X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: The History of the James Family // Two
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As a young boy I remember hearing the last words of my mother and what she told me. It meant a lot for a few short weeks, but then it was business as usual. My old man, Elijah III, continued to do his thing and travel with a Bible in one hand and a sword in the other. You were gonna listen to what he had to say. You may not have liked it, but you were going to at least hear him out first.

Some people called it 'force feeding' or jamming religion down your throat. Pops saw it much differently. He always had a different outlook than what was easily perceived from the majority. Just when you thought you had everything figured out, here he comes with a brand new question.

He looked at what he did as birthing a baby after 9 months is coming, ready or not. Everything that comes with the birth.. the pain.. the finances.. the life changes the couple is gonna have to make.. arrives whether it's really planned or not. The baby, in a sense, is forced into your life. It could be exactly 9 months, could be earlier or could be later, but it's coming. Of course there are those situations where the child doesn't make it, but it's just a simple illustration. So, he thought you were gonna hear the truth whether you were ready or not. Call it forced.. he called it forced birth.

I heard it all my life. I didn't necessarily agree with everything pop taught. Some of it made sense, but some of it just seemed too controlled. I'm more of an organic man than I am organized. I just move.

Now, don't get me wrong.. I plan. I plan ahead, but sometimes things chance and you can't help that. People have choices that affect surroundings that could involve you, so you just adapt or be organic and switch things up.

I heard the stories about where we came from. I heard about Great Gramps Bennet and so forth. I knew what my past had and I knew that I was a wealthy man thanks to Elijah.

My history consists of con man, outlaws, preachers, and wealth. It all rides on my shoulders to continue this family tree, but I wanted nothing to do with it.

I ventured out on my own journey. I refused to become a mold of my father, grandfather, great grandfather, or great-great grandfather. I was just like Bennet many years ago before he went on to meet his Savior. I was a rebel to the core. I was an outlaw. That was who I was born to be and no matter what I said to my family, I knew they would never accept it.

What did I do to hide it? I fooled them. I played their little games and I went through all the motions. It wasn't hard to fake them out. They were so blind because I was their son and I would be just like the others who took on the path of the family. I was much smarter than my father and all the men in my family lineage. I could do both and have everyone fooled. This was my gift. If there was a god upstairs, then I guess he gave me the gift of fooling everyone. It was magical.

I did this for years. I went to church on Sunday, and sang their songs. I listened to every word the preacher had to say because one day I knew I would call him out on this bullshit. I didn't then because I did respect my daddy. I may not agree with his ways and think some of the stuff he talks about is hot air, but I respect the hell out of that man. He worked hard. He was up at 4am ready to work in the fields and wouldn't rest until there was no more daylight left.

We didn't live in the big city. We didn't deal with all the technology the people in the normal world did. We were simple and hard working. I guess you could compare us to the Amish. We used electricity and had technology, but we always pushed hard work and less technology.

As for me, like I said I fooled them. I went into town, or at least that's what I'd tell them, but I went beyond. I had money. I was wealthy. In fact, I did business that no one in my family or in our town knew about.

Our family had land. We grew crops. Companies needed that. I became a distribution. Not only that, but these cell phone companies needed towers and paid nice if you had property available so they could put one up. All those people on their cell phones should be thanking me.

So I had plenty of money on the side and I did my own thing. I visited all these cities. In fact, I visited the world. When I was going to go somewhere, I would just inform the church I felt the Lord impressed me to be a temporary missionary to this area. They would gather around and pray for me. They even took up an offering. Of course I took it. My eyes were focused on my goals.

Eventually, I got tired of trying to be that guy. I wanted to tell everyone who I really was... including my father. It would hurt him, but it needed to be done. It was getting to that point to inform him and everyone else who I was and what I had been doing.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I had no choice but to share from my heart what was going on in me.

It was I who set a blaze to my own land with people whom I had spent years of life together. Everyone I had brought in was a member of my own family, at least in my eyes. I cared for every soul who I brought in, and every soul who was born on the property. I was a father to the fatherless. I was the symbol of hope to the hopeless. I was the message they needed through every trial they faced. I was the deliverer to their habits. I was the destroyer of bad and the voice of good.

