X-treme Wrestling Federation
Neonero - Printable Version

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Neonero - Paul Heyman - 01-31-2014

After going over some very important information, it appears as though Neonero is not booked for competition in Buffalo on Monday night.

Being my first night back in power, I find it very troublesome that Neonero will not be there to join us in our celebration.

In order to allow the past to die and to move Madness forward, I offer my hand out to you, Neonero. Come to Madness in Buffalo. I'll purchase the first class tickets on my own dime. Allow us to shake hands in the middle of the ring for all the world to see. Allow us to move on from our past.

Neonero - MARIA BRINK - 01-31-2014

I will join you two in the ring, and then one of you will have me in your immune system. Who wants AIDs? Perhaps Kimmy K?

Neonero - Neonero - 02-01-2014

Oh Paul, I've made it clear that I was toying with you from the start. Pray tell what hatchet need be buried? Do you need me to stand in front of you and promise you not to piss on yout toothbrush again? Frankly that's not a promise I can keep. It's just too entertaining.

Still, your invitation is intriguing. I mean, I wonder which band of merry fools you may have in your thrall to attack big bad Nero? Which bottom feeders need the coin? Through curiosity alone, I shall be present.

Just remember, be careful what you wish for. And if that cliche was too inane, let me offer you some wisdom:

A Parasite is just a failed Symbiote.

Neonero - Paul Heyman - 02-01-2014

I should suggest the same thing, Neonero. Be careful what you wish for.

See you in Buffalo, ole chap.