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Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: RP Archive (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=113) +--- Forum: Archives (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +---- Forum: XWF House Show Battles (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +---- Thread: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight (/showthread.php?tid=15050) Pages:
Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 09-05-2014 Battle thread Deadline is Thursday 9/11, @ 12 noon PST. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "Well, well, well, lookie here, I'm going to be fighting the crossdresser on Thursday's house show. If that's the case, they might as well be just handing the victory to me. This freak doesn't even know what's coming to him. Sure, some Japanese males look like females because of their genes, but I've never seen any self respecting man dress up like a disgusting wench because they are proud of it. Hell, why did you even come to this federation if you just wanted to get your rocks off? Why didn't you go to a gay bar if that's why you wanted to dress up like a chick? Never mind; none of that matters anyways. What matters is that you'll get your ass handed to you in the most spectacular fashion.You've just decided to debut in this little federation, so I might as well give you a warm welcome. After the party, don't be afraid if you find yourself in a gurney; that's just my own little way of saying hello." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 Aerial, so cute and yet dumber than a box of Gilmours. Then again isn't that how it usually works? Anyway pumpkin, before I answer your questions which you saw the need to ask yet apparently don't matter.
*eyebrow raise* Yes, before I answer those, I have to know, do you go out of your way to make an ass out of yourself for all the newbies or am I just a special case? Do tell sweetie, who exactly said that I was just here to get my rocks off? Those words never escaped these exquisitely glossed lips. Trust me, if that's all I wanted to do it would take a lot less effort than joining a wrestling federation. No honey, I'm here because I know I'm good enough to be here and I'm going to prove that. Now as for me going to a gay club, boy, you really are dense aren't you babe? Number one being gay and being what I am are two completely different things. Number two if it's a gay club and I look like a woman how many people there do you actually think would be interested? Last but not least, I bet you'd enjoy handing my ass to me since you'd get to touch it. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "You remind me of my sister, stupid, naive, and just wanting to have the last word in. You're just making it easier to give me reasons to kick your ass." He laughs a little. "Maybe gay was a terrible choice of words. Transvestite seems to fit you better. Even then, you're still dressing like a disgusting wench that I need to destroy. Knights like me don't take kindly to crossdressing gypsies like you being in a wrestling federation like this." "Oh come on, that Peter Gilmour insult wasn't even clever. You're about as witty as Darren Dangerous banging actresses he claims to be wrestler's mothers. You'll have to try harder than that to get under my skin, freak. The shit you're pulling off here proves to me that you need your head kicked in. Kind of like what I did to Sir Lane before he beat me justly in the ring." "That welcoming party I promised isn't going away with words like those." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 Knighty poo, you have the personality of dental dam, has anybody ever told you that? Being cute really is the only thing that you have going for you. With that being said I never knew how much knight's sounded like the teeth missing camo wearing good ol boys you find in hole in the wall bars south of the Mason-Dixon line.
"Knights like me don't take kindly to crossdressing gypsies like you being in a wrestling federation like this." Knight or intolerant redneck jerkwad? Then again the white knights were the most militant and violent chapter of the KKK so you calling yourself that actually does fit. Now my little hate filled sugar plum I'd like you to please explain to me, no, explain to the world why exactly I shouldn't be here? This may be my first XWF match but it's not my first match. I left this business with my sights set on improving before I came back and I did that. Yet all that matters to you is what I do outside of the ring? Nice approach, I'm sure this will end well for you. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "Redneck now? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't you?" "What you did before getting into this federation means jack shit now that you've entered the XWF. I don't care if you've fought in WWE, NJPW, TNA, or God forbid CZW, what you do in this federation is all that matters, and all you did was get it on with a whiny son of a bitch who thought you were a woman." "In what world would comparing me to the KKK make any sense to you? Who said I was racist towards people with different skin? Not only that, why the hell would I be associated with those bigots anyways? I live in Maryland, not Kentucky." "You know, you're just making me raise more questions about you than answers. I'm sure that I'll have my answers about you when I beat some sense into your empty little head at this house show. Hell, come Thursday, I'm not sure that you'll be able to remember who you even are after our match." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 Fuck my life, is he really going to make me do this? He is isn't he? Not only do I have to spend time insulting him but I also have to circle around and explain what I said in a way that he can understand? Fine, but I'm so putting this down as tutoring special needs children on my resume. Pay attention Sir Fuckwit, that line of yours that I pointed out, the "not take kindly" one, is one that you'd expect to hear from redneck bigots. In fact, a visual aid, roll it.
