X-treme Wrestling Federation
Coffee Time! [Damien] - Printable Version

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Coffee Time! [Damien] - Minxs - 02-16-2014

The small bell above the door chimed softly as I walked inside the small shop. The elderly man behind the counter smiled softly and pointed to the corner table.

Already have your tea waitin' for ya, my dear.

I smiled and walked over to the table, the smell of Earl Gray reaching my nose.

Here you are, sweet.

He placed a brownie in front of me with a small smile before walking over behind the counter.

Hey, William?


Can a get some coffee...Black with two sugars?

He looked confused before his wife, Savannah, walked out.

Get her the coffee and get the shotgun, our little girl has a date.

I blushed and William brought over the coffee just as Damien walked in.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Damien Callaway - 02-16-2014

Damien made his way into the coffee shop she told him about. Noticing the name right away.

"I'm here to see Micah.."

He smiled softly looking around the shop, noticing her in the corner. He made his way over and slipped into the seat across from her.

"Hello Micah."

He looked at her, waiting to see what she would say.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Minxs - 02-16-2014

I smiled and cocked my head slightly, Hello, Damien. I took the liberty of ordering you some coffee...I wasn't sure if you wanted something to eat.

He looked down at the cup before taking a drink. His smile was a dead give away that I had gotten it right after all these years. Damien set the cup down and looked back up at me, my hand resting on his. His hand twitched slightly but he didn't pull away and I gently ran my thumb along his wrist. Memories flooded back through my head of happier times and I wanted nothing more than to put a smile back on his face.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Damien Callaway - 02-16-2014

Damien looked at her hand as it rested on his wrist.

"As much as I take joy in getting out of the house, I'm afraid you caught me on a bad day."

He looked up at her, before taking another drink of the coffee.

"Food really isn't on my mind, and hasn't been for two days."

He looked down into the cup of coffee.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Minxs - 02-16-2014

I smiled sadly before breaking off a bit of brownie and holding it up.



I pushed the brownie bit into his mouth, laughing softly as he gave into the perfect brownie.

This place makes the best brownies...and they have become a guilty pleasure of mine. Damien, just so you know...she left Zak the same way. Just a note on the pillow...it's why he's turned off to women.

I licked the chocolate off my fingers before taking a sip of tea. Damien's eyes widened slightly at my words and I waited for his reaction.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Damien Callaway - 02-16-2014

He finished off the bit of brownie she had shoved into his mouth, before speaking again.

"Well that kind of thing doesn't normally happen to me. He kind of brought that up at ..."

He stopped mid sentence.

"Like I said.. it doesn't normally happen to me."

Damien tried not to laugh.

"You and I both know if Ally walked up and said three words to him, he'd change."

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Minxs - 02-16-2014

He would be very conflicted. I know he cares deeply for his small lover so...he would have a hard time choosing. My brother once said the same thing about us. That there's a reason we keep getting back in the others life.

I smiled softly and took another sip, secretly enjoying the fact he hadn't pulled away.

Laugh, my Demon. It's the best way to cure a broken heart.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Damien Callaway - 02-16-2014

"There is no way to laugh when a heart has no joy."

He looked at her, steeling his gaze.

"When a heart feels this much pain.. there is only thoughts of pain, and torture."

He tried to remember a happy time and at the present moment, couldn't find one.

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Minxs - 02-16-2014

Do you remember the day at the lake? Where Kain had found a little lost kitten?

I could see the corners of his mouth twitch as the memory slammed to the front of his mind.

What was it you had said to him? When he had given you the pouty bat face after asking if he could keep him with you?

Coffee Time! [Damien] - Damien Callaway - 02-16-2014

"I said he could. So long as he would come over and care for him."

Damien tried to not smile, the corners of his mouth betraying him.

"I was shocked that he asked me.. considering I wasn't..I wasn't his father."

RE: Coffee Time! [Damien] - Minxs - 02-17-2014

Yes you were. Why do you think Kain and I always spent time with you? Why do you think Riley took time to bring Kain to you every time I had fallen ill or whenever Zak decided to show up? It wasn't just to protect him...it was because you fathered him. Riley couldn't have kids, Damien. Kain is and was every bit your son.

I removed my hand from his and reached up, cupping his face softly and pushing back some hair, You were always the one who stole my heart and the love I have for you didn't die with our son. In the four years he was alive, I never saw you smile so much. He was your fallen angel who happened to be your saving grace. Those memories are ones you need to bring up to get you through these hard times, including the happy memories of your daughter. Denying that those two children ever brought you happiness, joy and managed to change who you are in their short lives will only cause you to hurt more. Even Madyson and Mackenzie...they grew so fast and now...they are at collage and starting their lives...while I'm home alone looking at pictures. They changed who I am...how I act and how I see life. Life through the eyes of a child is full of innocence and love.

William walked over and poured Damien another cup of coffee, even placed two chocolate scones in between us.

Eat, son. Don't need you wasting away like Miss Thing over here.

William winked at me before walking away and whistling. I looked away, trying to hide my blush only to hear Damien laugh.