X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Rest of the Gang (RP3) - Printable Version

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The Rest of the Gang (RP3) - Crimson Deadly - 02-26-2013

[Image: images.jpg]

The scene opens in a mall-like area. Speculated to be Mississauga’s Square One Shopping Centre. Crimson Deadly is sat in bakery area with tables on the outside, eating a good ol’ English Sausage Roll, licking his lips of the pastry from every bite. He checks his watch, and then continues to devour a second sausage roll.

[Image: Crimson_Deadly_2.jpg]

He seems to be waiting for someone, he checks his watch again which signifies something’s supposed to happen soon, surely he wouldn’t just look at his watch and then a second time maybe a minute later unless he was expecting something, or someone.

The camera pans around and see’s multiple people going about their shopping. In the midst of it all, two recognizable figures are seen walking towards the bakery area that Crimson Deadly is currently sitting in, the figures, are none other than Crimson Deadly’s former trainer, Mr. Mitchell, and his younger brother Sin Gambit. Gambit is dressed in regular black jeans shorts, but long and mid-calf on the legs, along with a green tank top complete with a black wool hoody considering it’s the cold Canada. The camera follows them as Crimson Deadly looks up from his table and sees who he’s waiting for. He shakes the hand of Mr. Mitchell and hugs his brother, both brothers sit down as Mr. Mitchell heads to the bakery to get some food for himself and Sin Gambit.

[Image: Sin_Gambit_2.jpg] [Image: Mr_Mitchell_2.jpg]

The camera approaches the pair as they sit and have begun talking.

Crimson Deadly: “So what’s your impression of XWF so far bro?”

Sin Gambit: “It’s alright, seems to be a great place to make a name for yourself, just can’t wait to compete in my first televised match.”

Mr. Mitchell appears once again with the same dish of 2 sausage rolls for Sin Gambit, while Mitch has a long sub sandwich. Sin Gambit takes a huge bite out of his sausage roll as Mr. Mitchell starts speaking.

Mr. Mitchell: “So, Crimson; how’s your training for the Four Way Massacre going? I trust you haven’t been leaving yourself no room for rest like your brother has… Look at him, absolutely destroying those sausage rolls… Told you all the work outs would wear you out.”

By the time Mr. Mitchell can finish speaking, Sin Gambit is half way through his second sausage roll. He swallows and stuffs the other half into his mouth in one go, Crimson Deadly looks at him as though he’s been possessed by some kind of demon.

Crimson Deadly: “Geez bro, I can understand an athlete’s gotta eat his food but damn… You don’t eat it, you just stuff it in your mouth and swallow.”

Sin Gambit lets out a fat boys smile as his cheeks have inflated because of the food still in his mouth, putting a thumbs up towards his bro.

Crimson Deadly: “Like old times ey? Let me tell you… This guy is a glutton… I don’t think I’ve ever heard the words “I’m full” exit this mans mouth… His stomach is like a bottomless pit.”

Sin Gambit: “Oh you better believe that, those rolls were absolutely amazing, could really use two more…”

Sin Gambit looks towards Mitchell who’s only a quarter through his sub, who looks back at Sin Gambit…

Mr. Mitchell: “Expect my ass to stay planted on this chair, you have a ton of energy, I’m an old man eating his sandwich… Are your legs broken? You ain’t gonna get very far in XWF if your legs are broken…”

Sin Gambit gets the message, he gets up and walks towards the bakery himself.

Crimson Deadly: “You asked how my training’s going… Well, to answer your question, it’s going pretty well, just today I managed to do two reps at four hundred and fifty pounds… Not many reps but for a man my size that’s what I call a success!”

Mr. Mitchell: “You shouldn’t strain yourself before a big match, keep the weights light, focus on endurance training, that’ll benefit you in a long and strenuous match like this four way massacre looks to be. But I have a bit of changed plans, see I took the liberty of using some of your saved up money to rent out a gym around the area, a little personal thing, and you’re going to be training alongside your brother.

“It will be a great lift to your spirits and the competitiveness between the two of you will cause you to push to bigger heights. To top it off you’re going to have a little sparring session with your brother, it’ll be until the pinfall or submission… However, I don’t want it to go on any longer than five minutes because I know Gambit and yourself will go a bit too far and I don’t want to risk injury to either of you.”

Crimson Deadly looks to like the idea of that, although most would probably think he’d be annoyed that his savings had been tempered with. But he seems to shrug it off as Sin Gambit once again joins the table.

Crimson Deadly: “Looks like me and you will be sparring today bro, think you can handle the Minion’s Master?”

Sin Gambit looks at Crimson Deadly and raises an eyebrow, a little smirk on the side of his face let’s Crimson Deadly know that his bro has an advantage; he hasn’t seen him fight in a while… Who knows what new moves he’s discovered and learnt as a result?

Sin Gambit: “Handle? You? Please… I can MAN-handle you, and then pin you before the five minutes are over, just watch bro… Just watch…”

Sin Gambit lifts his leg above the table to the point where you can see his thigh and knee, he begins lightly tapping on it as a form of trash talk towards Crimson.

Mr. Mitchell: “Okay guys, like I’ve said to both of you, I don’t want it getting too heated, once I say it’s over, then it’s over; you got that?”

Both Crimson and Gambit mumble to Mitch in agreement but you can already see the competitiveness between the two has taken their priority. Who knows how far these guys could take it? Mr. Mitchell doesn’t look like the type of guy who could break apart a competitive collision between brothers… Both men are looking to prove to the other that, now they’re both in the same ring on the same nights, business just picked up.

Mr. Mitchell: “Was watching Madness last night back in England, was good to see you and Cobra alongside each other again. When am I gonna meet the guy anyways?”

