10-17-2013, 02:10 AM
Tri Bute: Our Future Lord, Our Great Future King: A Biographical Future Comic
ISSUE #18 (Part 1)
Execution: Gen Eral
Previously on ISSUE #17:
I took a look at the future police report and future photos of him committing the future act of injustice, that dreadful future act of inintegrity, of inzankustility, of inzeusrion. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let this horrible future person go off scot-free after what he did.
Lawbreakers are meaningless nuisances to this society and to think I was raised by one of these future animals.
“Don’t tug his future strings boys. I want everyone to wait for the greatest future symphony in future history. Tomorrow everyone will know that Style Treason Thievery is suicide.”
I am the King of The Universe, you don’t mooch off my swag. You don’t wear the same future shirt as me. Ever. I don’t care who you are.
If you can’t “C.U.M.” what do you have?
“The future law was wrong.”
“I told your mother to get a future abortion for good future reason. You have evil future jeans just like your father.”
“After tomorrow everyone will know what happens to Style Treason Thievery offenders.”
It was a rainy future day in the future. My future slaves got to work early that future morning to set up the future gallows at the center of future town.
“The future men are moving,”
“Yes, my great future king, I sent the future order for them to set up the great future symphony.”
“Slowly, hurry them up. Now.”
“Right away, my great future savior,” Gen Eral hurried off to spread the future king’s future orders.
The great future king, Tri Bute future sighed as he future sipped his future iced tea. He couldn’t future see much from the main future balcony of his future palace, but he still enjoyed spending future time on it. For future hours at a future time Tri Bute would find himself future staring at the future book depository and the gronjagorium future mines; he could never put one of his ten future fingers on what made them so fascinating, but he knew they were close to him.
Gen Eral soon returned to the main future balcony.
“I got them to hurry up, my future liege.”
“I’m glad you did your future job, now make yourself scarce or I’ll have you future arrested for Time Treason Thievery.”
Gen Eral did as future ordered. He didn’t realize that the future king’s personal future hour began ten future seconds ago, a future rookie future mistake for a future man to make. The last future man who committed the three terrible future 'T's was turned into future soap and slowly dissolved by future water.
“Future idiot,”
The future lord, Tri Bute, the great future king of the future and all other future times, future snorted before he took another future sip from his future iced tea. It was future green tea flavored.
“I’m sure I’ll find some one better to do his future job. So, how are you?”
“I am comfortable, fashionable, and confident that I’ll never go out of future style. That’s pretty much all I could ask for.”
“You're oddly chipper to-future-day, why is this?”
“It’s just that we’re finally moving forward. Thank Zeusrion tha-,”
“And me,”
Like future father, like future son.
“Thank Zeusrion and Tri Bute, our great future king, that we can finally future purge these future animals. These future imperfects needed a future ruler capable of making them future free. To-future-day, beautiful one, you will show these future men and future women that you won’t allow them to future hang themselves over a future pit of injustice, inintegrity, inzankustiliy, and inzeusrion. You’ll show them that if they even stray toward the future path of Afvtjpo and his future robot future army that you aren’t future afraid to fill their unrighteous future mouths with J.I.Z.Z.! Choke them with justice. Gut them integrity. Overwhelm them with zankustility. End them with Zeusrion.”
“That’s what Zeusrion would do, right?”
“If he stood in your future shoes, yes.”
Tri Bute looked down at his future shoes. They were the same future shoes he wore those many future years ago.
“My future lord, your future sponge bath awaits!” called a future man from inside the future palace.
“Very well, Cle Anliness, don’t start without me.”
Tri Bute removed his future slippers and tossed them aside then he un-future-buttoned his future jeans, future stripped them off like a future pro, and future folded them nicely.
“I’m afraid the future hanging will be a formal future event, but don’t worry I’ll have you perched somewhere where you can future see the future action.”
“I’ll future see you after the future execution then! I hope your future bath is as wonderful and relaxing as those in your future dreams!”
