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Thanks Billy Zane...
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Adi Gold Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-13-2022, 02:52 AM

"Why in the hell do we have to go to Adi's party? They are never fun. Always awkward. Always... blah! I know we're friends and all. But... blah!"

Michelle said to her husband Lance Austin as they headed into the New York apartment elevator of one Adi Gold.

Adi, who recently won her return match at XWF Warfare was having a little 'shindig' to celebrate her victory and have good vibes going into Washington. Washington? Well that is where Saturday Night Savage was taking place. And Adi is booked against one of the wrestling top tier talents, Angelica Vaughn. Adi knew she got lucky on Warfare when she defeated Joshua Schuler, using her recent infatuation, Thunder Knuckles own finisher THUNDER STRIKE to defeat the Wolf of Afghanistan. Adi was feeling confident. More than usual. But she will need more than a Thunder Strike to defeat Angie Vaughn on Savage...


The Party? Right. Michelle was a close friend of Adi Gold. Before Adi was a wrestling superstar. Before she was a producer, director, writer and actress for Splat-TV. She was friends with her when Adi was just the daughter for a rich Goldblum Meat Factory in Canada. While their friendship has been on and off for many years. Michelle preferred the fun-down-to-earth girl she grew up with. Not the recent egotistic Adi. Her husband, Lance, never liked Adi. It goes back to the time where Adi flirted with him at a Christmas Party. Adi ended up vomiting all over him before it could go anywhere sexual.

"Oh Lance. Maybe we should get out of here before she sees us. I can't handle this..."

"Well... you're the one who said 'yes', hun. Let's just get it over with and leave early..."

Michelle nods as they approach the apartment door. The sounds of the Ghostbusters theme by Ray Parker Jr can be heard from within the apartment. They both sigh. Lance knocks.


Adi opens the door with a smile ear to ear. She dances towards her old friend Michelle and hugs her.

Adi Gold: What's shakin' bacons!?!?! Michelle! YOU LOST WEIGHT! You look incredible! And Lance, a stud as always! COME ON IN!

They walk pass Adi into the apartment. Adi smacks her friends husband on the behind. She shuts the door.

Michelle and Lance look around. Where about maybe 10 people are awkwardly standing around the living room part of the apartment. They both look at each other and rolls their eyes. Adi smiles arms around them as she jumps in between them.

Adi Gold: You know what this party needs?

Lance: I couldn't tell you...

Michelle: Um, what Adi?

Adi rushes to her iPod and turns off the theme to Ghostbusters. And plays Gangnam Style by PSY! Adi begins doing the cabbage patch dance towards them.

Adi Gold: Remember this song? Michelle and I used to dance to this all time! Remember? YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER!!?

Michelle: Yes... I remember Adi...

Adi Gold: SEEEEE! Man, good times. Well there's some drinks over in my kitchen. Whiskey, scotch, vodka, wine, beers. Varity of chips and dips for your enjoyment. Just chill and of course... HAVE FUN!

Michelle: Um, Adi... who are these people? I don't recognize anyone here.

Adi Gold: Well the big muscular guy with the curly mustache and the tough chick with him? That is Borg and his wife Shelly. They are giving me FREE work out training sessions at their gym to prepare for Angelica Vaughn this Saturday. Only 25 dollars an hour! Cool, right?

Lance: 25 dollars an hour isn't 'FREE' Adi...

Adi Gold: Huh? Oh! HAHAHA! Good one, Lance. You married a funny guy there, Michelle. You didn't tell me you married ol' Drew Carrey over here... haha.

Adi begins gently punching Lance awkwardly as she laughs.

Adi Gold: The dude stuffing those chips is my landlord. Mr. Akem. He is also my shrimp guy. If yer' gonna live in NEW YORK CITY, you gots' to have a shrimp guy!! Am I right? It's 2019 people!

Michelle: 2022...

Adi Gold: Yes... that too. The others are just some good people looking to get their swerve on. So don't be shy. They are super duper cool peoples. Nice, respectful, good hearted people. Just don't leave yer' wallet out. Or loose change. They. Will. Take. It! But have a seat, Michelle. You still like yer' red wine right?

Michelle nods as she takes a seat on Adi's sofa. She jumps up when she realizes she sit on something.

Michelle: Oh my god! Oh... eww...

She pulls out what she sat on. It is the Thunder Knuckles mask.

Michelle: What the hell is this, Adi? Kind of creepy...?

Adi Gold: Oh that's not creepy at all. That's my T.K. mask. It was expensive to boot.

Lance: Not sure if it being pricey makes it less creepy, Adi...

Adi Gold: No. No. It does.

Lance: Right. Hun. I'll get you some wine. Adi... can I get you a drink while I'm there?

Adi Gold: Aww. Sure Handsome Lance-some. I'll take the same, stud.

Lance: Cool...?

