X-treme Wrestling Federation
Not In My House (#5 Chernpocalypse) - Printable Version

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Not In My House (#5 Chernpocalypse) - Scorpio - 02-14-2014

Brahs, as I sit here taking stock of everything that has transpired over the past couple of weeks I can't help but feel that my return to the XWF so far has been a giant cluster fuck. Now most of that is due to a mistake which saw my opponent change at the last minute. However that isn't the only reason that things don't feel right. No brahs, you see upon hearing that Mr. Ezekiel always liked to have the last word I thought that I was in for a fun week of verbally pwning this little cocksucker before finally climbing into the ring and dick whipping him so hard that it would knock the aids right out of him. I couldn't be more disappointed because instead of that it's just been me having the first word, second word, and third word with not so much as a sieg fucking heil coming from Zeke's direction.It appears that I misjudged "getting the last word" for actually participating in a verbal confrontation and coming out on top of it when what Zeke means by getting the last word is actually saying the last thing and nothing more. Don't worry brah, I'm not going to fly into some incoherent rant due to your blatant bitchassness like somebody I know because the important thing is you finally did break your silence and it couldn't be more glorious!

Saturday night in Chernobyl, when I meet you in the ring and I look you in the eyes, I will sense your fear. Your fear of your return becoming worthless and you realizing your career is over. Then you’re going to go home to your family and their going to be so disappointed in you, because you lost to the guy with AIDS. - Zeke

First of all you unoriginal little twat, didn't you just say something like that to Christine Nash as well?

I think when I step in that ring and I look in your eyes, after I stare at your ass, I’ll know that you fear me. - Zeke

And yes Christine, that’s exactly what I want. I want your pressure boy toy in the ring, face to face, man to man. I want to embarrass him, I want to humiliate him, I want to send him back to you with his head hung knowing that not only did he just get his ass handed to him by a guy with AIDS, but now he has to look you in the eye and fear for his rectum, because the anal pounding you’re going to give him is coming. - Zeke

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So basically what you're telling me is that in that deluded little mind of yours, not only do you think that people fear you but you also think using the same fucking formula for your so called "trash talk" is the way to go? He'll look in your eyes, see fear, and you'll feel bad if you lose to him because you lost to a guy with aids. Congratulations brahs, you no longer have to listen to another Ezekiel promo ever BECAUSE YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT HE'S GOING TO SAY! Anybody wondering why he waited till so late in the week to open his mouth now? No? Yeah, I didn't think so and the funny thing Is I'm just getting started.

This guy must have a mixture of fucking Down syndrome, Autism, and Jessie Diaz disease, because this guy is a total fucking dipshit. How the fuck do you possibly fuck up a full promo, you took your sweet time to make. - Zeke

Yes, me cutting a full promo on an opponent that I was told I was facing a week in advance only to have SOMEBODY ELSE make a change to the final card obviously places me firmly in the drooling mongoloid category. I'll go ahead and hire a caregiver to cut my food for me from now on since I obviously shouldn't be handling sharp objects. Hell I'm not even sure that I should be trusted with laces in my shoes, they're dangerous! I might try to tie my shoes and before I know it I could end up with both shoes tied around my neck as I accidentally choke myself to death. I'M THAT FUCKING STUPID BRAHS! Yes, and then there is reality, a place that Ezekiel has apparently never visited since he wants to challenge my intelligence for something completely out of my control however him putting out a promo where he ended up sounding like a fucking spastic imbecile while calling somebody else out for sounding like a fucking spastic imbecile doesn't make him the dumbest motherfuker in the XWF at all. Ezekiel, brah, you sir are wasting away here in the XWF. With a grasp of logic and reasoning like you have, you should be teaching classes at Oxford or some shit. I have to ask, are you now beginning to understand what effect doing all of those drugs had on you? I mean what in the actual fuck brah? How many drug binges do you have to go on to get the kind of brain deterioration that makes you think trying to talk shit to me about something that was COMPLETELY out of my control is a good idea? Not to mention you did it after I had already spent a good portion of another promo explaining why my first promo of the week was about D.Shadows and why Morbid Angel is a cracked out fuckwad. Does your brain even function at all?

[Image: hCEE06BB4.jpg]

Scorpio likes to call his promos the “Final Sting.” How does that make any fucking sense whatsoever if you keep fucking talking? - Zeke

Ah yes, "Final Sting" which is actually "THE Final Sting" but that's minor since there's so much else I can call you idiotic for right now. Brah, remember that shit I said about logic and reasoning earlier, BINGO. If you could comprehend those things at all then you probably wouldn't go around sticking knives in power outlets, sticking your dick in diseased whores, or cutting promos that make Peter Gilmour seem like a member of Mensa. Now to begin with my PROMOS are not called "The Final Sting", it would get a little confusing if every promo I cut was called "The Final Sting" don't you think? Wait, FUCK NO YOU DON'T THINK, THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM! Now stick with me here dipshit because I'm trying not to lose you even though I'd probably have better luck getting a brick wall to understand this. Anyway brah, can I call you brah? I mean calling you just plain brah kind of taints that name for everybody else. Ah who cares, it's not like you can do anything about it anyway. So, brah, stop eating glue sticks and pay attention. There is a portion of most of my promos called "The Final Sting" which is basically a fancier way of saying "Outro". Yes, "The Final Sting" is just an outro labeled as "The Final Sting" because it marks the last portion of the promo. I'm sorry I confused you. I should have realized that there are people out there stupider than average human beings and it was insensitive for me to think that something that's so easily understood by normal people might not be so easily understood by crack babies such as yourself.

