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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Through the Gates
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Raion Kido Offline
The Lion


XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

04-22-2022, 09:33 AM

It felt, indeed, like he had been granted a blessing.

Raion Kido needed the victory against Jenny Myst, and fortunately, he had achieved it. But the road to Leap of Faith would be long, and it was still far ahead.

“But that matters not. The only way I am going in there is by winning - and winning again. As many times and for as long a time as it takes. Just to get that opportunity once more.”

It was, undoubtedly, easier said than done. But was that going to make the Lion give up?

“Of course not! I did not come all this way for nothing! And I got people rooting for me now. How should I ever face them if I stumbled at this point?”

In the early rays of the morning sun that filter through the window, from his hotel bed in the city of Edmonton, the Lion sighs as he stares at the graceful figure of Atara Themis, in a picture that the Greek Goddess herself had sent him - a likeness of her in the guise of Athena, from the very same Saint Seiya show that made him who he is. A smile crossed his face, but he clasped his hands together, eyes closed in concentration.

“We fight, from Angelica Vaughn to whoever comes next, and that’s all there is to it. Up to Leap of Faith, we fight.”

But even though the victory had been - and indeed, had felt good -, he could not stay with that forever. There were still some matters to be attended to - how would he go back to facing Charlie Nickles? If he could not be King of the XWF, what was the next biggest step? And more importantly - was that victory enough for him to be at ease?

Shaking his head, Raion places the picture - contained within a nice, ornate golden frame - on the nightstand next to his bed, and gets himself ready before heading out, clad in a simple black tank top, white pants and leather boots, but not without the heavy golden box of the Cloth of Leo strapped to his back. He heads down the hall, and down the stairs, into the hotel lobby, before his attention is caught.

“Mr. Kido, sir!”

The voice that called him is that of a young woman, sitting at the reception desk. Raion makes his way towards her, not without a certain unease. Had there been some sort of problem? Had the room’s payment not come through?

“Yes? Is something amiss?”

“Oh, no not at all, sir! I just got a letter for you, and I was told to deliver it to you in person. But you’ve come just at the right time, so I figure I might just give it to you now!”

The receptionist hands to the Lion an envelope that bears the XWF logo on its front, and true enough, his own name. Raion takes it, not without a confused expression on his face. What could this possibly mean? Could his place in the XWF be at risk?

“In person? Did they say anything else? Do you perhaps know whom it was?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but it was just a courier. I am simply telling you what he said to me.”

“Ahhh, in that case, no worries. I suppose I should see what it says now…”

Raion then opens the envelope, inside which is a neatly folded page that he proceeds to unfold.

“To Raion Kido:

We’ve followed you since Fire and Ice. You’ve made many pairs of eyes turn your way, and among those, there are some of them that like what they see, and they are now interested in you.

If you keep this up, there might be doors opening for you.

We’ll be following your career with great interest.”

Unfortunately, there is no signature or any discernible marks that might reveal who sent this letter, but the Lion’s eyes go wide and his mind starts racing.

“First Atara Themis, and now this. And here I am still, going step by little step.”

“Is everything okay, Mr. Kido?”

The Lion looks back at the receptionist, and gives her a kindly smile.

“Oh yes, no problem! Something unexpected, but not for that any less interesting. Thank you very much for giving me this, it was most helpful!”

“No problem, sir, and good luck!”

Once the young Japanese wrestler has gone through the hotel’s entrance, it is not long before finds himself walking through the Louise McKinney Riverfront Park - one of the city’s attractions, deep in its heart, and a gateway to the North Saskatchewan river. Owing to the early time of the morning, few people are around, and the trails of the park extend before him. The message still echoing through his head, he walks through the park until reaching a gate: a Chinese Gate, the entrance to the Chinese Garden. Four pillars of red and a roof of golden tiles.

And on each side of the gate, two stone statues of lions.

“Well then! I can’t keep wide-eyed and looking for big chances forever. For now, Angelica Vaughn is standing in front of me.”

The Lion smiles at the sight, and takes a look at the garden entrance.

There might be doors opening his way, perhaps.

“So let’s make sure she gets the reception she deserves.”

And if those pairs of eyes that the letter spoke about were watching, he would make sure to cross them.

“Burn, cosmos!”


"It is oftentimes said that when one door closes, another one opens.”

Moments later, Raion Kido stands at the Chinese Garden gates - the heavy box of the Gold Cloth of Leo set between the lion statues, and the golden armor now equipped on his body. As he says the above words, he opens one of his arms, as if to signal the gate that stands at his back.

“And it might just be time that happens now.”

The Lion clenches his right fist, a smile of defiance plastered on his face. After all, wasn’t this why he had won his last match?

“They have said, after the last episode of Savage, that I have bounced back against Jenny Myst, and that I would be fine. While I appreciate the show of faith, I say that there’s still more work to be done.

I say that the road to bouncing back is still far ahead, and that the only way for me to properly call that will be when I have earned my spot at Leap of Faith. And I say, that that is the goal that I have set for myself, and that is where I shall go. Until then, there is no other purpose, and I shall stop at nothing, and no one, to achieve it.

But of course, Leap of Faith is some time away yet, and there first comes a match against the lovely Miss Angelica Vaughn.”

Raion Kido smiles this time, not unkindly, but that smile soon gives way to a serious expression as he stands tall.

