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Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Printable Version

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RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-07-2014

You do know the difference between me proving you wrong and bitching don't you? I don't think you do because there is a big difference between what I say and your constant whining. Plus each time you open your mouth you just prove what I've already said about you, in your mind you seem to think that you're hitting me with some devastating shit but the problem is the only place where that is a reality is in your head. You see you make no fucking sense to anybody because you're a nimrod and you make no fucking sense. I make no sense to you because you're a nimrod and you can't comprehend what I'm saying as evidence by the multiple times I've taken jabs at you only for you to respond with something cringe worthy making it painfully obvious that what I said went sailing way over your head. You say I've dug a hole? You're absolutely right but once again you're misreading things. That hole is the one I'm going to bury you in. You want me to say hello to failure? Why, I've already greeted you.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-08-2014

"Damn, I think that tirade of yours just put me to sleep. Ah whatever; I needed some sleep after listening to the overly defensive speech you gave me."

"Answered bluntly? The only thing blunt about you is your IQ. None of the words that you say make sense to anyone except for you. You challenge me even though you seem to use the same insults repeatedly. Have you run out of words to use against me? It seems to me that you have."

"The jabs you give to me sail over my head!? You only listen when you want to, you filthy cretin. You've missed so many of my points against you because they don't make sense in that little English to Japanese translation book of yours."

"You've passed me in the hole digging, Sir Manlady. Failure doesn't stop where I am, it just goes deeper and deeper until you've burned yourself alive in the core of the Earth. Keep digging and see where you get, why don't 'cha?"

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-08-2014

You see Aerial you say a lot of things, things that you think are making a point, things that only one person believes, you. You also have a talent for being able to make a complete and total ass out of yourself without even knowing it. You know kind of like how you said I was unoriginal and that you were going to throw my words back in my face, something that never happened, only to have me PROVE how god damn unoriginal you were by doing that exact thing to you? We all remember that, we saw how thrown off you were and how quickly your tune changed as you tried to cop out of it. It was cute, so cute that I think I want to see it again.

"It seems to me that you're only listening to what I say and then responding with as much maturity and wit as 'I know you are, but what am I'.

Now correct me if I'm wrong Aerial but doesn't that basically sum up what you just said to me? I guess not only are you a spastic but...

"you're also a massive hypocrite"


RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-08-2014

Johnathan is on the verge of slapping Satoko, but stops because their match isn't until Thursday.

"Remind me of my mentally disabled uncle one more time and I'll make sure you'll reach his level."

Johnathan calms down a bit before continuing.

"Sure, I admit that I'm unoriginal. Hell, almost everyone in the entire wrestling industry is unoriginal. Everyone has borrowed words, gimmicks, and moves beforehand. What's your problem with it? You're saying the exact same shit that other people have said to me in a completely different federation. Quit trying to hide the fact that you too are, in fact, unoriginal."

He smiles now.

"Keep digging that hole of yours, Sir Repetition, because I'll help you reach reach failure ever faster."

((In all seriousness, I hate using as an insult. I find it to be too low brow to use against any opponent.))

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-08-2014

Another prime example of you thinking that you know what the you're doing when all you're really doing is proving my point for me. Pay attention to this Knight because I want you to finally realize how pathetic you are. You just went on a rant talking about how unoriginality is okay AFTER earlier in the week trying to bash me for being unoriginal. Let that sink in. I wasn't the one who first brought it up you oblivious jerk off, YOU DID. So what you just did was completely go against what you previously said and prove how hypocritical YOU are. I mean why would you try to call me out on being unoriginal only to defend unoriginality later on? Oh I know, because you're fishing for anything at all that you can say to make yourself look better because you're getting owned by a "crossdresser" and you've gotten desperate. Come on Aerial, if I can mentally fuck you up to this point with just my words then honestly what hope do you have of beating me? This match is going to be over before the bell even rings and you don't even realize it.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-08-2014

"Listen to you. You think that you've beaten me after admitting that the stuff I say is, in fact, unoriginal. Sure, I've accepted that not many people in the business aren't original, you completely ignored the fact that all of the shit you said before me was said before to me. The words you throw at the wall don't stick too long when thrown at me. Don't act like you're better than me because you think you've 'beaten' me mentally."

"I'm the one getting owned by a crossdresser, huh? In that case, Adrian Adonis totally didn't kick Roddy Piper's ass at Wrestlemania 3 before Brutus came in and shaved Adonis' hair off. There is no way that I'm in the position of getting 'owned' by you right now. Stop trying to fish for things that please you and fish for the whole damn federation. We're starving and we demand an argument that actually budges me."

