X-treme Wrestling Federation
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Talking smack 101 - Printable Version

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Talking smack 101 (/showthread.php?tid=10781)

Talking smack 101 - Kristy Jackson - 02-26-2014

OOC: Just so you know this happened after the first scene in Hanging Tough, Staying Hungry part 2.

Our scene begins in a nondescript gym somewhere in North America. Judging from the sunlight just beginning to pierce the grimy windows and infiltrate what is little more than a grey box filled with gym equipment, it’s very early in the morning. The bright side of being within the United States is of course that you can find a 24 hour gym practically anywhere in any state. It’s within an establishment somewhere in the heart of Kiev that the cameras finally track down Kristy Jackson who has returned to the company once more to erase the memories from her first time in the XWF. Usually more well known for exploits in her personal life, she apparently is all business this morning as she completes a run on the treadmill.

Dressed in loose fitting grey sweat pants and a pure white top, her exposed midriff is covered in sheen of sweat that shows she has clearly been working hard for quite some time. She notices the camera, gives the approaching team a sign for two minutes as she completes her final run. Slowing to a walk, she steps of the treadmill and stretches her legs for a moment before reaching for a towel and patting herself down. With skin flushed from the exertion, she brings a long a bottle of water that she takes a long drink from before taking a seat on a teal coloured medicine ball in front of the poised camera crew. She takes a few more sips, before finally beginning to address the camera.

“Colour me impressed. It certainly is exciting to be completing on Warfare, isn't it? This new breed of talent as they like to call themselves, have clearly made a statement and that they’re obviously here to stay. I am sure you motherfucker are saying isn't this bitch in the same position as us? Wasn't it too long ago that she made her debut in XWF? The clear fact is I don’t have to answer your slow-mined question. I've always been a lover of decent competition and I can’t wait to mix it up with the newer guys that are debuting on Warfare. Whoever I am facing in that facing it doesn't really matter the result will be the same. Yeah bitches that will be me making anyone of your lazy eyed idiotic fools my bitch. That’s a big fucking accomplishment I must tell you. Just the thought of you putting that on your next job application after I end your career will be a big happy. Thumbs fucking you for you guys.

I've apparently been written as your executioner for whoever I will be facing on warfare. So who should I throw in the fucking pit first? Let’s start with relevant talent in this match first. Like you Enigma I must say I am impressed so far. Come on guys let’s be honest here wouldn't you be impressed if someone survives Duke’s sex dungeon? I don’t know about any of you but I am sure impressed. But, that doesn't mean if we come face to face in the ring I will not give you the ass whipping you have coming in that ring. It’s “Nothing personal, it's just business.” Now, that I got the only relevant piece of trash that dropped a promo in this match out of the way. Let me finally grace the shitheads that had the nerve to show up. What about that water behind the eyes dumbass Drew Stevenson? Does this ignorant mother fucker think he matters? Throughout his whole promo I was thinking is he serious? Or how many brains cells I will lose before it was over. Damn! Drew your more fucked than when Pete thought Theo was using his fully strength in their match. That's another loser in the fucking dirty who fucking next? Nobody because they don't matter. Whoever I will be facing in that ring; will feel the pain of their face breaking.

She grinned at the camera, taking another long drink from her water bottle.

So Whoever in the ring with me the last thing you will hear is.....

The Joan Of Charisma; and this is my war cry!

The scene slowly fades to black.