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Full Version: Ballad of Mr. Radio IV Act II (RP 2)
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Ballad of Mr. Radio IV Act II

Previously on BOMR, Radio, Shawn, and Varen were sent on a mission to investigate the strange happenings going on at Pyramid 4 on Misla, It turns out that it was completely a trap. Father Flokyok had Hacked the Rogue Droids making them his. Varen had snapped and started to yell at Father until Father heard enough and Shot Varen in the heart. Blood was gushing everywhere and Mike and Shawn had to hurry Varen back to the Command camp in Misla before it was too late. They got there too late, Varen was pronounced dead by the medics. Radio and Shawn had to forget about what happened to their friend and continue the mission that they were assigned. They flew to Zylonia in which they ended up in a inter galactic nudey bar. They met Krios and Gunnar Murphy. All they wanted was better equipment and they would gladly join their crew. Radio promised them that they can have access but they had to promise not to take the stuff and leave. They, well Krios promised that and Krios carried the Drunken Gunnar to the sip. Find out what happens next on this episode of Ballad of Mr. Radio.

I walked up to Krios who was laying Gunnar down on his new bed in the crew quarters. I asked him what they really wanted, I knew that Krios was hiding something, He wanted our help with something. Krios looked at me and told me that he was kicked off of the whole Planet of Jakor, his home planet. He moved to Zylonia and that's where he met Gunnar, They became mercenary partners and eventually best friends. Apparently Gunnar is going through some rough times because last month he had failed a mission because he got over powered by a huge group of other mercenaries also known as, The Silver Stars. They're a group of Pompous assholes that think they are better than every living organism to ever walk or fly in this solar system. Krios wants us to help him and Gunnar take down their base that they have on the Planet Cherub. Even though they are based on the Planet Tama, They don't want to completely destroy them. Their job is to take down that den on Cherub. I told them that once we have recruited everyone else that will be the first thing we do. Krios shook y hand and said thank you. I walked out of their room and back out to the war room.

Shawn was sitting next to the map and told me that the next guy is a retired assassin named Rex Danrill. He was hiding in an old Dilumion fort on the planet Avelon...That Planet is is on the edge of the Galaxy, It will take hours upon hours to get to even in the Leviathan. I told Trent to set course for Avelon, Breleton sector. I walked back to the crew quarters with Shawn and I pulled him over at the end of the corridor and asked him if he was alright because he seemed a little off ever since Varen died. He told me that He has seen too much death and he just wants to finish this war and go home to his family nad actually stay with his wife and kids. I put my hand on his left shoulder and told him that when we have recruited everyone and made everyone happy, this war will be over and he will go home to his family. Shawn looked at me and smirked and said thank you. I told him that maybe we might even have some extra time for him to stop by his house on Gado and spend some time with them before we go to the final battle. Shawn put on a big smile and said that would be cool, and that he just needs to hear them right now so he is going to go talk to his wife on the Holophone.

I took the elevator back up to my quarters and when I walked in Jessica Williams was standing at my desk looking at old pictures of the first squad with me, her, Shawn, and Doc. I let out a quick "Ahem" and she turned around and told me that shes just visiting and Trent let her on when we were parked in Zylonia, She was apparently taking a package to Damari ZI. She wanted to just see me and wanted to become the new medic for the ship, not a squad mate because she said she was done with the action. I told of course she can become the new medic for the Leviathan. I hugged her and told that it was really good to see her, I may have put my hand on her ass when I hugged her. She looked at me and blushed, she grabbed my hand and took me over to the bed and we started make out. She took her jacket and shirt off while sitting on my crotch. I heard the elevator ring and Gunnar walked in. He just stared for a couple seconds and asked if this was a bad time. Before I could answer he grabbed a chair and pulled up to the bed and started to talk. He started saying that he was sorry about how we first met and he isn't a drunken idiot and promises to be loyal and not bother. I cut him off right there and shooed him off, I started smiling and starting o'ing and started to say that we were trying to get dirty and he stepped in the elevator and said he would talk to me later.

about four hours later me and Jessica walked back down to the crew quarters and I walked to the War room and Jessica walked to the med-bay. I walked up to the Cockpit and asked how close we were to Avelon. He said that we were about an hour and a half away, so he suggested I go find something to do, again. I laughed and asked if he could hear that. He said that he could partially hear it but still heard it non the less. I walked away and went to Gunnar and Krios's room to ask what he wanted. When the door opened he threw his magazine on the floor and jumped out of his bed. He asked if it was fun. I told him that it was very fun and asked him what he wanted before we got started. He said that he was just apologizing about how he was drunk when they met, and then asked if Krios told me about the Cherubian mission that they wanted to do. I told him that Krios did tell e and that we would do it when we have the other three people on the list recruited. I smiled and hugged me without me hugging him back nad then he picked his magazine back up and hopped back on his bed and put his thumb up towards me. I smirked and left the room.

we had finally arrived on Avelon: Breleton district. It was just absolutely beautiful, I heard stories about how Avelon city and Brelton were the most beautiful cities in the whole galaxy. I just never knew it was like this...wow... Shawn, gunnar, and Krios followed me down the ramp onto the Spaceship pad. We made our way to the Breleton Council building to meet the leaders of the city. On out way there we saw many races walking around the side walks. Humans, Mislans, Zylonians, Cherubians, Jakorians, and even less hostile Centurions! at least we know what the Centurions look like, they look like humans except the have red eyes, their canine teeth are longer then humans, kind of like a vampire but not a vampire, Plus they have spikey bones on their knees and elbows. Some of them were wearing armor but some were not. We walked into the Council building and saw the three council members were centurion, ferelion, and Jakorian. Ferelion's are cat like people who live on Ferlia which is close to the planet Jakor. the Centurion council member stood up and yelled at us asking why we were here, the Zylonian member told him to calm down and asked us why we have business here. I told them that we need to know where the old Dilumion base is so we can take the retired assassin off of their hands. The ferelion member told us that, that place is dangerous and is filled with renegade assassins and they couldn't afford to send anyone to that place. I told them again that we can handle it. They finally sighed and said that it was far east of the city in the middle of the forest we should see it because it will have a torn assassin flag in front of it.

I thanked the council and all four of us walked out of the building and when we did we were met by a Command soldier and he was holding a holpad which had a message on it from Command Base on Gado. It said that we were required to ignore the next two dossiers because they were both pronounced dead and for us to except the messenger of this pad onto our squad. I asked him what his name was. He said that he was the youngest member of the Drake Family, Daniel Drake. I sighed and shook his hand and said welcome aboard and told him to go wait on the ship for us to finish this mission. He shook his head and told me thank you and we won't be disappointed. We'll see about that. All four of us started to walk east of the city looking for this warehouse that's somewhere around here with a torn up Dilumion flag in front of it. We started to hear gunfire a little bit ahead and started to sprint to the source of the gunfire. It lead to the old warehouse and we ran in to see what is going on. in the middle of the warehouse on the dining table with multiply Renegades surrounding it, dead. There was a guy in a black cloak pointing a pistol at Rex. Rex looked at us and shouted help.

To be Continued...