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-08-2014

An argument that budges you? Please, the only thing that you've been doing is running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to minimize the amount of damage my words are actually having on you. Key word, TRYING. Since all you end up doing is making things so much worse for yourself by flip flopping more than a politician. Something that I've put on display multiple times already yet still somehow have even more bullshit to call you on since you're making it so easy.

"What you did before getting into this federation means jack shit now that you've entered the XWF."

Remember that? It's what you said before bitching to the point where I basically HAD TO show you a match from another federation just to get you to shut the fuck up about Mass Transit. Yeah, if that wasn't idiotic enough you then want to follow it up with this?

"You're saying the exact same shit that other people have said to me in a completely different federation."

So at first what I did in other federations didn't matter, then did, and then things that happened to you in other federations matter too?

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-09-2014

"The things I have done in a previous federation don't matter. The things I've heard do. What I'm hearing is the same old shit others have thrown in my face long before you started doing it. I've been called stupid, weak, foolish, and I still overcome the odds and beat them silly. Now what about you? You're using the book to insult me, and you think it's working. Books aren't always current, you see; the book you're using has worn down with age and none of the content in said book is even relevant anymore. I'm not budging, Sir Confused. All you're doing is making that hole of yours much deeper."

"I like how you've given up on previous arguments, too. As if you're admitting defeat to me already. I can't blame you, I'd be scared of me too."

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-09-2014

"Keep digging that hole of yours, Sir Repetition, because I'll help you reach reach failure ever faster."

" All you're doing is making that hole of yours much deeper."

" Keep digging and see where you get, why don't 'cha?"

"Do I need to explain the Mass Transit incident with New Jack to you?"

"Again, Mass Transit."

"You really are Mass Transit's sexually confused son, aren't you?"

Oh and let's not forget the 30 times you felt the need to tell me that I was going to get my head kicked in. As I said Aerial, the shit that I can call you on is endless. One moment you say one thing and then the next your opinion changes. If it isn't that then you're claiming something about me when you're doing the exact same thing that you're claiming that I am. You can't even go a couple of sentences without contradicting yourself for Christ sake.

"The things I have done in a previous federation don't matter."
"I've been called stupid, weak, foolish, and I still overcome the odds and beat them silly."

Well that is unless "them" is just him as in Woe.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-09-2014

"Sure, the Loverboy match wasn't much of a win, but at least he'll think twice before calling me yet another competitor that comes and leaves after one match. Go ahead, ask him. I'm sure he still has some bruises on his head from our match."

"You're doing the same thing right now, calling me out on my repetition again. You really need to point that out every time I speak, don't you? You have short term memory loss or something? You might, which would explain the reason why I need to repeat the same shit over and over to you. That is, unless you like my voice. In that case, you don't deserve serenades. You only get to hear it when I claim my superiority over you in that ring."

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-09-2014

"Sure, the Loverboy match wasn't much of a win"

*Satoko's eyes get wide*

"You have short term memory loss or something?"

*Satoko's eyes get even wider*

Your goal in life is to prove how right I am isn't it? Well thanks to you I've been crowned Queen of Rightland where I sit on a throne of rightness in a castle made of truth with an error-free crown atop my head. Don't worry though because I have a job in the Correct Kingdom that suits you, you can be my fool. I mean as if our exchanges up to this point weren't enough to prove how much of a delusional doofus you are, you want to go down this road? Wasn't much of a win? IT WASN'T A FUCKING WIN AT ALL! Not only did you lose but you gave up! Wasn't much of a win, god damn, the fact that the word win even came out of your mouth in relation to that match says to me that we need to check your brain for bruises, forget Loverboy's head. Following it up by later asking me about short term memory loss is just the icing on your fail cake.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-09-2014

"King. You're a king. No queen I know of grows a mustache and has men's muscles. That is, unless Frida Khalo had a field day painting a portrait of your likeness before she kicked the bucket. Wait, what am I saying!? You're no king, you're the village idiot!"

"By the way, you might want to stop smoking that blunt Sir Shadows handed to you before you started speaking to me. That should get you to stop imagining that you live in a castle in a made up kingdom with a crown made of newspaper."

He smiles.

"Besides, you'd tap out too if your neck was wrenched back to the point of it ripping off. You want me to put you in the same situation Vinnie did? Okay, I won't kick your head in, I'll tear it right off."

"Oh dear, did I repeat myself again? I think I did. Oh no, now the drag is going to bore me again."