Happy? That's what you sound like, congrats. Next lesson, what sense does it make for me to compare you to the KKK? The knight shows how clueless he is yet again. How sad is it that I'm not even from here yet I know more about this country than he does? Fun fact my special little knight, the vast majority of KKK chapters as you would put it "don't take kindly" to people like me either. You know knightykins, they say that wrestling is mostly mental and you're obviously over-matched in that department. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "I'M the stupid one here? I'll have you know, Sir Chickwithadick, that using South Park to justify anything you say is probably one of the dumbest things that ever came out of your head. Most of that shit that appears on that show is parody and only parody. In no way, shape, and form is it supposed to be political or social commentary. Next thing you're going to tell me is that you got all of that KKK bullshit off of Wikipedia." "Now that I think about it, why would you try to tell me that the KKK of all things match my intelligence? The only things that I know about you are that you get knowledge from cartoons and that you have the most juvenile of insults in your arsenal of wit." "Now, 'I don't take kindly' to people who take my title of knighthood and make a joke out of it. Maybe you need a good smack in the head not only to show you exactly where you belong, but also a kick to your skull to remind you who your superiors are in this federation." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 Jesus fucking Christ you're an idiot, you said it yourself dimwit, it's a PARODY. Yes, a parody of people WHO ACT LIKE THAT! In this case, you. For fuck sake, you're the one who parroted what was being said in the parody without even knowing it. How are you not getting this? I thought my English was pretty damn good but apparently not. Also what's with this inferiority complex that you have? I'm still trying to understand why you're so caught up on my insults if they are in fact what you say they are. To me it sounds more like you're trying to convince everybody else that you're not being outsmarted and verbally massacred by "chick with a dick" by calling my cleverness into question because that's the only way you think you can stop the bleeding. You know what scratch that because now that I think about it, it actually sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself. Don't lose heart oh brave knight, fight on, surely the penis equipped harlot will fall by your hand. Perhaps if this were a fairy tale, unfortunately for you, it isn't. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "Are you even listening to yourself right now? It seems like I can use all of the words that spew out your mouth and fling them back at you." "I really don't see how your English has anything to do with this. I can hear you crystal clear. The main problem with you is that: A: You are not a hermaphrodite, you are a man who saw Tim Curry on Rocky Horror and decided 'Hey, maybe I can dress as him for the rest of my life!' and went with it. And B: You're taking what I say seriously. Maybe you do get your facts from cartoons and Wikipedia. Who am I to say differently?" "You might want to listen to your 'hero' Spongebob for advice on your upcoming match. 'I guess crying does solve your problems after all.'" "I might as well do the honorable thing and put your special little mind out of your misery. It's the least I can do, after all." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 Okay, now I'm fucking hurt. Tim Curry? TIM FUCKING CURRY! That one hurt my feelings, or at least it would have if half of the damn federation didn't hit on me before finding out what my plumbing really was. Tim Curry, pfft that motherfucker couldn't walk a mile in my heels! Also I shouldn't take what you say seriously? Well that's good to know because I was taking about 50% of it seriously, you know, the parts where you were making yourself look like a complete imbecile. The parts with you threatening to kick my head in I wasn't really bothering with because those were obviously jokes. I mean nobody who wants to sound even moderately threatening would ever talk like that. However thank you bringing to light that not only is you trying to intimidate me an act but this
![]() RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 Johnathan clears his throat. "This is the part where I take everything you said and throw it right back at you. Just watch how your own words can lead to your downfall." Quote:"I shouldn't take what you say seriously? Well that's good to know because I was taking about 50% of it seriously, you know, the parts where you were making yourself look like a complete imbecile." Quote:"I know one thing for sure, if this wrestling thing doesn't work out for you, you are destined to be the next great leading man in Hollywood." Quote:"I mean nobody who wants to sound even moderately threatening would ever talk like that." "Now watch as he tries to justify that these words were only intended for me and me alone. Just give it up, you. No matter what you say now, it'll just be thrown right back at you just to show you that you're not as smart or clean as you think you are." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 Wait, are you trying to say that I was trying to sound threatening there? Pay close attention kids at home, this is what we call grasping at straws. This usually occurs when people have nothing else to say or are verbally getting the floor wiped with them and need to find something, anything in order to make it seem like they're remotely competent. Trust me Sir Syndrome Of A Down, the most threatening thing I've said to you this entire time is that I'm outsmarting you because newsflash, I am. You think that it's going to stop once we climb into the ring? It won't, I'll be briskly cruising five steps ahead of you while you're helplessly flopping around trying any and everything in order to turn things in your favor. So basically the same thing that you're doing now only I'll be hitting you with actual punches instead of punchlines. You're getting desperate knighty bear and there is so much time left between now and the house show. I guess this was to be expected though since in reality you're the one who has realized that you're not what you thought you were. Me?
RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "Desperation is when I start to whine and bitch like a four year old about how I didn't break the pinata. You're kind of demonstrating that attitude here. What I'm doing is showing you how generic and lazy all of your attempts to threaten me are. Five steps ahead of me? I've heard that about five times before. Hitting me with ACTUAL punches? What do you know, you can do the same thing many other Japanese wrestlers can do. Like my punches and kicks are any different from yours." "I don't expect you to just lay down in the center in the ring and give up. I expect you to try and fight back once I kick your fucking head in. You think I'm joshing you? Uh-uh. I'm as sincere as a knight to a king. Hell, I won't even stop kicking until I see some pearly withes fall out. That'll get you to stop talking shit that you can't back up." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 "What I'm doing is showing you how generic and lazy all of your attempts to threaten me are. Ahem. "You're just making it easier to give me reasons to kick your ass." "The shit you're pulling off here proves to me that you need your head kicked in." "I'm sure that I'll have my answers about you when I beat some sense into your empty little head at this house show. "Maybe you need a good smack in the head not only to show you exactly where you belong, but also a kick to your skull to remind you who your superiors are in this federation." "I expect you to try and fight back once I kick your fucking head in. You think I'm joshing you? Uh-uh. I'm as sincere as a knight to a king. Hell, I won't even stop kicking until I see some pearly withes fall out. That'll get you to stop talking shit that you can't back up." Is this what you had planned with throwing my words back at me? Didn't work out how you thought huh? Let me guess "blah blah my ass and head are about to get kicked" right? #outsmarted RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-05-2014 "Well, it seems like we're both unoriginal here. The main question is who can back up their threats better than the other." "You're trying to demonstrate that you can, but the fact that you haven't had an actual match here in XWF tells me that you're nothing more than a bluffer." "I'm going to give you one last chance to tell me something I haven't heard before. Fail, and...well... you already seem to know the rest." He winks at him mockingly. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-05-2014 You sure changed your tune pretty quick huh? However I guess the gist of what you're saying is that you want me to stop messing around and get to the issue at hand? Aww but that's no fun!
*pouts* Fine. The truth is I have not had a match in the XWF but you've had a limited number of them yourself. You're bigger than me and you're stronger than me. Which doesn't bother me since the people I've trained with are bigger than you and I knew going in that I'd probably always be smaller than my opponents. Key words from that last sentence, "Trained with" something you want to completely ignore as you write me off as nothing but a crossdressing whore when it's actually "crossdressing escort". Oh, corssdressing escort who has wrestled before, has been training to wrestle, and was trained to fight before that. I told you that I wasn't here just to mess around, do you really think I'd be here if I wasn't serious about winning? You think I'd put myself through being called every name people are going to call me if I wasn't serious? While extremely arousing, no, no I wouldn't. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 "True, I've had only one match before entering this house show, but I'll be having another one coming up against a much much tougher foe. Even he hasn't had a match before entering this house show (no, I don't count squash matches). As for you now, you're not that small compared to my height and weight. If anything, I'd say you're bullshitting to make it seem like you're the good guy in this situation, like Sly did in Rocky." "Cut the crap and give me a heartfelt attack on me. You want to win? No shit, Sherlock, everyone in this federation wants to win. Will they win on their first match? Not always; just ask Sir Lane about how he almost tore my head clean off on Madness." "You've been trained to fight, sure, but in what way? Did you just learn the basics of wrestling and say 'Yep, I know everything about wrestling now!'? The only way to prove to me that you really are a fighter is if you send me some footage of you wrestling someone else away from the bed." "Escort or not, you'll have to prove yourself to me if you want to beat me." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 My god this is brutal, I don't think I've ever witnessed somebody fail in such spectacular fashion repeatedly. Are you even trying? Wait I got it you're the kind of guy who plays shooting games and resorts to the "spray and pray" method. If you were alive during the actual time of knights, you'd be the one riding into to battle with his eyes closed swinging his sword wildly just hoping that he would hit something. I mean that is what you're doing right now after all.
