X-treme Wrestling Federation
Crooked Mizuki N' Jessica (RP 1) - Printable Version

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Crooked Mizuki N' Jessica (RP 1) - John_Black - 02-24-2014

[We see that Black is inside a dark lit room with a bunch of candles while he was laying on his front exposing his backside to the rub-n-tug lady and she rubs him REALLY good to the point he says something to her.]

“yo.. When can I turn around?”

“Not until I say so… Black-san”

[While she was still massaging his back, he looks like he is suspicious when he hears her voice.]

“Uh... what did you just say?”

“Nothing... Black-san…Oh shi—“

[Black then turns up side up on the bed and sees a Mizuki look alike.]

“Are…you… Mizuki? ”

[Then the lady pulls down her hair and takes off her uniform to expose her bra and panties.]

“Who is Mizuki?... Black-san?”

[Black dick was playing tricks on him and decided to get his happy ending.]

"Ah never mind, just give me the happy ending."

[Before she could even do it, a bunch of Harlem Police bust the door open and arrested Black without a reason.]

"I'm not Luca.. get these damn cuffs off me!"

"Sorry, but... you fell for OUR operation sting... negro".

[The Rub-N-Tug lady managed to get Black's wallet from his back pocket while Black gets into the police's car as the scene fades into TBC...]

Replay Time:

Quote:No, neither deserve respect and worse yet instead of being there to slaughter them both (and possibly beat the English language into Black) I have to sit there and play nice while one of them finally manages to suck less than the other long enough to get a three count.

Let me tell you something Jessica, just because you got assigned to be my "manager" for one night only doesn't mean you got to like me. I hate your fucking your attitude with how you feel the need to insult my language. Fuck this.

Quote:Whichever one I'm supposed to be helping, I'm not.

[Image: giphy.gif]