X-treme Wrestling Federation
Armageddon (RP #2) - Printable Version

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Armageddon (RP #2) - Andrew Morrison - 03-12-2014

The XWF camera feed begins with a shot of the XWF ring and the camera pans out and up and we see Andrew Morrison in his trademark black hoodie with the hood up and he sits on the rafters looking down toward the ring. Andrew is smirking and begins to speak.

"It has been quite some time since I have addressed anyone from up here. I felt that it was poetic that I would return to my roots a bit for this as I have much to say and quite frankly, this match will be symbolic for many reasons and for many individuals."

"I know that much will be said toward me, much I have heard a million times, much I will hear for the first time. In reality, words are just that. Words. We all will speak, but once the battle to end all battles begins..."

Andrew lowers his hood but keeps looking down to the ring and he speaks once more.

"The Book of Revelation. The battle to end all battles. A battle will take places where all armies of the world collide prior to the end of days. Words will be spoken, but here in the XWF, this battle, this ARMAGEDDON will not be won in a pissing contest of words, it shall be fought by men who come to end the reign of the one who claims himself better than the rest, and all of those foolish enough to take his mark, and hand the master their strings to pull. They believe they are headed toward the ultimate glory and yet they do not realize that they are headed toward an ultimate embarassment."

Andrew points to the ring and smirks.

"That ring will become our Megiddo. The two armies will collide, and NOTHING will be the same when the smoke clears. However, before I head to war, allow me to somewhat contradict myself, you see, wars are not won with words, but I have plenty to say to those who feel the need to engage in such, why, those who wish to play mindgames and attempt to bathe themselves in MY sins and MY shortcomings, I shall have choice words to say before I make them eat theirs."

"I will not name all of the members of the opposing team for then I would be here all night, however, there are a choice few that I wish to say my piece to before I go to war. I shall start with..."

Andrew runs his hands through his beard and looks at the camera before speaking once more.

"I shall begin with one whom I once considered incredibly dear to me. I shall begin with the one who calls herself Alexandra Callaway. Alexandra, when we met years ago, we had a connection that I thought was lifelong. Why, we both trained under your father! The legendary Undertaker! My, how he would be ashamed at the joke you have become, Alexandra. You stabbed me in the back when I entered a false truce with Johnny Cross to get them off your back, to protect you, the woman I once loved. You turned around and stabbed me in the back. You then proceeded to desecrate my mother's grave and break her headstone over my head! My mother had done nothing to you, why, you once reminded me of her! Passionate, loyal, and beautiful beyond compare! You chose to disrespect her memory for what? To get at me?"

"Why, your father has portrayed one of the most evil characters in the history of our business, but he never once took it this far outside of the realm of the business. You embarrassed your name and desecrated your family's legacy when you took it too far. Then, what have you done since then? You have won a few matches here and there. But then, for the longest time, you disappeared. You ran away. Why, you ran and hopped on nearly half of the locker room! One of my teammates, Supernova! Why, the poor bastard gave me the riot act but he turned into your second victim! Why, how did that whole thing with your buddy, Mystica go? Nailing your hands together, how sweet. Until you left him to hop on the dick of Griffin McAllister, who quite frankly is a slightly more manly and better version of Johnny Cross! A wannabe tough guy biker who stays stoned beyond comparison and has to shoot himself with enough drugs to forget the fact that you could just as easy be riding the manregions of a majority of your team!"

"Why, I am shocked you didn't suck your way into a US title shot! Then again, I am sure you are rusty after your fraud of a pregnancy which ended up getting an innocent person killed! I may have done a lot of things, Alexandra, but for you to condemn me and for you to say ANYTHING toward me is hypocrisy to the highest degree. Whatever happens to you in this match will not be good enough punishment. You are a disgrace to your father's legacy and a disgrace to all of the women in this company and you will soon see that karma is an enemy that you will not be able to defeat."

Andrew stands up and leans over the railing still looking toward the camera.

"Morbid Angel, the now FORMER Ark champion! A man who believes he is more evil than I but yet would trade in his tattoo job on his forehead for another championship to be handed to him instead of earning it. Yet another hypocrite if I ever had seen one. You claim to be a devil meant to take down Jesus Christ yet you sit by the throne of a man who practically claims to be he or greater than he! All for glory that you couldn't even maintain! Pathetic does not begin to describe what you are. I embrace the thought of wiping that ash off your forehead and replacing it with your own blood as I send you back to the pile of shit you crawled out of."

