X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: Debate: Should Marijuana Be Legalized? (Spoiler: NOPE!)
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-A classroom is the location of this debate. In the front middle of the classroom we see what looks to be a stereotypical white middle-aged teacher. To the far front left we see a young white man with a small dirty-blonde hair afro, and a suit with a green tie (geez I wonder which side he's for) and to the far front right we have a very sharped dressed ,younger Hunter Payne. An onlooking class of about 40 students in standing by waiting for this debate to start-

Teacher: A question that has been on people's mind for over half a century, should marijuana be legalized. Some say, why not? Others say no way. And today we have two men that will debate this issue and the class will vote on the legalization of marijuana bill. Arguing for legalization, to my left Joey!

-Applause of respect is given to Joey-

Teacher: And arguing to keep it illegal all together, Hunter!

-Applause of respect is given to Hunter-

Teacher: Alright, now this debate seems to get uhh... certain students riled up, so let's keep it clean. Joey, why don't you start by giving us a reason why it should be legal?

Joey: Well first off, if we sell it like we do cigarettes then think about how much money our government could be getting as opposed to spending money trying to fight it. It's economically smart to legalize it.

Hunter: Yeah, great idea and all, except when we have to make other drugs legal as well, because legalizing heroin will really help stimulate the economy right? No! That's crazy to think that other drugs wouldn't follow the same protocol as 'Maryjane" would if it were legalized and sold in stores like cigarettes. I don't know about you, but I don't want a bunch of crackheads walking around because it's legally sold in stores.

Teacher: Okay, Hunter. Now give us your top reason why it shouldn't be legal?

Hunter: We're forgetting a big thing with "weed" here. Yes many will be happy to compare it to a pack of smokes, and yes that is bad for you as well. But "cigs" don't alter your state of mind like cannabis does. One side effect is Paranoia. We don't need a bunch of paranoid people walking the streets.

Joey: Yes, but the majority isn't going to be as irresponsible as you make them out to be. Many of us are able to keep it a leisure activity to do at home on our free time.

Teacher: Any other reasons it should be legalized Joey?

Joey: What about the health benefits? It helps people with glaucoma and helps cancer patients get an appetite after chemotherapy.

Payne: That is a small percentage of people. Which marijuana can already be prescribed to. The fact is being a 'pothead' definitely doesn't qualify you to be put in the same category as a person on chemotherapy.

Joey: It doesn't hurt anybody! Nobody has ever died of marijuana overdose. Alcohol will kill you. Cigarettes will kill you. Marijuana won't.

Hunter: Alright, so just because someone is still technically breathing it's okay to light up? 'Weed' doesn't kill you physically, you're right, but it does kill you mentally. It turns you into zombies, just looking for food and your next hit.

-Classmates laugh at the humor presented by Hunter-

Joey: Look, Marijuana is from the earth! Why is this even a debate? It's a natural God given plant.

Hunter: Yeah, so was the apple Eve and Adam ate. So all that proves is your plant is a new form of apple. You want to smoke it because it's from the earth, but so is poison ivy and cow manure. You want to smoke that too?

Teacher: Okay, we are running short on time here. Alright class, it's time for closing arguments. Joey go first.

Joey: Smoking Marijuana is choice. Just like every other choice we have as Americans. Right now it is illegal in most states, because of ignorant old school people that think it's bad for you. And really they don't have much to stand on. So please vote to legalize it. Thank you.

-Applause of respect is given to Joey-

Teacher: Hunter, your turn.

Payne: Well, you know it's cool now to say legalize, but think about a your stereotypical marijuana user. You may or may not like them, that's fair, but imagine in about 20 years when you have kids of your own and they are saying "legalize it" then how would you feel? If your child turned into a braindead paranoid schizophrenic pothead burnout? You would smack some sense into them, or at least I would. We need to recognize this drug for what it is, a temporary escape that kills you ever so slowly mentally. Would you want your kids smoking it? I say "Up with hope, down with dope", Thank you.

-Applause of respect is given to Hunter-

Teacher: And now it is time to vote. Please right your vote on a piece of paper and hand them to me, so I can tally them privately, then announce the results publicly.

-After a few minutes of voting and gathering all the votes, the teacher is ready to announce the results.-

Teacher: And the Marijuana legalization bill..... DID NOT PASS!

-Hunter Payne happy he was able to talk some sense into his classmates. In a world where this constant drug usage has become the norm, at least on this day, he was able to stop the green smelly injustice. Sure, this was a minor victory in a larger war, but little did anybody know that this event is what kickstarted what is now known as the Straight Edge Xtreme.-