X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: Realest Shit I Ever Wrote
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folks, listen up and pay attention. this right here is how you develop a character. With just one word Jason Cashe was able to demonstrate the ontological transformation of his character from a state of relatively idleness towards a state of symbolic gesturing, or calling if you will. By implicating an audience with a salutation, the Jason Cashe character has now shifted into a position of terminal domination, because he has addressed the world. As we do in civilzied societies, of course, we respond to addresses. In this way when Jason Cashe ADDRESSED the audience through SALUTATION, through the mechanism of symbolic gesture, he has hailed the world and put it in a position to receive the REST of his remarks, because SALUTATIONS are typically a PRELUDE to longer form dialgoue.

But in this case, Jason Cashe has left the audience and the other characters who are canonically in the fed in a state of transfixed pausation, because we are now at his beck and will. Through the mechanism of unspecified gesture, of the general 'Yo' plural in this case, Cashe has rendered THE ENTIRE WORLD his subject of the call. As such, the entier world is now bound through societal politeness to heed and wait for Cashe to finish.

This demonstrates a fundamental transformation of the Cashe character, as he is now embracing a new archetype of someone ackwoledging, engaging with, and even socially constructing the world as whole. In this manner Cashe has demonstrated a level of finesse, nuance, and development that is rare from many writers these days.

and he did it with such brevity.

you're the fucking man jason!
What he said..