They looked up to me like their soldier dressed for battle to protect them. When a fallout ensued, then they would wait upon my arrival and listen to my judgment. Some would disagree, but no one ever challenged my call. They understood authority. They understood feelings sometimes blurs our vision to make right judgments. I was never affected by their feelings about something. I was simply there to preach to them; to show them the way to live.

Everything was going fairly well until I was called to go into the wall-less city known as Xtreme Championship Wrestling.

There's no reason to complain. I'm just stating the facts. I don't argue with the guidance of the Almighty. I just follow. People may see that as naive since no one has seen the Almighty, but have only heard me speak of him. Those same people would then be looked at as naive since everyone follows an idea they cannot see. It's amazing how often people look at the way I love and call it crazy. It's more entertaining than movies.

Before I explain why everything was going well until my first coming to the XWF, I have to let you in on some events that happened prior.

The Day was Tuesday, the 9th of May, 2006

I traveled quite a bit looking for people whom I could help save and bring them to a better life. I was wealthy. I had my own limo's and helicopters. I was free to go wherever I wanted. I felt a tugging on my heart to go to L.A. I didn't second guess. I just went. I roamed the streets at night looking at helpless people who are searching for fun in drugs and having sexual intercourse. It was disgusting, and funny at the same time. If only they knew what was lying ahead of them.

I decided to sit down and eat at a very well known restaurant called, The London West Hollywood. It was ran by Chef Master Gordon Ramsay. The food was great. In the corner of my eye was a beautiful blonde girl who had a great big smile. To those accompanying her she seemed happy about life. I heard her soul crying for help. She was the one I was sent to talk to. I stayed and just watched all her interaction with the several with her. Once they were leaving, I saw it my opportunity to chat with her.

I got up from my seat and made my way over to her. She was in her own little world staring off somewhere. I stood by her waiting to see if she would acknowledge me, but she remained distant. I knocked on the table and it startled her. She looked up at me as if I she knew me. I gave her a calming smile.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

"Um? I guess. Are you a fan? Do you want an autograph?"

"To be honest with ya, I do not know who you are. It may sound funny why I'm here today. Let me introduce myself first.. my name is Eli James."

"I'm Tawny Roberts. You really don't know who I am?"

"No. Why would that matter?"

"Are you looking for a date then?"

"Heh. Nah. As I said, my name is Eli James. I live far away from here and I felt I had to come to L.A. for a reason. It was for someone special. I didn't know the name or where we would meet, but I know I would know when I saw this person. I came here to enjoy a nice meal and then you walked in with your company. I came to L.A. for you, Miss Roberts."

"I don't understand."

"Not many do. Some pretend they understand, but try to explain it they talk themselves in a corner. You gave the right answer. Some things are not meant to be completely understood. Life is a mystery. Would you wanna know what happens in your life 10 years down the road or the date when you'd die?"

"Not really."

"Of course you wouldn't. Life is a mysterious journey that takes us on an adventure. Our choices make us turn left, or right. They take us down the road and then we wonder, what if we made that other choice. It's the mysterious wonder we all are on."

"So what do you do? Why am I 'the one' you were looking for?"

"What if I told ya today, this very moment, could be a defining life change for you? Would you believe this man who just came out of nowhere, who has no idea who ya are and you know nothing about him.. would ya believe him or think he's just off his rocker and you want him to go away?"

"If you wanted my attention, you certainly have it."

"I don't give out the recipe and watch you cook. I give you one ingredient at a time because, in the end, you may end up making your own great meal."

I could see behind her eyes she was intrigued. She really wasn't sure where this conversation was going, but she couldn't help but wonder where it would take her. This journey was up to her.

"I am talking about freedom. I know you don't want to make the decision now because there's something you're not ready to leave behind. To take this journey, you must leave everything."

"I'm an adult film maker. A porn star. I make lots of money."

"And your soul is empty. You go through the motions. It gets you through. I went through the motions a long time ago to please my family. There came a point where I had to step away from the shadow and come out into the sunlight."