X-treme Wrestling Federation

Full Version: Come again?
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So let me get this straight...I make a claim that you, Romulus have beaten only no names since you have gotten here and what do you do?

You respond by listing not the glorious names of those you have bested but instead you list the names of the Warfare GM's whom you claim tasked you with trimming the fat?


That's the best you can do you big bitch?

Prove my point?

Thank you for that.

I see you are reading from the Book of Frodo, but just a hint in case you didn't know, that strategy didn't work.

Not in the least.

See while you were off beating no names I've been beating real actual wrestlers.

Did you see my handy work at the Royale? Taking out half the field?

How about the complete and total domination in my first singles match?

The guy didn't get a single move off on me.

Not one.

Then came the tag team match where I bested a wanna be soap opera star named Minxs and the former tag team champion Griffin MacAlister.

I did that.

Oh and while you claim that I was being silent, I was actually focusing on my match for Madness.

Which I won by the way.

Not sure if you saw that but I did.

I won.

Because I'm a winner.

It's what I do.

And I do it well.

As for this future you are proposing...you need not worry about that.

Let me fill you in on the present.

You see here in the present I am the guy that has taken down every single obstacle that has been put in front of him.

While you?

You know what, I don't even know what you do.

That's how little I give a flying fuck about you.

You claim to be a monster, a beast, who devours human souls, who craves for glory.

You sound like the bastard child of Peter Gilmour and that asshole from the movie 300.

You know which asshole I'm talking about.

Here's the deal Romulus, Cain, or whatever the fuck you want to be called.

You are just another obstacle on the Road to X-treme and just like every other unfortunate fuck that has gotten in my way I will take you out and then I will move on.

Don't take it personal.

It's not you, it's me.