X-treme Wrestling Federation
Directly in the Heart *Part 1* - Printable Version

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Directly in the Heart *Part 1* - AlexandraCallaway - 03-12-2014

One good thing about looking the way Alexandra did, verging on goth, she could sneak into any vampire club up and down the strip and they'd never be any the wiser. Especially since she could mask her scent, so they could not smell her, blame it on the years of being around Zak and Micah, she learned a way to blend in. She could easily slip in, handle what she needed to, and then slip back out, before they ever realized she was there. Tonight, she was dressed in head to toe, leather. Thigh high leather boots, leather cat suit. Her long black hair, curled to perfection, cascading down her back. Her pale pallor, helped aid in the look, and with just the right amount of make up, and theatrical vampire fangs, she looked just like one of them. Alexandra walked in, slowly, paying close attention to everything going on around her. She smirked as she saw Maya, sitting on her throne, alone, high up on one of the balconies. She silently chuckled to herself. Moving forward, through the mass of gyrating bodies. She moved with them, not letting on her real plan. Making her way across the dance floor, she made it to the staircase. Silently, she crept up on the first guard, slitting his throat. The same with the second and third. When she reached the fourth guard, there posed a bit of a problem. She couldn't simply slit his throat. She made it into a little game. Flipping on the video camera attached to the pin on her shirt, she winked, seductively at the guard.. and just when he through he was going to get lucky, a stake through the heart. He dusted of course and she chuckled hard. She crept silently onto the platform where the Queen sat. Strolling silently behind her, not a footfall was heard. Alexandra drew her dagger from her boot, and pressed it firmly into the Queen Vampire's throat. Maya gagged for a moment, but no one heard her over the music.

"Don't you dare fucking move."

Maya struggles and Alexandra drives the knife a bit deeper into her throat. She sees a drop of blood trickle down the blade and drip onto her hand. It drives Alexandra to a point of madness, just as Maya begins to speak.

"Not many people could sneak up on me like that. What are you?"

"What I am really doesn't matter now does it Maya? All that matters is that I managed to sneak into the lair of the vampire Queen, and hold a knife to her throat, a silver one at that, yet none of her guards, or slaves lifted a finger. Could that be because they are all dead?"

Maya makes a move to call for them, snapping her fingers.

"Call for them all you want, they aren't going to answer you Queenie. Now.. here's the deal."

A frantic look crosses Maya's face, she knew then that Alexandra was right. Alexandra kept the dagger at the Queen's throat as she walked around to stand in front of her.

"I don't make deals with humans. Humans are food to my kind. Zak should have drained you when he had the chance."

"Yeah, well.. he didn't. But I am not here about Zak. Zak is his own man. He can handle his own problems. This is about my friend, Radio, and his children."

"Aww, look the noble warrior Princess. Coming to defend her friend. Pet, he loved it. He knew what he was getting into. I always get my way. I always win."

"Manipulation. You used manipulation. No man can resist a woman who is easy. You will leave Radio and his children, and any future children he may have alone, or the next time I visit you, it wont be so pretty."

"Bite your tongue mortal, I make the orders around here. This land is mine to claim."

The Queen spat at her. Alexandra chuckled as the Queen writhed in fury against her dagger. Alexandra kicked the throne back, sending the Queen Vampire cunt into the staircase, breaking her wooden throne and sending it crashing down the stairs to the second level, where the Queen landed on her ass. The crowd looked up, many of the vampires hissed in Alexandra's direction and started up the stairs. The Queen held up her hand, and they backed down.

"I'm no mere mortal. You'll find that out soon enough... leech."

That set the Queen off. Alexandra flipped onto the second balcony and the Queen went on the attack as soon as Alexandra's feet hit the floor. The two women locked up, fighting to the death it seemed. Alexandra was punched in the face, followed up by a slice to the midsection from the Queens nails. Alexandra looked up as the Queen drank in her blood. She chuckled and then kicked Alexandra in the back, sending her off the balcony onto the third one. She jumped down, following closely after.

"I told you Princess, I always win."

A new power surged through Alexandra as she made it to her feet. She began to glow a bright blue hue, and color shot out from every part of her. It's as if a star had exploded in a confined space. Chairs, tables and vampires, flew across the room, slamming into the wall. Alexandra closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them, they had changed, and she surveyed the damage, seeing the vampires beginning to stir. She was one with Cassandra, the Alien Princess of whom had long been a friend of Radios. When this new power surged through her, she saw things, and knew things that she hadn't known before.

"There is nothing here for you to win... vampire. You think you've won, but this battle is only the beginning."

Alexandra began to fight back, this time it was like she was in a matrix film. She could move as she never had before. It was as if at moments time stood still around them, and yet, they still moved as fast as they had been before. Alexandra managed to get in a few good hits, before kicking the Queen back up to the second platform. She flipped and managed to catch onto the floor of the second platform, pulling herself up onto it. Once up there, the two began to fight again. The Queen began to fight back again, sending Alexandra crashing down into a pit of angry vampires below. Alexandra's back slammed into the floor with a loud cry. The Queen pounced down on top of her, holding her down.

"You aren't going to win. Give up the fight Warrior Princess. Go back to your compound, and regroup. Tell them a fight is coming."

She leans down almost close enough to Ally's throat to have a taste, she licked her lips.

"Get off me you psycho cunt."

The Queen made a biting motion. Alexandra slapped her hard, before sending her flying off of her and into the wall across the room. The Queen made it to her feet and Alexandra smirked, making it to hers. Her blue eyes beamed brighter than normal... the possession was complete, the joining of her and Cassandra. Standing upright, Alexandra looked around, knowing she was outnumbered. Alexandra threw a stake, driving it into the Queen's chest, barely missing her heart.

"Come on, make the first move."

Alexandra looked around the circle at the vampires, that had crowded around them as they fought. She was prepared to die, if that was what was meant to happen. She readied herself to go down fighting, until she heard a voice, a sound breaking through the madness.

"This is madness."

A bright flash of light and Alexandra woke up in her bed. The scratches still on her skin, reminding her that the fight was real. She stood and headed to the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror. Nothing seemed different, however, she felt different. New.. powerful.. irresistible. She shook out her hair, and walked to the balcony of her loft apartment, and jumped off, landing on her feet. She headed off down the street, unsure of what happened to the vampire queen, but knowing that she left her mark. She could only wonder what would happen next, knowing that a great battle was ensuing in the company, and the battle within herself to accept who and what she was now. Still.. she wondered who's voice that was...

--To Be Continued--