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Say What? (RP #2)
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Shawn Steele Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-05-2013, 09:39 PM

Has Shawn Steele bitten off more than he can chew? He may have been riding high after his successful X-treme Wrestling Federation debut, winning the Battle Royal by tossing Swift Ion over the top rope. But now, in just his second match, he steps into the ring with a man who, by all appearances, is one of the fastest rising stars in the entire promotion. John Austin is an impressive specimen to be sure. He’s stepped into the ring with the very best that the XWF has to offer. The biggest names in the X-treme Wrestling Federation have stood across the ring from John Austin, and now so does Shawn Steele. This is, without question, a huge step up in competition for Shawn as he continues to try and climb his way up that later. The question is, is he climbing too quickly?

[ .. Static .. ]

Today's scene begins a bit differently than usual, the screen filled witch static before it suddenly changes to a close up view of the face of Shawn Steele .. a clearly displeased Shawn Steele. Based on the angle and the constant movement of the camera, it's evident that Shawn is holding a hand held camera himself, perhaps unwilling to wait for the XWF camera crew to record his comments, instead opting to do this one on his own.

[Image: 2gy3q8l.jpg]

Shawn Steele: I've grown annoyed with you, Austin. Every day it’s blah blah blah from you. It’s the same old shit. The same old shit that's been said about me before. Only now you've gone and said it all a dozen times in the course of three days. When management told you I was facing you in London, you had to ask them who I was. Blah blah blah. I apparently talk about how I'm the “badass" of the X-treme Wrestling Federation. Are you delusions acting up again Johnny? I don't claim to be anything. I'm not the biggest. I'm not the number one badass of the X-treme Wrestling Federation. You want to know what I've accomplished since I signed my name on that XWF contract? I won a Battle Royal where half of the participants didn't even make it to the ring. That's what I've done. And I've claimed nothing more. So while you're going around, running your annoying mouth and telling everyone who can stand to still hear the sound of your voice about all of these grandiose claims that I've made, I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now that John Austin is full of shit.

Setting the camera down, Shawn turns his back to the viewer and takes a step away from the camera so that the shot captures his upper body, tight black long sleeved shirt clinging to his muscular back as he stretches his arms out, showing off his wingspan.

Shawn Steele: I'm just going to stand here, with my back turned to you Austin, and you can go ahead and tell the world what I'm saying. Seeing as how apparently you seem to think that you’re better at getting my message out than I am. Seeing as how you apparently seem to think that you’re inside my head. That you know what I think. What I feel. Why don’t you tell them just what I’m going to do to you on Monday night? Go ahead, I'll wait.

Shawn stays still for a moment before dropping his arms and turning back around to face the camera once more.

Shawn Steele: Oh, are you going to let me talk now? That's probably for the best, because based on what you seem to think of me .. what you seem to THINK you think of me, you don't know shit. But you know, instead of continuing to go over all of the words you've put in my mouth, something Paul Heyman can relate to, by the way, instead of that, I'm going to go over what you've been saying recently.

Reaching into the back pocket of his jeans, Shawn pulls out a piece of paper, folded into fourths. Unfolding it, he looks up to the camera, smirking.

Shawn Steele: See? I can be all professional and shit. Didn't know that, did you John? Anyway, I've taken the liberties of jotting down a few direct quotes from you, “Mr. Wrestling". So, here we go!

Quote:Shawn Steele, this Monday you are stepping in the ring with the best wrestler in the world. You have no chance in hell and I promise you, this will be the last match you ever have with me....The champ has spoken!

Shawn Steele: This isn't a big issue, really. But .. well, maybe no one has broken the news to you yet Johnny, so unfortunately it's on me. You aren't a champion! Yeah, I know you gave the belt back. The belt that you STOLE from a true champion. A true champion like Steve Davids. A man who truly earned that belt at Wild Card. And, when he lost that belt, basically the same way you did, did he whine and cry about it? No. He took it like a man. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say that when you're strolling the street corners on Virginia Beach, you probably try to play the “former XWF Xtreme Champion" card to get the street whores to cut you a sweet deal. Tell me, Johnathon, do they believe you? Can they even keep a straight face when they tell you how impressive you are? Yeah, I didn't think so. Moving on ..

Quote:At Wild Card, I embarrassed that piece of shit, Steve Davids. I single-handedly won the X-treme title from three other men but Steve kept whining and complaining that he was the rightful champion.

Shawn Steele: Wait, I'm not done ..

Quote:You know the freak, Nightmare? I took his ass to the limit and if it wasn't for that referee that was blind as a f**king bat, I would have had that match won.

Shawn Steele: Still not done ..

Quote:Luca and CM Punk thought by kicking my ass that I would simply just run away but I am still here and guess what, I ain't going nowhere. I may have defeated guys who don't matter but guess what Shawn, they were just like you..

Shawn Steele: Just a little more ..

Quote:You may know me from some of my battles against Chris Legend, Luca Arzegotti...yes I faced him, look it up! and most importantly that waste of space...Steve Davids.

Shawn Steele: I know, I know. He's boring. How many times can a man say the same thing over and over and over again? It’s kind of impressive, really. But just one more ..

Quote:OH need I forget to say I wrestled both CM Punk and Luca Arzegotti and put on ONE HELL OF A MATCH

Shawn Steele: You are one long winded son of a bitch Austin. But, all of these quotes, they all serve a purpose. The purpose of proving my point .. my point that you talk a big game, one of the biggest I've seen since coming to the X-treme Wrestling Federation. You can take that as a compliment, if you'd like. But here's something I've noticed in all of your boasting. Steve Davids. Nightmare. Luca Arzegotti. CM Punk. You kicked all their asses! But you lost. How does that work, Johnny? You're doing a damn good job of telling me the names of everyone who you've lost to, but when it comes to who you've defeated? It's just “guys who don't matter". You're not making much of a case for yourself as ‘the best wrestler in the world' with that kind of talk.

