X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: ZoMbIe bOy | Graves Reboot #347
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09-1-2019ish - Buried Alive Match!

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Gravy Dead!!?


A lone figure stood in the darkness. In front of them, a Gravestone marked Micheal Graves 1972 - 2019.

It was pretty dark with the moon being in its Waxing Crescent phase.

Speaking of, check out this horoscope for that day.

You might have a strong need for balance and harmony now. You probably desire to keep things "nice" rather than venturing into fundamental questions in order not to disturb the peace. You must learn to share your good and bad feelings. Do not be afraid to be who you really are, despite what is expected of you.

Hearing that only makes the following events even harder to understand.

Vita Vanteen had been digging for what looked like hours. Her initial excitement as her shovel hit something solid quickly gave way to relief. Vita took a moment to wipe the sweat from her brow. With a sudden exhale and a renewed focus, Vita continued to dig away at the last bits of dirt until enough was gone that she could open the casket below.

[Image: Graves.gif]

Why? Why was Vita Valenteen digging up Micheal Graves?

Why was Micheal even dead?

Did Unknown Soldier REALLY kill him when he buried the "Dark Warrior" at XX?

And even if so, what purpose did an expired Micheal Graves serve for VV?

Vita climbed out of the hole and pulled an old leather-bound book from her gear.

[Image: evil-vs-evil.jpg]

And she read from its pages!





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[Image: Zo-Mb-Ie-Gr-Av-Es.jpg]

"Well look at me, a bonafide legend in the XWF, and THIS is how I'm treated? First I'm dicked out of that mansion I won when I kicked half the rosters asses in the Quarantine Battle Royle, then I'm dicked out of TWO fucking title shots when my agreed upon matches with THEN (snicker!!) Xtreme champion Atari Thermos and her whipped boy toy, and CURRENT (barf!!) Universal champion, FuZz!"

"Now, after my awe-inspiring performance's in BOTH of the recent battle royals, I'm being booked to make my first singles' appearance against ZoMbIe ZaNe? Wouldn't it have made more sense to book me in the MAIN EVENT to back up my girl Vita? Why put her in there with superboy? What sense does that make, huh!? Just because VV likes to play superheroes, you think putting her in the ring with THAT dipshit as a partner is a better way to go than if WE to take on Ruby and that NEXT-GEN ATARI!!? "

"No, of course, you don't. Just like you don't actually think that bringing a legend like Micheal Graves, you know, the...


...back to face some dweeb who can't even keep his head on is a good idea."

"It's just FUNNY, right?"

"Well, I'll tell you what's not going to be funny. When I tear ZoMbIe bOy limb from limb and find out once and for how much of this kids act is all make-believe."

"I didn't come back from the fucking dead just so I could play tiddly-winks with my baby girls. I was brought back with a purpose! I was dragged back into this world from the depths of Hell by a young mistress who I would come to accept as my MASTER! And this master wants nothing but to bring chaos and, well, ANARCHY to Anarchy!"

"For a show that finds itself so rich in heroes, both super and non, WE find it comical the lack of true VILLAINS who roam the halls!"


"How can there be GOOD without EVIL!!?"

"There can't!! And that's why I'm officially issuing this challenge to ALL of the XWF's various SUPERHEROES!!!"

[Image: Bob-Banner.jpg]

"B-O-B is HERE, and we're accepting applications!!!"

"As for you ZoMbIe bOy, maybe we could use you."

"Or we could just wipe you off the board entirely..."

"You decide!!!"