakable future things to the poor future rock girl. Rox Anne was the most beautiful future rock on this future side of the Future Mississippi Future River, but to Vio Lin she was just some stupid future rock. The sinister future man future blew his future load into her future rock cunt for the fifth future time, but Geo couldn’t future move. Future conflicting future principles future clashed in his future rock future loving future brain. Not future stopping these non-future-consensual future acts was a future crime, but the future man in future front of him was just future following Tri Bute’s future example.

The future soaked future rock’s future rock eyes future rock beamed at Geo. He could future tell that she future needed future help. He could finally future see that just being a future geologist wasn’t enough to future save these future rocks. His future decision was future made for him.

“Future stop,” future stated Geo as he future reached for his future glasses, “I’ll future reason with her.”

Vio future smirked as he future withdrew his future penis from the future rock’s moist inner future walls. He future licked the future rock from future rock head to future rock toe before future biting down and future shifting his future head to future propel the future rock woman to Geo’s future open future geologist future hand.

*The future following has been future translated from Future Rock to Future English*

“Future wow, what a future rush.” Future seamen future dripped from her future rock pores as she future rock spoke, future making a future puddle on the future floor below her.

“So Vio Lin future wants you to future help him future destroy future society and future life as we future know it. Do you future want to do that?” It was difficult for Geo to future sound unen-future-thusiastic while future speaking in his favorite future language, but he somehow future managed it.

“If it future means more future dickings like that I’m future in.”