But what's even worse John, is what you're saying about me. Lets take a look ..

Quote:If you are going to repeat the same verbatim that Steve has said then this will be a cake walk for me, shiiiit.

Shawn Steele: Yep, we're doing this again ..

Quote:You know Shawn, I don't know what kind of balls you have to want to face me in a match because I don't think you are ready for it kid. Let's see, you have only been in one match here if I am correct and you didn't even win it.

Shawn Steele: Well this just goes to prove that John Austin doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. But, I think everyone already knows that. Continuing on!

Quote:You gotta show everyone your the tough, top dog when in reality, all you are is a scared little bitch.

Shawn Steele: Not gonna lie .. that one stung a little .. Words Johnny, they hurt ..

Quote:You know Shawn I have took on men more bigger and more badder than you.

Shawn Steele: I'm just going to let that “more bigger" and “more badder" thing slide, we just don't have the time to address all of Mr. Austin's issues right now.

Quote:you have done nothing here in XWF BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING!

Shawn Steele: First, that was a bit uncalled for. But okay. Here's my point.I'm an honest man, John. I'm not saying you're going to be a cake walk, to use your phrase. I am saying it's a bit odd that your apparent biggest claims to fame are losing to bigger names. But still, the fact here is, I know you're good. I've been watching you. Hell, I think you're an underrated talent. If you had been in that Battle Royal two weeks ago, I know it would have come down to the two of us. I know this is the biggest match in my X-treme Wrestling Federation career. Not that that's saying much. But, let me ask you a hypothetical question. And trust me, this is PURELY HYPOTHETICAL ..

Let's say come Monday night in London, live on Madness, you beat me in the middle of that ring. Fair and square. You hit me with that Tower of London, ironically. At the end of the night, your hand is raised in victory. And if .. IF .. that happens, what exactly have you done? You've won a “cake walk" match against a “scared little bitch" who is ‘not ready for it'. Congratulations John boy, you've have beaten a “nothing".

Shawn brings his hands up, beginning to mocking slow clap, clearly unimpressed with his opponent's logic.

Shawn Steele: Bravo, Johnny. Bravo! You have overcome all the odds to beat a scared little bitch who's nothing! But .. now pay real close attention Austin, because this is where it gets interesting. Come Monday night, let's say I've driven your head into the mat with the Steele Twister. Let's say you're laid out, staring up at the lights above the ring. The crowd is roaring at what Chad Lewis and Xavier Reigns are calling ‘a surefire match of the year candidate'. They're so loud they're almost drowning out the sounds of Saliva as they boom throughout that sold out 02 Arena. Your head is pounding, the room is finally beginning to slow as it spins and in your peripheral vision you can see me moving around the ring, climbing the ropes and posing for the fans after my hard fought victory. Then what, John?

What happens to your illustrious career after you've just been defeated by a nothing? What happens when the scared little bitch just planted you in the center of the ring? Then what? Where do you go from there? Do you go home? Do you lay in bed and pet Garfield, using his fur to dry your eyes as you cry for days? Do you go back to that warehouse, after you've picked up a new case of Scotch, and drink your pain away. Do you disappear and drown all of your sorrows after the kid who wasn't ready for it just took you to, and past your limits? What then? I think you need to ask yourself one important question. Who are you trying to convince? Me? The fans? Paul Heyman? Or yourself?

Now, I have just one more quote from ole Mr. Wrestling himself. This one is a bit longer, but bear with me, it's an important one.

Perhaps to show just how important this specific quote is, Shawn clears his throat before he begins to read from the sheet of paper.

Quote:So your threatening to take me out of the European title picture at Leap of Faith? ...HOW DARE YOU! ...Do you know that is considered a felony? You are threatening someone on camera and promising to put them in the hospital. You will hear from the authorities here soon Shawn, I don't take likely to someone physically threatening me and promising to put me in the hospital. That was the biggest mistake you ever did Shawn and now I got the proof to put you away for good you piece of shit.

Shawn shakes his head slightly after reading the quote, folding his paper back into fourths and shoving it back into his jeans pocket.

Shawn Steele: Well who's the scared little bitch now, Johnny? Exactly what business do you think you entered into? Is this Broadway and nobody told me? Do I need to go back and get the tape of Wild Card? All of the things that you did in that Xtreme Championship match? Up to and including losing? This is Professional Wrestling, Johnny. People get hurt. Hell, I've been put in the hospital. Did I file a lawsuit? No. I took the time to recover. I took the time to rehab my neck. I took the time to get stronger than ever. I took the time study the man who put me out. And when I came back to extract my revenge .. well maybe I'd better not say any more. Who knows who you've got watching this. But I will tell you this. I don't take threats lightly. Threats of any kind. Including threats of the legal variety. As such, I've made a call to an old personal friend. One who is well versed in such matters. I told him what I said, and what you said, and he's very, very eager to say a few words to you himself. But that's for another day. For now, I leave you with these parting words ..

Monday night. July 8th. London, England. The 02 Arena. The New Age moves forward. Enjoy it.

Shawn snarls slightly as he reaches forward, clearly hitting a button on the camera to stop the recording as the screen cuts to black.

[ .. Fade out .. ]

[ .. Fade up XWF logo .. ]

[ .. Static .. ]

[Image: euegoy.jpg]
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