Lance walks away to the kitchen as Beck's DREAMS plays from the IPod. Adi sits down beside Michelle with the T.K. mask in between them.

Adi Gold: So cool to have you here, Michelle. When I heard you and Lance were living in New York now. I knew I had to have you guys over. Because I am such a big deal now. It's hard to organize some gatherings with my OLD life and people. I mean, again. Big deal over here. I worked with Billy Zane last year. Yes, the bad guy from Titanic. And the bad guy from Dead Calm. And I'm sure he was a bad guy in other boat movies as well. He's a really nice guy... I even invited him tonight. Crazy that MOVIE STAR BILLY ZANE COULD SHOW UP!?!? Exciting eh? But yeah and I won my first match back in wrestling at XWF Warfare. Kind of a big deal. Just. Like. Me! A big deal! It's gonna be an even bigger deal when I beat Angelica Vaughn this weekend. Can you feel it?

Michelle: That's ... so cool, Adi. But... are you seeing anyone at the moment? I know since the ... break up. You have been all over the place with guys... but are you settling down with any ONE person at the moment?

Adi begins caressing the TK mask with her fingers.

Adi Gold: I have my eyes on someone, yes.

Michelle: Who?

Adi Gold: Well... it's a long story...

Lance returns with two glasses of wine. He hands a glass to Adi and sits down next to his wife handing her one also. Adi smells the wine before chugging it down and putting down the glass near her feet.

Adi Gold: OH. MY. GOD! He came...

[Image: adipartyxwf.jpg]

Adi looks across the room as she stands up fixing her skirt as HELLO by Lionel Richie plays.

Lance: Who? What? Is that...

Michelle: Yep...

Adi Gold: MTV Movie Award nominee, Billy Zane.

Billy Zane can be seen across the living room talking to Borg and Shelley holding a bag of Dill Pickle LAYS chips and oddly enough dill pickle flavored chip dip in his hands. Adi checks her hair and lipstick in the mirror. She looks back at Billy Zane who makes eye contact with her and nods in her direction.

Adi Gold: Be right back, guys. Time to get Zaney...

Adi goes to walk to Billy but turns back to her friends.

Adi Gold: Because his name is Billy Zane... Zaney. It's a pun...

Michelle: Yes, Adi. We got it.

Adi struts away from the couple. Michelle watches her leave as a disgusted Lance can't take his eyes off the creepy T.K. mask next to his wife. Adi approaches Billy Zane.

Adi Gold: Billy!!!!

Billy Zane: Miss GOLD! Thanks for the invite... these dill pickle chips are number one!

Adi Gold: Yeah. I see you found the Dill Pickle Chip Dip too. Really getting yer' DILL on tonight, huh?

Billy Zane: You know it! Hey I saw your match with that hairy bearded dude on the XWF show. Very good stuff. Congratulations. I hear you
are facing ... um... Angelica Vaughn soon also. I've heard of her. She's really good. But... not as good as you!

Adi Gold: Well when I defeated Joshua last week. I used another wrestlers finish. Thunder Knuckles. The Thunder Strike. I think I may try that again...

Billy Zane drops the dip and chip bag as his eyes widen at Adi.


Adi Gold: ... yeah? You know him...?

Billy Zane: ... no. Adi. I don't. But that man isn't good for anyone.

Adi Gold: Whoa! Where is this all coming from?

Billy Zane dramatically turns and puts his hand on the wall, over acting as usual. Adi buys into and looks at the actor.

Adi Gold: Billy? You can tell me... what did T.K. do to you?

Billy Zane: Oh Adi, my sweet girl. The man is a monster. It was February and I was with my Niece. Rebecca Kay Zane. R.K.Z! She's a lovely girl and a huge fan of wrestling. You've met her on the 'Le Big Mack' set. She adores XWF. She adores Angelica. Dolly. Ruby. Kat. Even you. All the ladies of Xtreme Wrestling Federation. She also paints... she painted a nice portrait of me last week and...

Adi Gold sighs: Thunder Knuckles, Billy. Stay focused, pal.

Billy Zane: Right... i was walking through the air port. And we saw him. The monster. The evil. The Thunder storm. The Knuckle head. THUNDER. KNUCKLES! Rebecca, she was not really a fan of his. But she likes to collect wrestling autographs. And she asked me if we could ask him for an autograph. I said sure. So we walked up to Mr. T.K. She was polite and said 'Mr. Thunder Knuckles. Would it be too much trouble to get an autograph.' And what happened next will shock you. Not only did he say 'No' to my cute niece. But... he laughed at... he laughed at... he laughed at ME! And said... something I will never forget about my acting...

Billy falls to one knee, very dramatic, as a tear rolls down his cheek. Adi holds his hand.

Adi Gold: What did he say?

Billy Zane: No...

Adi Gold: What did he say, Billy? Tell me!

Billy Zane: He said ... he said... 'I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO ACT!!!!!!' And he laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more...

