X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: A Chat with a Star... a Rebel Star (rp3)
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A dimly lit pizzeria. Rebel Star and Azrael Erebus, sit in a booth located near the back. A large pepperoni pizza; nearly devoured, rests on the table, between them. Along with plates, occupied by individual slices that they've been steadily, consuming and a couple of glasses of soda. Black cherry for Azrael (as usual) and Cherry Coke for Rebel Star.


Azrael stated before taking a bite from a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"So you were created in a factory in Japan? Manifested within a test tube and grown in an advanced aging chamber? For the purpose of being a living sex doll?"

"Yeah, except when I 'woke up' I had free will and a consciousness. When the company found this out, they considered me defective and gave an order to their senior director of genetics to 'take care' of me. Which basically meant he was supposed to fucking kill me. But the guy couldn't do it, he said what occurred when I was created was remarkable and utterly unheard of as far as the process went. That he couldn't believe I came out of the chamber the way I did. He said killing me would be a waste because I was unique and obviously destined for something great. So he faked my death and sent me to the United States, with whatever cash he could scrounge up."

"What did you do when you got here?"

Azrael inquired as he took another bite.

"The first few months were confusing and difficult. Eventually things came together though. I got a job at a restaurant that specialized in barbecue. Their signature dish was ribs. I found an apartment and gradually, everything came together, pretty sweet. I even wrestled for the XWF. For a short time. It wasn't anything major. I just became the first and only queen they ever had."

Rebel smirked.

"Yeah, I seen that fight. I even made fun of Vinnie Lane, for not knowing who you were. Honestly, I didn't know who you were either, I was just browsing old archived wrestling matches and came across the fight. Oddly enough, I don't think they ever included your win, in the records."

Placing the slice of pizza down, he reached for his glass of black cherry soda and proceeded to take a sip.

"Meh. It doesn't matter. I was out of there shortly after I obtained the crown. Wait. Do you wrestle for the XWF?"

Another swallow of black cherry soda.

"Yes. I returned in March and have been wrestling there ever since."

Azrael put his glass back on the table and resumed eating the slice of pizza.

"Interesting. So what's your story? Where exactly did you come from?"

"Ozuul. From a village called Moonspire."


"It's another planet. About a thousand light years from Earth."

Finished with his slice of pizza, Azrael retrieved a napkin from the table, wiped his hands and then tossed it onto his empty plate.

"Are you serious? You're telling me, you're an alien."

A chuckle was pulled from the spaceman as he shook his head.

"Indeed I am. Bullets ricochet off you and you can smash a gun, in your hand but a man from another planet, that's what is shocking to you?"

"Well... yeah. My stuff can be explained by science. Your stuff involves other worlds and space travel. I don't know, that seems a lot more..."

"Weird. Unbelievable. Strange. Frightening. I've heard it all."

Rebel laughed and took a sip of Cherry Coke.

"I was going to say complex and slightly absurd."

"Eh... absurd, unbelievable... same thing."

"When you snapped your fingers and mended those holes in my jacket and before that, when you shot a fireball at that guy, how did you do those things? Were you born with those abilities?"

Azrael sighed and leaned back a bit in his chair.

"No. Long story short, many years ago I stole a spaceship. That spaceship was controlled by a living computer and navigational system, called a Gaia. The ship crashed. The Gaia fused with my essence and gifted me, with certain abilities. Powers that keep enhancing themselves and the ability to adapt to survive, if need be the case. Traits that the Gaia had, that are now a part of me because essentially, we're one."

"What sort of powers do you have?"

"Haha! Um... Super strength. Life renewal, which basically means that I can return to life after death. A healing and regeneration factor. Total control of time, space, other dimensions, reality and physics. Gravitational, sound, temporal, biological, light and darkness manipulation. The ability to control the forces of nature. Teleportation. I have thermal and cold resistance. Enhanced senses and lung capacity. An immunity to all earthly diseases, both known and as of yet, unknown. Night vision. Extrasensory perception. The ability to generate fire, water, fog and smoke. Cyber, botanical and animal communication. Telekinesis. I can inspire plant growth. And I'm able to manipulate metal, fire, water, ice and electricity. I can emit energy emissions at varying strengths. Creation... that's literally pulling something, anything from thin air. Oh and I can jump really high. Can't fly but if I really wanted to, I could jump from ground level to the top of a high rise building."

"Wow. That's an insane amount of super powers."

"I didn't always have this many but as the years passed and I ascended and adapted, the list grew. What about you? You said your friend gave you an upgrade and that's why bullets just bounce off you?"

