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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 2 Entire Tourney + PPV RP Archive
Mental Destruction (RP 5)
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Mr. Radio Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-13-2013, 02:10 PM

Everyone has their demons but mine has gone too far. Tonight is the night that everything changes. The night that I finally relinquish myself of the Demon that has caused me so much dread.

Odterwsu Zhypsalecco, E podd uai ais ab tu xaku za swos E tou pafblafs uai za swos E tou berws uai bal swy lerwsz ajyl tu xaku. Eb E tou dazy swyf uai tou wojy pathdysy pafslad! Eb E qef waqyjyl, Uai qedd xy zyfs xopn sa swy Rodopsep Zhypslit ofk fyjyl lysilf. Faq Lezy ais ab tu xaku ofk berws ty!
(Translated from Centurion to Basic: Almighty Spectorizza, I call you out of my body so that I may confront you so that I may fight you for the rights over my body. If I may lose then you may have complete control! If I win however, You will be sent back to the Galactic Spectrum and never return. Now Rise out of my body and fight me!)

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Radio's mouth and eyes open wide and green lights start flashing out of them. A spectral entity then started to come out of Radio's chest. This is going to be the final encounter that these two will have. One of these two are leaving for good and the other will have control of Michael Radio's body. Spectorizza also known as "IT" is staring Michael Radio in the face.

I hope you know what you have just done you fool!

I know exactly what I have done. I have no other choice but to fight you for the sake of my children and wife. This is going to be the final time we will encounter each other Spectorizza. You see this room? this is mine and micah's living room. We plan on raising our twins in this house but with out you being inside of me! Once your gone I'm going to retire from wrestling and I'm going to care for my family!

You can't beat me Michael, You have never been able to beat me. I can use everything and anyone against you. You have always been a fool Michael, Never knowing when to just give up. That's what I liked about you though, you had heart and that's why I chose you! I needed someone like you so I could be powerful, indestructible, seductive, and of course skillful. you were all of those things but now I will have all of those things! HA HA HA HA!

Spectorizza started to form into someone. He...turned into Mr. Radio.

I was staring myself in the face. He had taken the form of my body except he looked like me before I had grown my hair out. He also had a straight scratch going down his left eye. I saw him ball up his fist and once I saw that I knew it was do or die. It was Time...Time for War.

He charged at me and lifted me upon his shoulders and slammed me against a wall and began slamming me repeatedly until I saw and opportunity and landed a knee straight into his nose. He let go and I jabbed him then kicked him in the gut and pulled him under my arm and hot the Galaxy DDT. He seemed almost unfazed and immediately got up and ran at me. I rolled out of the way and he got sent into the wall making a huge hole. He grabbed him by his collar and began to punch him several times.

He then turned into a mist and went behind me. he head butted me then and lifted me on his shoulders and hit the Around the Galaxy. I grabbed my head and got up slowly only to be hit with a huge lariat. He picked me up by my throat and began to squeeze my neck tightly. I then lifted my leg and kicked him in the face.

HA HA HA! you seem to be able to fight your self very well, how about we try one of your worst enemies? Pwofry efsa Zihylfajo!

He started to change again but it was hard to make out into what. His spirit split up into three different bodies. Mr. Satellite, The original Supernova, and Current Supernova.

Son of a bitch.

All three of them ran at me and pinned me against the fire place. Satellite lit the flames and the two Supernovas began to try and stick my head in the flames.

Hurry up and kill this inferior Spaceman!

We're trying to enjoy this Satellite! This fool deserves to die slowly.

Just please speed the process up Nova!

I struggled and struggled until right before my head touched the flames. I flipped original Supernova into the fire place and shut the metal door. Current nova kicked me in the gut and slammed my face against that metal door. Satellite grabbed my head and threw me at a different wall. AS Satellite approached I looked to my right and noticed that Alexandra's old swords were still on the wall. I kicked Satty in the chest and jumped up and broke the glass and grabbed one of those swords. Current nova ran at me and pinned me against the wall. I looked at him and smirked. He fell to the ground with a hole in his stomach. He ran straight into the blade and got sucked into Satty. Both of the Nova's energy were inside of Satty.

This is the way he looked when I first met him when I was pretending to be his brother. Now was my time to get revenge...mentally. We locked up and were testing each others strength. He pushed me down but I recovered by rolling backwards and getting to my feet right away. He looked at me and smirked. He speared me to the ground and hit me several times across the face. I monkey flipped him over me and dropkicked him hard enough to send him into the wall. I ran up to him and elbowed him across the jaw. I pulled him under my arm and lifted him for the Galaxy DDT but he only jumped out of the way and hit the Darkest light on me. He placed his foot on my chest and began to count.

One...Two...Three... Same outcome as always Radio. You will never be able to beat me, not even outside of that ring you pathetic worm.

He picked me up by my head and tossed me onto the glass table causing it to shatter all over the living room. He walked over to me again and picked me up by my throat and placed his other hand on my chest and his eyes began to glow green. I noticed and grabbed his forearm and began to squeeze down as hard as I could. I finally touched his bone and used all of my strength to snap it in half. Satellite let go and grabbed his arm and looked at me.

You're nothing... just like the real one.

I kicked his head and he fell to his face and started to crawl backwards until he hit a wall then again he turned into a mist and went behind me.

Good showing Radio! Are you worn out yet? I hope not because this fight has just started. You may have been able to beat yourself, Your worst enemy, but the question is...can you beat the ones you truly love?

Wait...What do you mean the one(s)? I only love one person dammit!

oh, I know how you feel about someone, but you're too damn scared to let her know how you really feel because you're married to Micah. You can't hide it anymore Michael!

Spectorizza started to transform into two different bodies. Micah Jacobs and Alexandra Callaway...

Here's the deal Michael, You may have been able to beat the physical part of this battle but can you win the mental battle? I will create a spectral sword for you but it can only be used once. You will strike down one of these women. I you strike down Alexandra then I will go back to the future and will not terrorize you any longer but here's the thing, You wont have any memory of who she is. If you strike Micah down then you will have the strength to tell Alexandra how you really feel but you wont have any memory of who she is or that you're the father. Oh, and of course if you choose to strike down Micah I will of course leave. Then there's the third choice. Strike yourself down. If you do so then I will die along with you but Micah will have to raise your children alone and Alexandra will never know how you have always felt about her. the Choice is yours Michael...choose wisely

The sword appeared and I picked it up. I thought for minutes thinking about what to do... This is nearly impossible. I just...don't know what to do. I love Micah so much but deep inside I do have feelings for Alexandra that I just cannot let out because of my love for Micah. I don't want to forget about either girls but I just cannot live with Spectorizza anymore. My best option might be just to strike myself down...

Sorry to interrupt but I forgot to mention something. Option 4...Let me stay inside your body but with you still in control and you can make the choice of either girl and they will both still remember that choice and will most likely hate you forever and you will lose the name of Michael and will forever known as Mr. Radio. Here's a Michael Radio apparition for you to strike down if you want option 4.

I took a deep breath and raised the sword. I have made my decision...
[Image: to-be-continued.jpg]

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