X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: The Saving of Anthony Jarvis Powell
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-The Enlightened Brother, The Machiavelli Of Wrestling, the Straight Edge Apostle, and the creator of the Straight Edge Xtreme, Hunter Payne just entered the locker room for Monday Night Madness. Where Straight Edge Xtreme will debut against Theodore "Screw Humility, look how rich I am everybody!" Pryce, and Millianni "Are you there God? It's me Millie." Dominator. Hunter Payne is getting focused for the big night just like Adrian Peterson does before a big game. Hunter puts on his new SEX endorsed shirt, the familiar D.A.R.E. shirts from school-

[Image: mlTJb7OWyN0Jcr2VRA9ZtPg.jpg]

-Then he tosses his D.A.R.E. dufflebag into his locker, when he notices Steve Sayors is interviewing another Wrestler on the other side of the large locker room. Hunter finishes his prayer and meditation before going over to check out the scene. He passes a few other notable wrestlers that have nothing to do with this story, so they need no more mention.-

Sayors: You can't just leave the company!

Powell: Why not? I'm not respected around here! I'm an outcast! Nobody feels my pain!

-The mystery wrestler is seldom seen AJ Powell, smoking a a cancer stick cigarette. At this point Hunter Payne has to say something! AJ Powell is smoking and he said Pain! I mean come on, if that's not an open invitation I don't know what is. Hunter Payne walks right in between Powell and Sayors, automatically inserting himself into the conversation, to the surprise of both men. -

Payne: An outcast huh? You make it sound like that is a weakness.

Powell: It is.

-AJ takes another puff of his cancer stick after his short response.-

Payne: Oh really? If doing drugs, drinking liquor, and using tobacco products like every other person here makes you a favorite, I'll be an outcast forever! Not only that, but I'll thrive in being an outcast!

-As AJ is taking in Hunter's comments he pulls the cigarette up to his mouth again-


-Hunter hits the cancer stick from AJ Powell's hands, definitely causing a fire hazard-

Payne: Don't you dare talk to me with those death fumes coming out of your mouth! Disgusting!

-Hunter backs up from all the smoke filling the air. Dodging it as if just being touched by the cigarette smoke would kill him. Hunter waits for the smoke to recede before speaking again.-

Payne: Maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time smoking and more time training, you would be a lot better off Anthony. Which is why I want to extend the olive branch, and ask you to throw away all your vices Mr. Powell, I want you to give all that up for the life of Straight Edge. We can save you! Not only from a life of mediocrity with the rest of these drug consumers, but save your body and state of mind from the toxins of this world. I want you to join the Straight Edge Xtreme! What do you say?

-Hunter Payne extends his hand out to AJ Powell for a handshake agreement, but right before AJ is able to meet Hunter's hand to make it official, Hunter pulls his arm away. -

Payne: This means no marijuana!


-Stoners can be heard booing through their television sets or computer screens, whichever is more stoner applicable.-

Powell: Okay.

-Hunter extends his arm once again.... Only to pull it away a second time.-

Payne: And this means no alcohol!


-No booing is heard, probably because all the alcoholics are passed out as usual. Enjoy your hangover, drunks!-

Powell: Fine.

-Hunter extends his arm out for a third time. AJ hesitates, then goes for the handshake... Only for Hunter to pull his arm away again!-

Payne: And definitely none of those cancer sticks you call cigarettes!


-coughs can be heard along with really raspy boos, seems like all those cigarettes are having a serious effect on your voice as well as your lungs, who knew?-

Powell: Hmmm... Alright...

-And with that Hunter extends his arm out for a handshake one final time. AJ Powell shakes Hunter's hand making it officially official! AJ Powell is the newest member of SEX-

Sayors: And there you have it! SEX has grown by one. With the addition of AJ Powell.

-Was that all on camera? Much like everyone else, I forgot Steve Sayors was even here.

Sayors: So now 4 members strong, what is SEX's first objective here?

Payne: Defeat and take the tag team championships from that team of 'brothers', you know that team where one partner is trying to sleep with the other's woman. No, not the Hardy Boyz. This is actually The once powerful Brotherhood that's having these hillbilly, Jerry Springer type problems. But don't worry Duke and Macalister! After we beat you, you can always do what most of your kind do. And that is, blame it on the alcohol. You old degenerates make me sick.

Sayors: So your pretty confident SEX will pull out a victory tonight against your opponents?

Payne: My opponents? You mean the typecasted team of a typical rich man and a typical misguided religious character. What was Paul Heyman smoking when he put them together as a team? Can't blame that on the Twinkies Paul, you dirty glutton! But I digress. Tonight, Straight Edge Xtreme walks out victorious in an obvious manner. Now are we done here?

Sayors: Yes, thanks for your time.

-The cameraman turns off his equipment and Hunter Payne gives Sayors the nod to say we're done here. Then they both head to the exit.-

Payne: Anthony, you are now an outcast for good. You will join the rebellion against this evil drug fueled company. Along with Joseph Kain, Ann Thraxx, and myself, we will fix all the wrongs of this federation! And it will start when we defeat our opponents on Madness, rich company drone #1 and freaky company drone #2. Then you will represent the Straight Edge Xtreme when you defeat Smokeman Cancerman. Anthony Jarvis Powell, welcome to the Straight Edge Xtreme!

-The segment ends very Soprano-like, it immediately turns black after Hunter Payne finishes talking.-