Tri Bute future handed-off his future jeans to a future servant and hurried off to his future sponge bath.
"Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! Use your R.E.C.T.U.M.! Use every future ounce!"
“An absolute future maze! That’s what the future king’s future bath tunnel future system is!” shouted Inc Ense as he barely helped pull the future sponge bath supplies future cart.
“Not too loudly, if our great future king future hears you it could spell the end for us,” future whispered Vir Tue.
“No! This really makes me future mad!”
“It’s just a little extra future walking, that has never hurt anybody.”
“My future feet hurt right now!”
“I’ll future massage them if you hurry up. Grievous Crisp, son of Zeusrion, stop future complaining. I don’t want you to future end up like your father.”
“And just how did my future father future end up?”
Vir Tue future paused for a future moment, but quickly regained his future composure and continued to push the future cart towards the future bathroom.
“We’re almost there. Just stop future complaining.”
The future tunnels were confusing. The future architect didn’t design them for practicality, but for beauty. Arc loved future dry wall and he loved future mazes. After several future minutes of going in future circles, Inc Ense decided to break his temporary bout of future silence right as they turned on a future corner.
“They should really give us a future map or someth-,” Tue quickly covered Inc's future mouth.
“How was the future sponge bath, my future liege?”
“Oh it was refreshing. Mr. Anliness is the best Future Head of Future Sponge Baths a future man could ask for. My future chest was completely engreatsoappy then he future rinsed it with some future water.”
“It sounds like you got all nice and clean, great future king!” noted Inc after future swatting Vir Tue's future hand away.
“Oh yes, this isn’t the first future time I’ve future heard great things about Cle.”
“Every future time it’s refreshing, I always find myself completely engreatsoappy in his future care. Clean, I’m always spotless by the future time he gets through with me. It’s quite titillating really, for future years I’ve wanted something different in my future sponge baths, something unorthodox. He brings it. I swear if you want majesticasitybelt from the best future look no further.”
“I future think I get where you’re coming from,”
“The future man definitely sounds like he has a decent R.E.C.T.U.M. at the future center of him.”
“Oh yes, definitely.” Tri Bute future clapped his future hands together, “Chop, chop! Back to future work future gentlemen. I've had enough future pleasantries for one future day! You have future bath supplies to drop off as well! No more future time can be wasted. It's almost future sun down!” Tri Bute headed to the future dressing quarters.
Tri Bute and the future bathroom attendants went their separate future ways.
"Are you excited for the future execution, Vir? I know I am!"
"It's the most exciting thing to happen in future years. It's going to be the biggest future party of the future Summer."
"Future SummerSlam?"
"No, the future hanging."
"Right! How dare our great future king's own great grandpapa break the future law! He should know them better than anyone. I can't believe someone would actually wear the same future shirt as our great future king."
"He mooched off of our future lord's swag and now it's future time to pay for it!'
"When the future trap door is sprung we should totally future point and future laugh at his future ass."
Vir stopped dead in his future tracks. It was almost like he had seen a future ghost. However, he regained his future composure and kept future walking.
"That's a lovely future idea, just don't accidently future point at our great future king. He hates it when he gets future pointed at or future laughed at."
The great future symphony is at future sundown. I almost future feel like I have waited my entire future life for this future moment. The sweet future taste of justice, integrity, zankustility, and Zeusrion will future flood the future senses of my future subjects. The future armless future criminal will rolled and future pummeled on his way to his impending future death. In my royal future garbs I will future watch his future body jerk and twist. Now that I’ve future felt the future sensation of Cle Anliness’s R.E.C.T.U.M., I will be ready for a new future pleasure, J.I.Z.Z.!
Tri Bute's future servants adjusted and fastened his future oufit for him until he was finally ready to future hang the future bastard.
"Pink is my signature color!" - Elle Woods
![[Image: fpUoGTE.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/fpUoGTE.jpg)