Adi Gold: He wouldn't. He didn't. He couldn't. Yer' Billy Zane... third build in the movie Titanic!!!

Billy Zane gets to his feet.

Billy Zane: He walked away and I was stunned. In shock. Me? Billy Zane? Didn't know how to act? What gibberish and nonsense. I swore to myself if I ever saw him again... I would punch his lights out.

Adi Gold: Oh my!


Lance: Put it on, Hun. It'll be funny...

Lance and Michelle at the couch. Lance teasing his wife with the T.K. mask. She laughs.

Michelle: haha NO! It's so greasy!

Lance: Do it. I'll take a quick pic and Instagram it.

Michelle: Whatever... hurry.

She puts on the TK mask and poses as Lance gets out his phone. At this point Billy Zane is wiping away his tears with Adi's shirt sleeve. He spots who he thinks is Thunder Knuckles. In a dress. Sitting on the couch. Billy cracks his knuckles and gently pushes Adi out of the way.

Billy Zane: That cross-dressing son of a bitch! He's a dead man!

Billy Zane walks up to Michelle in the Thunder Knuckles mask.

Michelle: Oh... hey Billy Zane...

Billy Zane without hesitation gives Michelle a few hard jabs to her masked face. He even gets on top of her and proceeds to pound on the masks face. Lance pulls Billy Zane off of his wife and throws him to the ground. As Adi rushes over and checks on her friend Michelle. She removes the mask revealing she has a bloody nose. Billy Zane now on the ground balling his eyes out and screaming at Michelle.


Lance: What the hell, Adi? Why was Billy Zane punching Michelle? What the hell is going on?

Michelle pushes Adi off her and storms to the exit door.

Michelle: Because Adi is a lunatic. She has always been a loser.

Lance joins her as Michelle turns to Adi.

Michelle: And do you think you will get anywhere in your wrestling career? You suck at writing, you suck at producing. And most importantly you suck at being a wrestler. Do you REALLY think you can beat Angelica Vaughn? Angie Vaughn!??!!? Ya right! She is a pro. She is one of the bigger stars in the company. In the wrestling business. You. Adi? YOU... sorry... "YER'" A FUCKING WHACKO! You shouldn't be involved in the XWF and should just accept that you. Fucking. SUCK! "a Big deal" A big pile of shit, maybe. Lance... let's go.

Adi pouts as she tries to comfort Billy Zane. Michelle storms out of the apartment followed by her husband, Lance. They storm down the hallway as Adi rushes to the door and begins screaming from the door at them.


Adi slams the door and falls to her knees weeping. Billy Zane, holding the bag of chips sits down next to her. He puts his arms around her and offers her some chips.

Billy Zane: Sorry I ruined your party, Adi. I really thought that was Thunder Knuckles. That mask must have been expensive. The sculpting job is near perfection...

Adi Gold: It's fine, Billy. Do you think I can beat Angie on Savage?

Billy Zane: Honestly?

Adi Gold: Yes...

Billy Zane: ... this may surprise you. But yes. Yes I do. She's better and more talented. More famous. Prettier...

Adi Gold: Not. Helping. Billy.

Billy Zane: BUT regardless of all those things. It just takes a fast 1. 2. 3. And boom. You're the winner. It just takes a quick 'tap out' and BOOM you're the winner. You can do this, Miss Gold.

Adi puts her head on his shoulder. As he takes a handful of chips into his mouth.

Adi Gold: Thanks Billy Zane... you really reek of dill.

Billy Zane: I know...

The scene fades out with Billy and Adi sitting at the exit door as Donnie Iris' 'Ah! Leah!' plays.

And So It Goes.

"Dear Diary.
So I had my party. Lost a friend. But I think I am ready for Angelica Vaughn even more after all this insanity. I know there are doubters that I can pull it off. And rightfully so. But I am going into Savage fully prepared. She is more experienced than me. But if my move set doesn't pull it off. I may have to go back to the well... Thunder Strike. And... what about Thunder Knuckles? Was Billy Zane right? Is my T.K. just a rude loud mouth who hates quality acting and art? This is Billy Zane we're talking about... So many questions. I will try and catch Thunder Knuckles in Washington at Saturday Night Savage.
I made Billy Zane wear the mask tonight. It got real weird. But nothing sexual happened. He passed out and I put the mask on him when he was laying on the sofa. I was going to pull down his pants and do my 'thang'... but last thing I need to be charged with the rape of Billy Zane. Anyway, until next time, Diary.

Love, Adi. <3"

[Image: QoP2P5V.png&name=small]
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[-] The following 7 users Like Adi Gold's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-06-2022), Angelica Vaughn (06-16-2022), Atara Raven (06-15-2022), Charlie Nickles (06-16-2022), Dolly Waters (06-13-2022), Theo Pryce (07-02-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (06-13-2022)

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