"You want to win? No shit, Sherlock, everyone in this federation wants to win." Really now, well if it's no shit then why is it that you questioned my intentions in this federation from the word go? I mean if everybody in this federation wanted to win, why ask why I was here? Why question what I wanted to do here? Oh, I know why, the same reason I said earlier, you just let random shit come flying out of your mouth and pray to god that it makes you sound semi coherent. Your prayers are not being answered. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 Johnathan is on the phone, ordering a pizza. "Twenty minutes? Okay, I'll have the money ready." He hangs up. "Took ya long enough. Where the hell have you been for the past day? Getting it on with more clueless men? You seem to be good at that." "Like I said, EVERYONE in this federation wants to win. You're no different from all of the slack-jawed lackeys that enter this federation just to win a title of some sorts. Besides your outfit, you're just a run of the mill superstar who joins this fed and then leaves because..." He then imitates Droopy. "'I lost a match at a house show and now I'm sad, boo hoo hoo.'" "Look, all you're doing is making yourself look stupid while trying to make me look stupid." "From the way you're talking, you'd become just another target for the arrow volley. It doesn't matter if you somehow manage to beat me; you will realize that this fed is not for you, so you'll leave and never be seen again. I know your types." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 There's so much I want to respond to, so damn much. Let's start with a couple things I didn't get to last time. You think I'm trying to be the good guy in this situation by stating a fact? I guess you wear tin foil hats so that the government can't beam signals into your brain too right? Good or bad, it doesn't matter to me. All I said was that I agreed to fight in this federation knowing that I was going to be at a size disadvantage most of the time and preparing for that.
Now, the only way to prove to you that I'm a fighter is to send you footage of me wrestling? This is so beyond stupid on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin. First of all why the hell do I need to prove that to you before the damn match? Besides that if you look for my past matches or ask Mr. WGWF nicely I'm sure you can get your hands on my old matches which won't do you any good but it's something. Anything recent? Ugh... Why exactly should I let you know what to prepare for? You're not good at this whole strategy thing either huh? RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 "Do I need to explain the Mass Transit incident with New Jack to you? I didn't think so. I need to see real credentials from you before I face you in that ring. I don't want to fight a liar and an unskilled wrestler. Show me what 'cha got or all of that shit you told me is pure blasphemy." "You say that alignments don't matter, but it is painfully obvious to me that you're trying to paint yourself as the victim in this match. That size and weight crap you're giving to me won't matter in the ring. Again, I'm going to be fighting a man who's over six feet tall tonight, over triple my weight, yet I'm still confident that he'll be down for the count. Your words about how you're 'too small' are irrelevant. Skill dominates size in the ring." "You believe in the whole Illuminati thing?" He scoffs. "That must be why you're crossdressing. You're hiding from the 'evil government' that's trying to brainwash you. You're the one who brought it up, so I took advantage of it. You mad?" RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 God damn it Aerial would you stop saying dumb shit for five seconds? You're killing me here, just when I think I'm about to catch up on replying to your bullshit you give me a whole other mound of it that I need to get to. Now let's see, I'm just another run of the mill superstar huh? And you're getting that from where exactly? Most likely the deepest darkest reaches of your ass, probably tucked right in their beside your head. I find it kind of hard to believe that you were able to find out so much about my personality to the point where you can say I'd cry and leave if I lost yet when it comes to my matches, you can't seem to get your hands on any of those. You know since you keep begging me for them. What kind of half assed detective work is that? Actually nevermind, to call it half assed would insinuate that you actually did any at all and aren't just running your mouth and lumping me in with a bunch of cry babys in order to have something to say.
RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 "Are you done, Syndi? God damn, my sister is rubbing off on you so much." "That is exactly what I read on your biography. You came, you fought, you lost, and then you left. If that doesn't scream how much of am asshat you are, I have no idea what will convince you otherwise." "Look who's talking out of their ass now; throwing out insults at me like they were a part of your regular vocabulary. It's just like you to do shit like that and expect to get away with it. Quit quarter assing it and actually do something will ya? None of these words nor the men you've porked will prove anything to me other than the fact that you were an extra in some strange western porno." "Again, Mass Transit." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 "Again, I'm going to be fighting a man who's over six feet tall tonight, over triple my weight, yet I'm still confident that he'll be down for the count. Your words about how you're 'too small' are irrelevant. Skill dominates size in the ring."
Satoko buries her face in her palm. At this point I'm pretty sure I'm starting to run out of synonyms for dumb ass, yet you keep right on doing things that make me use different ones you fucking mongoloid. How are you not understanding that you're basically spitting back exactly what I fucking said? I said and let me say it loud this time so maybe it will sink in. "I AGREED TO FIGHT IN THIS FEDERATION KNOWING THAT I'D BE AT A SIZE DISADVANTAGE AND PREPARING FOR THAT!" Where did I say that I was too small, where did I say that I couldn't win, where did I say doubted my abilities? I said and I'll say it loud once more, "I'M PREPARED TO BE AT A DISADVANTAGE! Meaning that I know skill is what matters and I made damn sure I was skilled enough to win before I joined this federation YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER! RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 Johnathan removes the earmuffs he placed on himself when Satoko started to yell. "Thank God I had these on just in case he started spewing bullshit out of his mouth." "Can you listen to me for two damn minutes? I'm acknowledging exactly what you said, and saying that bringing them up does fuck all for the match in the ring. I don't care if you know it or not, you're still at a disadvantage because you're talking to one of the stiffest members on the roster. No, it has nothing to do with my height or weight. It just involves seeing how quickly you can shake yourself out of a concussion. Apparently, you're too busy trying to shake one off when you've trained in Japan." "You're going with 'fuck' now are you? Are you running out of words in your Japanese to English dictionary to insult me with? Shame, I thought for sure we were actually going to get somewhere." He laughs. "You really are Mass Transit's sexually confused son, aren't you?" RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 "That is exactly what I read on your biography. You came, you fought, you lost, and then you left. If that doesn't scream how much of am asshat you are, I have no idea what will convince you otherwise."
BWAHAHAHAHA! Really now, so my bio is where you got that I was a cry baby? Further proof that you're pulling shit out of your ass. I signed up for ONE MATCH! I was supposed to have that one match and then leave regardless of the outcome. Yet I enjoyed it so with no wrestling training at all I extended my stay and did two other matches both of which I lost. Again, NO WRESTLING TRAINING AT THE TIME with the fight training I did have being mostly moves that would have gotten me disqualified in a wrestling match. Yet did I cry because I lost, no, no I didn't, I still enjoyed myself but left because my stay in that federation WAS NEVER supposed to be that long to begin with. I love it when you think you've actually caught me slipping only to fall flat on your face yet again, shit is classic. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 Quote:I signed up for ONE MATCH! I was supposed to have that one match and then leave regardless of the outcome. Yet I enjoyed it so with no wrestling training at all I extended my stay and did two other matches both of which I lost. Again, NO WRESTLING TRAINING AT THE TIME with the fight training I did have being mostly moves that would have gotten me disqualified in a wrestling match. "So you've enjoyed being a punching bag? That's a new low, even for you. At least you had fun being degraded and humiliated in the squared circle. That's always a plus." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 I don't care if you know it or not, you're still at a disadvantage because you're talking to one of the stiffest members on the roster.