Crimson looks at Mitch and then back towards Gambit, he doesn’t necessarily know how to answer the question and break it to his two oldest colleagues as well as friends and family.

Crimson Deadly: “Well, you know how you had the idea of me and Gambit training together? Well, I already told Cobra that I would train with him today, we’ve been having our own days to develop on our own but every other day we meet up and train, sparring at the end of it all… You know Mitch, me and Gambit could have a full sparring session, Cobra and I have been doing it almost all week, barring yesterday since he had to compete, which is why it was scheduled to happen today…

“Was wondering actually, if he could join us in the gym? You wanna meet him and to be honest I think he’d like to meet you two. Once you see what he’s capable of in person you’ll understand why I chose him as a tag team partner… He’s so dynamic in the air, I’m not gonna take it away from gambit, he’s like a frickin’ bird. But Cobra… He’s a tough man in his own rights.”

Sin Gambit and Mr. Mitchell don’t know how to react. You’d think they’d be happy with it but they seem hesitant about it… But at the same time, what possible reason could they have for saying no?

Sin Gambit: “No. This is something special between brothers, something we both have in common, competing to bring the best out of each other… I don’t doubt he can bring out the best in you but with that said, he doesn’t need to know every move you’ve got going on, this training session today is also a good chance for us to trade our knowledge in moves, and let me tell you, I know a lot of ‘em now.”

Mr. Mitchell: “I agree, Crimson Cobra may be an ally but tomorrow he won’t be… If you’re going to win this match then this day or so is your chance to soar ahead of your competition… I’m sure if you speak to him as only a tag team partner can, he’ll understand the need for private training.”

Crimson Deadly doesn’t like the idea of bailing out on his friend but at the same time he can see reasoning and sense in both Mitch and Gambit’s statements, he weighs up the advantages and possible disadvantages and decides to call off the training session with Cobra. He gets up from the table and approaches a quiet looking corner, dialling Crimson Cobra’s number, placing the phone on speaker and putting it on a little side in the corner, he leans against the walls and, just as he’s in a relaxed position;

[Image: Crimson_Cobra_2.jpg]

Crimson Cobra: “Hello? Crimson?”

Crimson Deadly: “Yeah man, it’s me, listen… I’m not going to be able to make it to our training session today, my brother Sin Gambit and Mitch have got on the first plane up here to see my match and they want to do a little private training session with me for old times.”

There’s a short period of silence, Crimson awaits his partners reply.

Crimson Cobra: “Oh that’s cool, did you ask if I could come?”

Crimson Deadly: “Yeah, but we’ve come to the decision that, considering it’s the last day before the event, it’s probably best if we focus more individually than together, after all, we don’t wanna come into this match knowing absolutely everything the other knows… Basically, I need this day to be with my brother and put the final touches on before the big event.”

Crimson Cobra: “Oh… Right.”

Crimson Deadly knows Cobra doesn’t like that idea. But it’s something he’s got to stick by if he wants to have an advantage in this match.

Crimson Deadly: “Look, it’s likely we won’t see each other again until it’s time for the match… I want you to work your ass off tonight ‘cause no doubt, I am. I wanna see a whole new Crimson Cobra tomorrow night, I wanna see the common blaze we share and I wanna see it whether it’s against Sebastian Duke, Benny Boy, or me. You better bring your all!”

Crimson Cobra: “Oh, don’t worry about that bro, we may be partners but I want this championship match, as well as the chance to prove to everybody that Mark Flynn’s win was nothing but a fluke. If you doubt for a second that I’m not going to come at you or whoever gets in my way with all I’ve got, then you’re going to have a big slap in the face come tomorrow night.”

Crimson Deadly chuckles to himself through admiration towards his partners drive.

Crimson Deadly: “And I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Red Cobra!

“See you tomorrow night buddy.”

Crimson Cobra: “Lataz!”

Crimson Cobra hangs up the phone and Crimson casually picks up his phone and slides it back to normal and locks it, walking back to the table as Sin Gambit and Mr. Mitchell just finished talking about something that in all honesty, Crimson was curious about.

Crimson Deadly: “What you guys been talkin’ about?”

Sin Gambit stays quiet, but Mitch decides to fill in the blank for Crimson.

Mr. Mitchell: “We were just discussing the plans for our little training session, Gambit pitched some ideas as to what moves he could potentially show you to throw the balance in your favour, if you come into this match with moves that not even Crimson Cobra is aware of, then maybe you might be able to catch him off guard.”

Crimson Deadly likes the idea of this and casually nods to show his approval towards this idea.

Crimson Deadly: “That sounds great! But… If Michael’s gonna be competing soon… Well, we’re in a mall… How’s about we spend some time improving his wardrobe… Unless you wanna be seen as some kinda hobo, then you might wanna change your get up.”

Crimson says the last bit while lightly grasping Gambit’s shirt and lifting it a little before letting it drop. Like popping the collar except not done by the wearer.

Sin Gambit: “Ah man, don’t get in the way of my style bro, you already know I hate that kinda stuff.”

Crimson Deadly: “None sense, at least take a look around man, trust me, an hour in this mall with me and you’ll come out looking like a pimp, let’s do this!”

Crimson doesn’t allow his bro to disagree or attempt to reject his offer, he simply gets up, grabs his brothers arm and drags him out of the view of the camera…

Mr. Mitchell shakes his head and sighs, his body language shows wear as he reluctantly gets up and walks in their direction.

Mr. Mitchell: “God damn kids, why can’t they just stay in one spot and relax? Always gotta be movin’ around…”

Mr. Mitchell exits the scene in the direction the two brothers left and the scene slowly fades to black, showing the table they were sitting on, plates and all still there.