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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
The Savior's Warning/Rumble
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LJ Havok Offline
The Chose One

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-04-2013, 08:17 PM

*The scene opens as Steve Sayors is roaming the backstage area asking people where he can find the newest acquisition to the XWF roster. No one knows and keeps shugging it off. He walks up to a trainer and asks once more, and he points to a room off to the right. He knocks on the door and within seconds. LJ Havok answers.*
Havok: Hey I've been expecting a person like you. Come on in, but just a warning if you ask stupid ass questions I will throw you out so fast it'll make you're head spin.
Sayors: Yes Mr. Havok. People have been clamoring of your arrival ever since you got here this morning.
Havok: I find that hard to believe.
Sayors: What do you mean?
Havok: I mean, simply that I have been here for a span of a day. NO ONE knows who I am. You've been sent.
Sayors: I'm just doing my job.
Havok: That seems to be the issue around here. Everyone is following their orders like little worker bees, not even thinking about the day that they will no longer be relevant. And make no mistake about it, times DO change. They are changing right now. And all these people at the top will fall from their pedestals. I am going to save this company and all of these fans from the boring dribble and the the control. Paul Heyman is the man with the plan. This Rumble in Brooklyn will be my first step. I am officially declaring war on anyone who gets in my way. All will fall and all will surrender at my will.
[Image: cmpunkbackstage.jpg]
Sayors: Why so cynical?
Havok: That's your first dumb question, and we are on a three strike system so cut your shit. I shouldn't have to tell you the answer to that question. I am not cynical, I am realistic. The realistic and undeniable fact is I am the next big name that will rise to prominance in XWF. I look at these guys on the roster minus the Connection. And I think, all of these guys are the exact same. Empty threats from all of them.
Sayor: Why are you so interested in the Connection? You planning on trying to join?
Havok: You managed to use up your last two dumb ass questions in one shot. Are you proud of yourself. You tried my patience.
*Havok opens the door and signals Sayor to leave*
Sayor: I still have some questions.
Havok: You are pushing me to do something I do not want to do. So my advice to you is to get the hell out of here. I am a nice guy for the most part, please don't make me prove otherwise.
*Sayor cowers and signals for the camera man to follow him. Havok shakes his head and pulls the camera man out of the door way and slams the door in Sayor's face.*
Havok: Now that I don't have to answer STUPID questions. I am going to say what I want to say and not what he or management wants me to. I came to XWF because that's where the talent is or so I was told. I appreciate the chance I have in this company, and I don't take it for granted. Now about the Connection. That is nothing more than respect for all of them. They are different, they are original and not some carbon copy of yesteryear.Love me or hate me for saying that, hell or at all. Because I don't care. I didn't use adulation to get me to the dance, and I damn sure don't need it to get to the top. I came from a town of racist rednecks and being part Native American didn't help.. They all assumed I was some other ethnicity and that was where my belief in ignoring the jeers, cheers, and overall opinions of others came from. (laughs) And I think its funny over half of the roster watching this on the monitors right now are judging me. But the sad truth is they are judging because they are afraid. They are afraid to have someone like me walking into their company and calling them out on their bullshit. They are afraid because my thought patterns may not mesh with the general gathering of the masses. And the one thing they are afraid of the most is that I will steal their spotlight. All of those fears are legitimate. Tomorrow I am making a statement. The fear is real. I am here to create a new era in XWF. Destruction equals creationism, and I create pain!
*He pushes the camera man out of the door and the screen fades to black*

[Image: Lssnyr5.gif]
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