X-treme Wrestling Federation
Pinned ya again - Printable Version

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Pinned ya again - Frodo mother fucking Smackins - 02-11-2014

Frodo sneaks up on Davids, hits him with a brick, knocking him to the ground. Frodo lowers Davids' pants and slips his turgid self inside just to remind Davids he is a woman. With himself firmly in Davids' womanly ass he signals for the Shadow ref to make the pin.

Pinned ya again - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 02-11-2014

Steve kicks out. Frodo seems to have been imagining things as Frodo actually merely has his penis in his own hands. Davids kicks the cunt of a dwarf in the head and plants him with The Shockwave. Davids and the shadow referee flee.