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No one want to hear your lame ass resume any more than they want to hear John Austin’s attempts to intimidate me, which we all know aren’t worth a damn thing. You keep going on and on about how you were a World Champion here, but motherfucker that was way back then when the competition was as thin as your fucking IQ. I bet you a pint of my blood that if I were in XWF during that period, you wouldn’t have even smelt any belt - Zeke

You mean no one WANTS to hear my lame ass resume? Gotta get that "s" on that shit brah. Don't get mad at me, you're like a puppy and the only way you're going to stop shitting everywhere is if somebody rubs your face in it. I've got no problem doing that, somebody has to or you're never going to learn. Tell me this brah how many titles have you won? Unless you had a name changing title run that I'm missing the answer to that question would be a whopping, ZERO! Now let me tell you about the competition that was around back when I was around. Competition which included Unknown Soldier, Sebastian Duke, Griffin MacAlsiter who I beat several times, you know the current tag champion, and Peter Gilmour just to name a few. Wait Peter Gilmour? Yes, Peter Gilmour who I'm pretty sure won ZERO titles fighting the competition that was around while I was around. However fighting this high level of competition that took the federation by storm since I was gone? Two X-Treme Title runs, a Tag Title run, and a Trios Title run. Yes, I can see that the level of competition in the XWF now will absolutely DESTROY me. Whatever shall I do? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME BRAH! Of course you aren't, you really are okay with throwing out sloppy half assed promos and showing the world how fucking unintelligent you are in the process. Can you see it now, can you see the difference between us? It's as clear as day just by watching our promos that I PUT IN WORK while you're just trying to fake it until you make it and it doesn't work that way. Ask yourself this brah, check your fucking ego at the god damn door and be completely honest with yourself. Other than you have you heard anybody put you in the same sentence as the best the XWF has to offer? I know I sure as hell haven't but do you know who I have heard people put in the same sentence with them? Me. People bring up dream matches and they say they want Theo Pryce Vs Scorpio, they say they want Griffin MacAlister Vs Scorpio even though it's happened four or five times already, people say they want Scorpio Vs Supernova, Scorpio Vs Unknown Soldier, Scorpio Vs Madison, and the list goes on and on. That's the type of weight my name holds because like I said to D. Shadows when I thought he was my opponent, this is what I fucking do. Inside the ring and outside of it I do what it takes to destroy my opponents and the day you EVER see me put out some half assed bullshit like you do is the day I'm going to fucking retire for good. Seriously you're pathetic brah, and that makes me sad.

[Image: WHY-YOU-MAKE-soqxva.jpg]

So tell me something Scorpio, how’s that babe of yours? No Barney, I’m talking about ….. Shena. Yeah, that’s her name! How’s she doing by the way? - Zeke

I totally fucked that chick. Yeah, she was a freak too, she does this thing with her tongue, and it’s to die for! But you see… I kind of gave her AIDS, and she got totally pissed and left me, so if you fucked her….. I’d recommend you getting checked. You might just have AIDS too, and you don’t want that, my dude. - Zeke

This shit again, REALLY? Let me steal a line from you here brah, IS THIS REAL FUCKING LIFE? I hope you understand how you look as you question anything AT ALL about my promos then turn around and continually fuck up. I probably didn't even need to respond to you because you're doing a damn good job of crashing and burning on your own. No Barney Green? NO Barney Green? It's "NOT" Barney Green, YOU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DROP OUT! Hold on that may be a little harsh to elementary school dropouts because I'm pretty sure even most elementary school dropouts can cut better promos than you do. I seriously question if you could even recite the complex sentences of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" without somehow fucking it up. With that out of the way, let's move on to something that doesn't involve me once again showing how horribly done those abortions you call promos actually are. I really want to know, did you actually watch ANY of my promos or did you just skim through them? Of course I already know the answer to that question, you watched every last god damn one of them because they were fucking awesome. However the number of them you actually comprehended, none. Otherwise you wouldn't be talking about fucking a bitch that doesn't exist since the part of that promo that involved "Shena" was a reenactment of a dream I had. So unless you make it a habit of fucking imaginary bitches, which I wouldn't put past you, I seriously doubt that she did anything to you with her tongue. This does however prove that you've got one hell of an imagination but I was already well aware of that, I mean you actually think you're good and you actually think you have a chance in hell of beating me. It takes a special blend of imagination and brain damage to be able to pull that off brah.

[Image: special.jpg]

I want every brah out there watching this to take note, don't test me in these promos because the joke guy, the meme guy, the glittery jacket and face painted guy? That guy will fucking eat you alive and there is no other way to put it. I've been tested by the best and my words have left them curled up in a fucking fetal position. In the ring? In the ring it's even worse but I can't demonstrate that just yet. Well I guess I could but it would be against some bum that has no connection with the XWF at all and it's lame as fuck when people beat up people like that then act like they're the baddest motherfucker on the planet. Don't worry though because I have a nice aids infected little bitch to make an example of this week in Chernobyl so tune in, it'll be awesome. As for you brah, go ahead, I'm done with you so get in your meaningless last word then get on your knees and suck the dick of whatever god you pray to in order to thank him for the fact that I won't be responding to anything else you have to say. Oh and one more thing, to you and to everybody else who even thinks about bringing some weak shit against me like you brought this week....

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