X-treme Wrestling Federation » Calendar » XWF
Charlie Nickles Presents The Marf Show: Halloween Shove-It Spooktacular! |
10-28-2021, All Day |
THURSDAY OCTOBER 28TH IN ROMANIA! LIVE FROM NEGRU VODA POENARI CASTLE! [bwo]Marf vs Micheal Graves Puzzlebox Match: Pinfall only match Standard Anarchy RP Limits[/bwo] [bwo]Edward vs Mercy with special guest referee Muddy Waters who may choose to tag himself into the match at any time Elm Street Boiler Match: Boiler room brawl 1 1,000 Word RP Per Participant[/bwo] [bwo]Tommy Wish vs Bianca McBride Jigsaw Match: Both competitors are chained inside a room….whoever unchains themselves first wins. Standard Anarchy RP Limits[/bwo] [bwo]Holy Roman Zombie vs Centurion Night of the Living Dead Match: Buried Alive Match Standard Anarchy RP Limits[/bwo] [bwo]Mark Flynn & North Korean War Criminal With The Wolfman Vs. Betsy Granger & Lycana With Count Dracula Monster Mash Machete Match: Win by chopping your opponent's monster creature into bits with a machete before the other team minces your monster! Each XWF Wrestler is allowed one 1,000 word roleplay with an optional additional collaborative 2,000 word roleplay for their monster character Cold Open Rules DO NOT Apply[/bwo] [bwo]Elijah Martin vs Morbid Angel vs Rampage Castle of 1000 Corpses Match: All 3 competitors start from the top of the castle and have to escape to the main floor and out the front door first Standard Anarchy RP Limits[/bwo] [bwo] CHARLIE'S SURPISE MAIN EVENT MATCH IN MARF SWAYSON'S HONOR Anyone may submit an unlimited roleplay of any kind to this match [/bwo] |
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