X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: Addresing the deserved (rp #1)
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The scene opens with bobby zi seated at a table in a Wafflehouse. The camera positioned as if it were another patron of the establishment....

’’.. 06/17/2014.. ‘’

Bobby looks upward as he is wondering something...

‘’.. the date that the the next big thing debuted..

‘’.. the date that the former and soon-to-be x-treme champ debuted..."

’’..the date that tha future HoF of XWF debuted... ‘’

‘’me and the whole xwf universe will never forget that day, witnessing new era, letting the ’has beens’ go...


*bobby chews that phrase a bit..

‘’hawkins is a ’has-been’, John austin is a ’has-been’, even nazi is another has-been. Where are these people now? They’re not here, are they? They aren’t continuing their careers becuse of ME!!!

‘’And now as i feel comfortable and established myself as next big one, this monday night i will give 2 new rookies there first match.. ‘’

‘’and it non other than ’Low headed’ harrison and opponent ‘’Loverboy‘’ vinnie lane... ‘’

‘’ well, i wouldnt waste my worthwhile words for that worthless rookie vinnie lane promo, my ring work will tell by himself but i thought harrison is my partner, but i doubt he has mental problem, he label me as his enemy,brags about the fatal 4 way match that didnt exist and says my promo is ‘’confusing‘’ in his clueless promo ever.. ‘’

Bobby smirks

‘’hmm, sayin mine promo is confusing than his, is like saying ’ Suarez deserves a fair play award’.. ‘’

Zi clears his throat and. Points his finger to the camera..

‘’whatever it is, the only one who matters in this match is ME and SOcratus...

‘’know that you are going to try your best, Socratus . Even though you are a beaten man, you'll still attempt to hold out. This is an admirable trait, one of the reasons that I’m eagely waiting to face you this monday night -- but when it comes down to it, you're BEST won't be enough.. ‘’

‘’.. Listen up ‘’Ellinas‘’, maybe your best work is close to mine. But as the saying . Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Contrary to what you may actually be thinking. You are not the best, Do you know why? You do know why-- don't you...socra, I am the top upcoming wrestler in this fed, and you know it that my friend, is exactly why my team is going to be one who stands tall... ‘’

“Pick whoever you want,Pick that silly bastard. Pick the Lord Jesus Christ if it’ll make you feel any better. You both are still going to lose monday night at madness, period "

Scene fades to black