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What acceptance really means. Make way for Ringmaster Heyman and his harlots
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⤤⇝ℰⱱεℛℑȓųšƬ⇜⤣ Offline
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07-25-2013, 09:32 PM

Flicker to life as the mist dissipates and a hand reaches down to lift the tipped over glass. The hollow sounding pop of a cork being removed from a nearly empty bottle of white wine. The sound of the bubbles mixing around in the glass as Evertrust pours the last of the bottle and sets it gently on the marble top table. He brings the glass to his nose and slowly inhales with his eyes closed; a gentle swirl of the glass stem to bring the content of the glass around and around. The first sip is very slow and Evertrust takes in very little wine with it, but soon after he begins taking larger gulps... until the glass is empty.

-v^- S h A t T e R ! -^v-

The empty wine glass becomes one with the floor, having been whipped down at an incredible rate. Evertrust takes the empty bottle of wine off of the table and smashes it down on the hard kitchen floor too. He remains completely still as he stands over the shattered glass with his legs apart - almost as though striking a pose - and holds still for several more seconds... until... he pulls his mini voice recorder out of his shirt pocket. He clicks it on and holds it in the air as he speaks in a singing tone at first, followed by a transition into his usual calm tone.

Hello agaiiii-iin X... W... F! My na- na- na- naaaaame is... Well hold your horses you know very well what my name is. As you can see I am fulfilling another of the many tedious roles of a wealthy, single, intelligent man in the sport of wrestling - I'm drinking bottles of expensive alcohol and shrugging off the opposition because my ego is even more swollen when it's soaked in booze. This is where you get to hear from me and see what I'm like when I,
That's right watch me shake the leg like Elvis as I say it,
When I'm a little bit tipsy. What's fascinating to think about, my fellow humanoids, is how drunk or high some of you must have been if you were surprised by Andrew Aldway's response to my special offer. More importantly than that; if you thought that __I__ was somehow caught off guard by his choice then it means one thing - It merely means you think like a trained human and nobody can blame you for that. I on the other hand was not thrown off track or shaken up by Mr. Aldway's response. I made a clear offer to him and I waited to see if he'd accept it; an offer to have me personally attack anybody he so chooses on Monday night. What did Aldway do? Many were speculating that the Connection member would play it safe and distance himself from the relatively unknown newcomer, but those are the people who were in for a surprise.

That's right, everyone... Andrew Aldway has accepted my offer and he has chosen himself as the target. He wants the first time I unveil my ability to deliver violence in the XWF to be unleashed on himself. I know a few people have been waiting anxiously to hear my response to that and my response is quite simple, ladies and gentlemen - Aldway and Evertrust will be doing business this Monday at Ringmaster Heyman's Madness. It won't be because Aldway named himself as the victim though; that in itself doesn't matter. It would not have mattered who he chose because I simply would have lived up to my promise, attacked the subject he named, and moved on with my business. What mattered a great deal, on the other hand, was this: Acceptance; The Barmy Brit has accepted my offer...

...and that's all that ever really mattered. I'll see you Monday, Aldway. I'll be seeing you to live up to my end of this bargain and the only thing that you need to do in order to live up to your end is... absolutely nothing. You don't need to do a thing as I unleash upon you a flesh thrashing fury so horrendous that your very soul cries for deliverance from your Earthly body. Remember, Andrew, you chose to be the example I set for everyone watching around the world. I've got to give them something to think about when the term "Evertrust attacked again" is hot on everyone's breath and the only way to do that is to make the first time unforgettable. Thank you for not only accepting my offer and relinquishing your role in this company to me, but also volunteering yourself as the grand debut in what will surely go down throughout XWF history as one of the most legendary streaks of redness, ever.

Trust... - ...and that is all you need, to bleed.

Evertrust clicks the stop button on his voice recorder and slides it back into his shirt pocket. He opens the cabinet above his sink but there is no cup; the entire cabinet is bare. Evertrust turns to the camera and does the shrugging with the raised eyebrows, but is sure to remain entirely silent all the while. He shakes his finger in the air a couple times and marches off in one direction as if he remembers where his cup is but the camera does not follow. Instead, we see a poster for Monday Madness laying out on the counter. It looks like it must be a new one because that design has never been seen before. Paul Heyman is even on it himself. Before we can get a good look at the poster, Evertrust comes walking back. He places his hand down on the poster and picks it up to look at closely. He brings the tape recorder out of his pocket and hits record...

So this poster for Monday Madness that I found seems to be authentic. I still need to run it through some more tests but it appears to have come from this world so far. I'm being told that Paul Heyman's representatives know nothing about it and that they had no comment when asked about him recently appearing in that setting. One thing I don't want to find out is that this poster has come from... from, well, there's no easy way to explain this. There's a world very close to ours that is the next in line, in a long line of different possibilities. Since it's so close, things can cross over, especially if your mind is open to the reality of the situation. There's a slight chance this poster slipped through the cracks from the "alternate universe" as some might call it.

Since you're all here, perhaps you can tell me. You know this Paul Heyman chap and have gotten accustom to his ways - Does this poster look like it belongs here? Is this the Paul Heyman I can come to expect as I make my progression up the Madness ladder? Is this really the type of show Madness normally looks like?

Because if so...

...then I'm in for one heck of a rodeo on Monday.

Evertrust continues showing the poster for a few more seconds as he tries to envision what kinds of amazing treats Ringmaster Heyman might have in store for him. Evertrust has decided on his own that he'd be better off not watching past copies of the XWF's shows because he wants to truly be something unique and fresh, so right about now he is basing his entire vision of Monday Night Madness off of this poster... wherever it came from.

Evertrust flips the television on in his kitchen and takes a bite from one of the muffins he baked earlier today. He smiles as he comes to realize that a Jonny Rebel piece is about to play. Evertrust thinks to himself how Jonny has perfect timing, just waiting until Evertrust was nice and inebriated before coming out of the woodwork to entertain... and entertain he would. It looks like Jonny Rebel has decided to address Evertrust directly in this most recent piece, and that's something that Evertrust couldn't be more pleased to hear.

All smiles as a mess of muffin crumbs fall from Evertrust's mouth - He doesn't care about the mess, though. He's too excited to sit back and find out what's in the promo that Jonny Rebel specifically directed toward him this evening; for it might be the start of something magical.

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[-] The following 6 users Like ⤤⇝ℰⱱεℛℑȓųšƬ⇜⤣'s post:
(07-29-2013), (07-28-2013), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-26-2013), Andrew Aldway (07-26-2013), Rebel (07-26-2013), Unknown Soldier (07-25-2013)

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