Are you kidding me? You're really questioning my ability to take on stiff members? ME?!?!? I EAT STIFF MEMBERS FOR BREAKFAST! Satoko giggles. Anyway let's get to something that has been slipping through the cracks for a while now. "It doesn't matter if you somehow manage to beat me; you will realize that this fed is not for you, so you'll leave and never be seen again. I know your types." Wait a minute now, is that Aerial Knight having some doubts that he can defeat "Mass Transit" over here? Wait another second, is that Aerial Knight also having doubts that he can beat the kind of wrestlers who walk into federations, lose, and cry their way out the door? Why yes, yes it is. Well Knight, I can now see that you have the confidence to go along with your oh so high intelligence and world class trash talk ability. What a shining example of Knights you are, tool. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 "If being the keyword. You're just nitpicking, you know that? You're scraping the bottom of the barrel just to dig on me. I bet you don't even know that you're just digging yourself a deeper hole, ignoring absolutely everything else except the parts you want to hear." "Tool now? At least I didn't fight in matches where I was clearly outmatched in. I gave Sir Lane the fight he'll have to remember before he drinks himself into a coma again. Seesh, the Code of Honor is lost among people these days." "You eat stiffers for breakfast, do ya? I'm sure that is just another threat you picked up from someone else somewhere else, but I'll roll with it. If you eat stiffers for breakfast, then I eat idiots like you for a quick snack. You won't even taste good after I bite your filthy head off." "He seriously doesn't know who Mass Transit is...tell ya what, look up a quick little snippet of his match with New Jack. I'm sure your feeble mind can be able to understand that." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 "So you've enjoyed being a punching bag? That's a new low, even for you. At least you had fun being degraded and humiliated in the squared circle. That's always a plus."
I am a bit of a masochist but that isn't why I enjoyed it, I could explain to you exactly why I enjoyed wrestling but then you'd just accuse me of trying to come off as the good one again and nobody is trying to hear you spout that lame shit again. So let's just summarize it, say that I enjoyed being in the ring, and leave it at that. "At least I didn't fight in matches where I was clearly outmatched in." So you're telling me that if you were booked to face one of the legends in this business who was clearly better than you in every way imaginable that you'd just roll over and die? What kind of fucking honor is that? Yeah I fought people who were clearly better than me, I knew that going in and I took the match anyway because I wanted to. Did they give a shit that they were better than, nope, so why do you care what happened back then? RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-06-2014 "Well I wasn't even fucking old enough to take on Andre the Giant. I'm sure you weren't even old enough to take on the likes of Abdullah the Butcher or Giant Baba. Hell, I'm sure if you were up against...oh I don't know, the likes of the Dudley Boyz, El Generico, Kota Ibushi, or, if you somehow made it big, KENTA, you'd just run the fuck out of there. I would've done the same thing as a young adult." "That's honor mixed in with stupidity. You know you're going to get your ass kicked, sure, so you show up and battle the legend. However, I'm sure your testosterone fueled mind thinks that running head first into the opponent's finisher, as if doing that somehow helps you. I wouldn't be surprised if you just laid there for Knightfall." "I care about your past because no one knows who the fuck you are outside of being a crossdresser who has a great way of hiding his junk. What you're saying could have easily been taken from some other wrestler's sob story." "Ah well, at least the masochist in you will have fun getting the sense knocked outta ya." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-06-2014 No Mr. Brain Damaged, I was asking why is it that if they didn't care that they were better than me and I didn't care that they were better than me then what the fuck is it to you? You're the one acting like I shouldn't have even competed since I was overmatched, like I should have just packed it in, you know instead of testing my ability and seeing first hand exactly WHY they were better than me and learning exactly WHAT I needed to improve on to reach their level. A level that I do want to reach since one of those people was a world champion in this federation. Oh but wait I'm probably lying since I'm just Mass Transit, you sure love that insult don't you? You know what, since an old match showing nothing more than what I used to be isn't going to help you anyway and giving it to you may help you move on to a new insult, fuck it, let's do this. Enjoy.
http://satokobaby.blogspot.com/2014/09/satoko-vs-kyle-shane-as-bell-rings-duo.html (ooc: moved as to not give a link to another fed.) RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-07-2014 "Well, at least you're not bullshitting me with false promises anymore." "You sure did love those kicks, that's for damn sure. I'm sure that you're not going to use the same moves twice, right? Dah, what am I saying? You'll probably lie about that like you lied about your gender." "Learning from experience, are you? Smart. Although, I'm not sure how many kinds of people even reach my level of speed. Hell, not even your brutality will be able to keep up because you're too busy trying to make me suffer. I'm not sure what kind of experience you're getting from other matches if that was your main strategy in that match." "Tell ya what, Satoko, champions in this era have reached a whole new caliber in wrestling. Not many people will just let you win after kicking them in the face a few times, something you seem so intent on doing to win." "Have you improved? Probably not, you still look like you have a lot to learn in here anyways. I might as well teach you something right now anyways. Lesson One: I do not joke around." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-07-2014 I was never bullshitting you with false promises, you were just going on and on about some Mass Transit bullshit and I was so fucking tired of hearing those words escape your lips that I gave you a slight glimpse of what I'm capable of. Not that it mattered because what the fuck were you going to do if I was unskilled anyway? Duck out on the match? Now that would have been very Knightly of you. Anyway, I should have known that you were going to put WAY too much stock into an old match even when I did you the courtesy of letting you know the circumstances behind it. That's okay though, I'm not even going to correct you. You go ahead and you watch that match, put it on a loop, have it playing on every television in your house at all times. Please, go ahead, expect for me to do the things I did in that match because it will make beating you so much easier.
RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-07-2014 "You're determined to win, aren't you? Alrighty then, if you're that determined to defeat me, I'd recommend that you'd spend the rest of your time in the gym preparing for a wake up call on your choice of careers." He chuckles a bit at his statement. "Knowing you, you probably wouldn't even listen to me, since you haven't listened to a god damn your that I directed towards you. There is honor in fighting, sure, but you have to fucking listen to him first. What am I saying? The only words you seem to know are 'go', 'stop', or in rare cases 'oh yes'. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-07-2014 Oh Aerial, you try so hard, too bad they don't give out medals for effort around here. I listen you Aerial, it's hard to do but I've done it. I also understand everything you say perfectly, it's just so incredibly fucking stupid and my responses to you are so over your god damn head that you actually think you're making some kind of point when in reality I've been exposing how worthless you really are since you first opened your mouth. The same thing that I'm going to be doing to you at the house show because when it comes to me against you, you aren't going to hear me telling you what will happen "if" you win because you won't, it's that simple. Now, what was it you just said again. "Knowing you, you probably wouldn't even listen to me, since you haven't listened to a god damn your that I directed towards you." Yeah, that's it. What the fuck are you even talking about, did your brain just go to sleep for a moment? Well now you know how everybody else that has to listen to you feels. RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-07-2014 "It's clear to me that your ignorance contributes to my bliss. However, your trap won't shut itself up for two days for me to enjoy that bliss. It's clear to me that you believe that you're going to win on our little match on Thursday. That's clearly a misconception that you chose to accept as reality. Reality doesn't let loudmouths that talk game but show shit win. Reality lets the people who've demonstrated capability inside and out of the ring gain the victory." He smiles lightly. "It seems to me that you're only listening to what I say and then responding with as much maturity and wit as 'I know you are, but what am I'. Wake up and kiss the canvas; it doesn't taste like taffy." RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - Satoko - 09-07-2014 Really, still playing the wit card with the way you just butchered the English language? How about concentrating on putting together coherent sentences and then maybe you can talk to me about wit. We aren't even going to discuss when it is you can tell me about what it takes to gain victory because you've got to at least be able to crawl before you can walk knighty knight. The fact is that you came into this thinking that you were so superior from the start just because I had not had an XWF match, you proceeded to put your ass on display non stop and I've verbally been breaking my foot of in it relentlessly while you cry "no wit", "unoriginal", and whatever the fuck else you've been bitching about in order to save face. The only problem is that nobody is buying that bullshit and anybody with half a brain can see right fucking through you. I mean you do realize that Peter Gilmour says the exact same shit to ALL of his opponents that you've been trying to say about me right? Nice company you've found yourself among.
RE: Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight - AerialKnight - 09-07-2014 Quote:"The only problem is that nobody is buying that bullshit and anybody with half a brain can see right fucking through you." "You took the words out of my mouth once again. Not only have you criticized me about being the modern age Peter Gilmour, which is bullshit because I have actual talent, you've proceeded to once again tackle the bitching card. Something you call me out for even though you've been doing it while hyping up our match all the time. Why are you the holy exception to that flaw?" "Here you are trying to be the exception to all of the problems that I've presented towards you, the man who claims that you'll kick my ass dead center in front of the audience, the man who makes no fucking sense but chastises me for it." "Not only are you a crossdressing escort, you're also a massive hypocrite. You say that I've dug a hole? You've already dug it twenty feet deeper than I could have done. Say hello to failure while you're down there." |