"While you are on the way back there, you can take the so-called "assassin" of Eli's, Lazarus, with you. It amazes me that this buffoon can smart up to me about my accomplishments when he has supposedly "been around" and yet has done nothing but prove Eli James wrong in that he hasn't ended me, and he hasn't come after me, except repeat the same garbage that everyone else tries to spill, but with more vulgarity. Congratulations, Lazarus, you certainly have "risen" those insults out of nowhere. Tell me something I have never heard. Like Lazarus defeating Andrew Morrison. Or ANYONE relevant for that matter. And you wonder why your #1 fan, Eli, picked someone else instead of you to get a shot at a championship, why, he handed Morbid a title before you. Enjoy the stench of that pile of shit that you and all of your team can share, or perhaps that stench is Amos James who hasn't done anything worth a damn either besides being another paper champion who is nothing but a wannabe version of his family member."

Andrew lifts his head and laughs and looks to the sky before speaking once more.

"Sid Feder. Once a badass who was something in this business. Three times the biggest hasbeen and dicksucker that this company has seen in quite some time. Why, you went from being a great in this business to not even a shadow of his former self. You are a prime example of what Eli's team is. A team full of has-beens. A team full of fools too busy with their heads stuck up their own asses to see what is in front of them. Why, your head is too far shoved between Eli's legs that you might as well be your good buddy Peter Gilmour's personal mascot! I know what you will say, Sid. "Andrew Morrison is a nobody." "Andrew Morrison is a piece of shit that I wiped off my ass!" "Andrew Morrison is an embrassment and a bust and BLAH BLAH BLAH!"."

"Let me tell you something, Sid. And this is a personal statement on my part. I may not have lived up to the expectations set upon me. I may not have become the next "Sebastian Duke" as Paul Heyman bestowed upon me. I may not have been a champion in this company. I would rather be who I am, a man that many say is destined to mid-card hell who didn't live up to expectations, than be someone who has fallen from grace at a magnitude that the Richter scale couldn't measure, someone who once had the world in his hands and made the Feder clan proud to yet another one of Eli James' flunkies, just another dicksucker looking up and reaching and grasping for ANY shred of even a FRACTION of your former glory. You can use any of your recycled insults you wish, why, even Swift Ion's promos had more originality than you. Words will not win this war. Remember that, Peter. Oh, I mean, Sid...."

Andrew looks down to the ring once more still smiling and laughing before he takes a deep breath and looks to the camera and screams.

"Elijah! The time is at hand! The war you have preached to prevent! The darkness that you deny is at your doorstep! The END IS NEAR! FOR YOU! PERHAPS FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US! But Eli James the Fourth, I PROMISE YOU THIS!"

Andrew closes his eyes and the lights go down and music begins to play quietly over the sound speakers as Andrew speaks this next words almost in a whisper.

"I will confess to you this, Elijah. I shall confess this to the world. Life is an everlasting struggle. My entire life has been a struggle. From my mother to my father, to my brother, to the heartbreak and the agony, and to the blood, sweat, and tears! This BUSINESS! This COMPANY! My dreams, my destiny was to change the world! To change the landscape! I have given the blood from my veins, the sweat from my pores, and I have given even nearly all my humanity and my soul to this dream. Contrary to your beliefs, contrary to many, there are moments I have enjoyed, and moments I have regreted. Perhaps that is the small dose of humanity that seems to hang by a thread in my head....alas, as I stated, my dream and destiny has not gone according to the plans I foresaw, and as you may know, no matter what fairy tale you try to spin to your followers, no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you give, sometimes things change."

Andrew motions for the camera to zoom in and it does as Andrew looks to the ring.

"Armageddon is coming, Elijah. There is no stopping it now. I have made my bed and I shall lay in it. I have built bridges and I have burnt many. It is of this day that I realize that my destiny shall be forever changed and yet it remains the same. I promised the day I stepped into this federation that I would change the landscape forever. Alas, I will not be alone. I am a part of an army that while the parts are incredibly different in many ways, we all have the same marching orders and all share the same goal. My destiny is clear now. If this is the final promo I shoot, if this is the final match of my career...."

Andrew looks to the camera and puts his hood back down over his eyes before whispering one last time.

"If I am a casuality of war, I shall not be alone. If this destiny is the end of me, I promise you with every bit of humanity left in me, that if I go down, I will take YOU down with me. If I am going to hell, I will watch from the depths as you fall from your throne and you shall join me. The END is near for us all. If this is the end, I will have no regrets. For I will have given it all for what was my destiny all along. The landscape will be changed forever, Elijah. One way or another, it all ENDS...."

Andrew smirks one last time as the camera fades to black.