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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A Vig
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Vincent Altieri Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

09-04-2013, 06:33 AM

It's a busy day in New York, like always. People are walking early in the morning to their work place or possibly the nearest Starbucks to grab a coffee. Vincent is in the middle of the walking chaos, but isn't rushing to his job. He's moving at a slow pace watching the people move around him. His cell phone rings.


"Is it done yet?"

"Not yet."

"What's taking so long Vincent?"

"Have you been outside? It's a beautiful day. Don't rush me."

"The Boss wants it done today."

"I told you it'd get done. Have I failed you yet?"

"Just let us know when it's done."

Vincent places the phone back in his suit pocket and takes a sip of his coffee. A skinny man, who would remind you of George McFly from Back to the Future, is rushing to his job. He's trying to close his suitcase with some papers flying out of it. His tie isn't on correctly and his suit is all wrinkled. Vincent stops walking to watch the man stumble with everything. He finally closes his suitcase and rushes on. Vincent quickly grabs him from the crowd and pushes him into a side street alley. He forces the man against a brick wall. The guy starts to panic. Vincent places his left hand, wearing a black leather glove, over the man's mouth to keep him quiet. Vincent remains calm.

"Shh. Quiet. Ok? If I remove my hand from your mouth, you'll be quiet? Yeah?"

The man nods in quick motion.

"Now if you make a sound, you're going to make me do something that doesn't have to be done. Get me?"

The man nods again. Vincent slowly removes his hand from the man's mouth who is sweating profusely.

"All I want from you is some honest answers. I ask you a question and then you answer. That's it. I don't want explanations. I don't want to see any begging. And don't cry. Kay?"

The man nods in agreement, but his eyes look towards the crowded street hoping someone would notice and inform authorities.

"Why did you steal bread?"

"I. I. I don't know. I just wanted to borrow a few bucks. I was going to pay it back! I promise!

"What did I say about explanations? Don't. So, you do know why you stole bread. You needed some extra? Hm?"


"Hm. You know all you have to do is ask. You know how business is done."

"Yes, I know. I should have. I'm sorry.

"You're not very good at following simple orders are you? Shh. Don't say anything. Here's what is going to happen. You-

Vincent's phone starts to ring. He looks annoyed it's happening during this, but pulls it out of his pocket to see who it is. It's a text message from Paul Heyman informing him he's read over the agreement and is in. He sees his opponent for Monday and closes his phone back up, and puts it back in his pocket.

"Sorry about that. You are going to pay what you stole plus a vig. 35% to the family, and 15% to me. This is going to get paid today. Don't try to run. You know we'll find you. And when we do, I'll get my moneys worth."

"How am I going to get that much money in less than 24 hours?!

"That's not my problem. You get me the money by the end of today, and it's all water under a bridge. You don't? You'll be laying on ice."

The man starts to tear up a little. Vincent just looks at him and grabs the man's suit coat.

"You need to get this thing to the dry cleaners. Take it to Tony. He'll do it. Don't cry. It's a beautiful day. See you in a few hours. I have faith in you."

Vincent walks back into the crowd leaving the man in shambles. He pulls his phone back and calls.

"It's in motion. By the end of today, or ice. Plus a vig so everyone is happy."

"You think he'll actually come through?"

"Life is a precious thing. They always do."

"Whatever, Vincent. The Boss told us you're in the company now?"

"Yeah. I went to chat with our old friend Paul Heyman. I figured if I gave him a few offers he wouldn't turn it down. He's put me in a match with some princess named Hunter Payne."

"Tough last name. (laughs)"

"Poor girl doesn't know what pain really is. Maybe it's just a coincidence he's got that name. He's probably a fuckin' mortadella."

"One of those."

"Yeah. One of those."

"Shit, Vincent. You know how to make a man laugh."

"What are you doin'?"

"Now? I have a pistol to a guys balls for duckin' a present. He's complying. You about made me press the trigger."

"Food later?"

"Sounds good."

[Image: Vincent_zpse373e34e.jpg]
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