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-09-2014

I'd tap out too? Don't try to act as if you have any idea what I would or wouldn't do in that situation because you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Remember just asking me about memory loss? You probably don't since you seem to have forgotten that I said I was a masochist so if it's a submission you're looking for then the chances of that happening are even less than you actually pinning me. So let's see since the chances of you pining me are zero then the chances of you making me tap are probably somewhere deep in the negatives. Good luck with that. By the way did a poor imitation of a Knight just try to make fun of me for jokingly talking about being royalty? I mean even if I was serious who the fuck are you to try and call me on it? That would be like Forrest Gump and Gilbert Grape calling you a... Well I think you get my point. Or you don't, yeah, you probably don't.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-09-2014

"Bad news, Sir Horseshoe, no one in their right minds would sit on a throne and automatically declare themselves king. That would be like a homeless man storming into the White House and calling himself president.I'm sure you might know a little something about that, wouldn't you, false king?"

"My chances of pinning you are zilch, huh? Well in that case, the odds of you putting me down to the mat at all are zilch. There is no way I'm letting myself stoop as low as losing to crossdressers. My chances of making you submit are negative? Yeah, remind me to see how you'd react to pain if I get a sword one day and cut that feminine head of yours right off."

"The guy that's calling out on your bullshit? The same guy you'll see standing over you on Thursday. Might be hard to accept since you think I need to carry around a helmet when I'm outside. Then again, you act like you're as low of an IQ as you're making me out to be..."

"Quickly! Who wrote 1984? Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't read. You only act on instinct and pleasure."

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-10-2014

"The same guy you'll see standing over you on Thursday."

The same guy who was supposed to leave Delacroix staring up at the arena lights after kicking his head in? All I see is a guy who is writing checks with his mouth that his skills never let him cash. Wait I've got an idea, since we all know that you can't leave your house without your precious helmet, why don't you wear it to the ring? It's fine Aerial, I'll allow it, you'll probably feel more comfortable having it and it should make things more challenging. I mean after getting put down by a "thigh" to the head it's obvious that you can use all the help you can get inside that ring. After all I wouldn't want you flopping to the ground unconscious after a simple kick which would likely happen since your jaw seems to be made from the most fragile glass in all the land. Now the thing I wonder is, with your losses piling up and an unavoidable loss to a "crossdresser" coming at the house show, will you stick it out like a true Knight or run like you accused me of? We shall see.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-10-2014

"I'll bring my helmet if you bring yours."

"Douglas who? Oh! You mean the guy that died after leaving the arena, right? I don't think I ever fought him, but keep living your fantasies, since you seem to love thinking that you live in a castle and being called queen. Maybe that Douglas guy you mentioned could be your royal servant; that is, if that's your way of mourning his loss."

"I've only lost once, I'll have you know. I've fought an invisible wrestler on Monday, so technically I won that since I had to do all of the damn work myself. You have no idea how hard it is to act like I'm being hit with a finishing move from the top rope."

((Just roll with it, Johnathan is a sore loser and acts like people who didn't deserve a victory don't exist at all.))

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-10-2014

(ooc:my bad, had/having a very busy day. )

Aerial, I think you may need to see a shrink because that amount of denial can't be healthy. On the bright side our match keeps creeping closer and closer so what you do after I completely embarrass you isn't my problem. Actually, that may not be true after what you've just displayed. Tell me this, once I beat you, will I too become just a ghost behind a loss you refuse to accept? Choose that answer wisely Aerial because I see you have a passion for the Heavy Metal Weight championship and this ghost may just show back up to haunt you. I mean wouldn't that be something? Me taking that belt away from you after already kicking your ass once? I must say that gold would look quite good around my slender waist don't you think? Oh course you do, anybody who doesn't agree with that is fucking blind. Oh and one more thing Mr. Question my wit, what the fuck was this?

"Sir , I'm sure that he's not that stupid. Hell, no one can be that stupid. Well, except for Peter Gilmour."

Such insult, much wit, wow.

RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-10-2014

"Did you just use an internet meme to prove a point? We have our master of intellectual insults right here! George Carlin? Dennis Miller? Eat your hearts out! This crossdresser right here took an entire day to come up with the best insult he could ever think of!"

Johnathan is laughing his ass off. He manages to calm himself down after a little while.

"In all seriousness, though, I like how you just keep giving up on previous arguments. Are you letting me win now? You're just being too nice to me."

"I still have no fucking clue who you keep referring to. Are you talking about your gimp? I don't see what your gimp has to do with our upcoming match tomorrow. Maybe you and your imaginary gimp can go play princess after the match, cause I want no part of it."

"Oh, and this title? You want it? Go ahead and pry it from my dead hands, if you dare. It's like my sword. I dare not let go of it until I'm promised a better one."

((No sweat, man. Take as much time as you need to finish up that business.))