"Yeah. My friend Wylie, hooked me up with an upgrade. There were people breaking into my apartment, a few years back and I needed a boost in strength to fend them off. With it came an even greater enhancement to my already advanced durability."

"What does that mean, an upgrade."

"Oh geez. Well, apparently with one injection, a Trixie can be modified to do anything. Though, most of the choices for them were to promote pain and suffering. Among the list of other terrible options, that could be used to alter and change them, in order to fit the needs and desires of their owners. Since my genetics are the same as their's, the same idea can be done for me, except Wylie found a way to create an upgrade that was actually helpful to me, rather than something harmful or awful."

"That Wylie sounds handy to have around, is he your..."

"Boyfriend? No. It's not like that. He's just a really good friend."

"I see. Hey, what do you say, we get out of here?"

"And do what?"

"Whatever you like. We can literally go wherever you want. Any dimension, all of space, time and reality. One snap of my fingers and we can go there. So you tell me, what would you like to do right now?"

With the use of her pointer finger, Rebel motioned for Azrael to come closer, he complied, she leaned across the table and then whispered something into Azrael's ear. Her words brought a smirk to his face as he snapped his fingers and they both vanished from sight.

[Image: gPZGKtp.jpg]

"Robert Main!"

"I am taking this moment to talk to you, one last time."

"The time is drawing near, Robert."

"Are you excited? I know I'm excited! I don't think I'll sleep a wink tonight, in anticipation of our match, tomorrow."

"Anyway, I realized that I forgot to address an important point that you mentioned in your first promotional video. So I'm just going to replay that and take care of it now."

Azrael snaps his fingers and a floating video of Robert Main begins to play.

Quote:I am the Hart Champion for a reason kid! I smell like smoke because I have been through the fire! You are the seventh defense! Six before you have stepped up to the plate, each one struck out. One by one I threw no hitters! But your something different entirely, you are more like the handicapped kid on a t-ball team! Sure, you can tap the ball off the T, and you can trot down the first base line, and even though you’re out at first, second and third! We still let you run the bases! This Championship opportunity is no different! It was given because they felt sorry for you, they dangled the “golden carrot” and you bit! In the end it makes no difference, after its all said and done, and the smoke clears. Management will be asking themselves what have they done! They’ve set you up for failure on a grand stage, being placed in a cage with a wounded animal won’t work!

Another snap and the floating, video of Robert Main disappears.

"You clearly, don't know who you're facing, do you? See, this would make sense, if I were new and never wrestled here before, but that's just not the case. I'm not only a returning wrestler. I'm a returning legend. I've won almost every single title in the XWF. Some more than once. Heck, I've retired a title. So management didn't feel sorry for me, they were helping me cross a title off the list. Believe me, it's a small list. With only the Hart title, the Federweight title, The European title and the Crown remaining on it. Kendall Sawyer, retired the European title, so I can't exactly go for that. The Crown is gone... I think, so that rules that out. Making The Hart title and The Federweight title, the only ones left. Once I win those. I can honestly and truthfully say, that I won everything. Now, that doesn't really sound like something a pathetic, loser that management pities, could claim, does it? I think maybe, you've simply gotten used to the cannon fodder that you've been handed in the past. That's why you're so damn weak now. Remember, I seen you hobbling your way to the ring. It was really bad. Like I'm fairly certain, that I could have killed you with one punch, if I went through with the actual fight as planned, bad."

"I didn't want to do that though. No, I wanted to face you at a hundred percent and get some sort of real challenge, from our battle. Oh and I promise you Robert, I'll bring everything, I've got to this match. I will not hold back. This I vow to you. However, unlike you, I'm not aiming to commit murder. I understand that you are. I'm telling you right now. That won't be satisfying and it definitely won't teach anyone a lesson. Not when I can come back to life, good as new... maybe, even better than before. I don't even see an afterlife. Everything goes black for a bit and then I wake up. Completely restored and alive. Even if you go through the trouble of burying me, I can snap my fingers and teleport anywhere I want, so it's not like I even have to claw myself free from a grave. Really you're better off taking this rage out on Pest. Hey, is it just me or is it really weird that Pestalance allows himself to be called Pest, when there was a known pedophile with that name wrestling for this company? I don't think I'd let anyone convert my name to a version that a child rapist used."

"Anyhow, that's all I've got to say. Anything further will be proven in the ring. After all, actions speak louder, than words. See you in the squared circle, Robert."