“And what can I say? Though already a veteran and a Grand Slam Champion elsewhere, Miss Vaughn has only just begun her journey here in the XWF. She started on the wrong foot, but soon was able to revert that. She too comes from a bounce back against Vita Valenteen last show, and perhaps that is why we are booked against each other this time.

And here I will admit, she has the advantage of being known and respected throughout the wrestling world - something that I’ve had to earn in coming to the XWF, and still am. But as refreshing as it is to face someone of your caliber, Miss Angie, as much of an honor as it is to be facing a genuine competitor, as opposed to the fools that I’ve been facing as of late, there is something that you should now be made aware of. You might have beaten R.L. Edgar, the Chameleon, and Vita Valenteen, but you’re facing a different type of beast now.

I know that you have a soft spot for cats… but this time, you are facing a Lion.”

Raising his right arm up, the Lion points it to the camera in an almost explosive snap motion. Angie Vaughn was a pleasant young lady, and he had already awarded her the courtesy she deserved. Now it was time to do what he was there to do.

It was time to let the cosmos burn.

“I do not mean to be rude, because that’s not who I am. However, I shall not mince words: Your very first opponent in this company managed to wrong-foot you in your debut, but to me, she was just the first step in the road through the gates. And even though both you and I started not too far away from each other, I have so far been not just in one, but in two matches for gold and accomplishments on the line, and even though I did not obtain them, I refuse to let that be the end of my career that has only just started.

Put all of this in your head, Miss Angie, and answer me this - what does this match with you mean to me?

If you’re not too busy studying, managing your shelters to find cats a home, or chasing off the XWF drones that record your promotion for this company, try to think about this question, and the answer shall be clear. To me, Miss Angie, this is another step, an important step, in the road towards redemption - towards that big match I finally get to win. Leap of Faith is still more than a month away, but that’s where my mind is headed, and only there - and I cannot, shall not, be strayed from that path again.

Not ever again!

The Lion opens both arms this time, as if to bar the path from any intruder to cross the Chinese Garden gate, and lets out his mighty roar. Angie Vaughn too might have lost a match against a Champion, and would probably be in another in time. But this show was his own test, to show that one more time he would come back after failure.

Angie Vaughn was a worthy opponent - and he would treat her as such, for it was what she deserved.

“Because see, Miss Angie - neither of us has been in the XWF company for long. Neither of us has yet achieved any gold or accomplishments, but while you acknowledge you’re in the midcard as Vinnie Lane’s favor to his fianceé, I’ve gone all the way from opening matches to the upper card, on merit of my own. And I do not intend for my path to stop there.

And while, as of this moment, you are still seen as someone to eventually look for, I am seen as someone that will eventually become one of the biggest names in the entirety of the XWF. I have something to my credit to prove that - and the last person that attempted to discredit that, well… we know how she ended up last week, do we not?

But enough going on the past now, Miss Angie. The point I am trying to make is that, in order to be one of the best in the XWF, as I’m supposed to be, as I am meant to be, there is a big victory that I must achieve, the greatest foes for me to challenge, the biggest gate that I have to go through. And even though your name is known throughout the wrestling business as a whole, here in the XWF, you still have to earn your place, as I have earned my own.

So the premise of this match, Miss Angie, and the reason we are booked against each other, isn’t for me to prove myself - it is for you. Knowing that now, therefore, and knowing what my own motivations are, you need to ask yourself what this match means to you.

You’ve said this was a dream match for you, for which I am thankful, but let me ask you - how far are you willing to go into it? Are you willing to give every single drop of blood, every single ounce of your spirit, to make this the dream match that the XWF Universe deserves? The main-event class match before the very Main Event - the match that has Charlie Nickles and the Ringmaster know that they’ll have to top?”

With a penetrating look in his shining eyes, the Saint of Athena lowers his head, giving the camera a decided smirk - the face of a warrior as the gates open - just before the charge against an invading foe.

Let it never be forgotten that Raion Kido was known as the Lion - and that he had something to protect.

“I ask you this not only because the entire world knows by now I let my very soul burn in every match, not only because but because this time, Miss Angie, you face your biggest challenge since Corey Smith. This is your break - your opportunity to show that your placing in the XWF card is obviously more than a friend’s favor, and that you are totally deservant of having it. Because in the end, this match is going to come down to who wants it the most.

And I say this, Miss Angie, because there is something that I notice in all your addresses to the XWF airwaves, something that strikes me as odd - for all the work you do, for all your wish to have the XWF Universe side with you, you don’t seem to come at this entirely focused. Your opponents are but afterthoughts, passing mentions, in your view of the wrestling world.

I’m sure that works to cement the image of the lovely, adorable young lady you are, but while it might work against RL Edgar or Vita Valenteen, remember now that you’re facing someone that knows that you’ve been at the top of the world elsewhere, and my every single thought is aimed to someone of that caliber, as was Centurion when we faced, in this very stage of Savage Saturday Night. You’re now facing someone whose focus, if only for this match, is to make sure you go down. For a brief three seconds, at least, before you wake up again and go on your merry way.

I hope, then, that you come at me knowing all I’ve said - because you have said yourself, this is a dream match - a match that you wanted. And as much as it is that for me as well, it is also a battle to defend the place I have fought, scratched, and clawed to be where I am right now - against someone I assume is having the opportunity of her very life. Someone who I am giving enough credit to believe she deserves it, and will face you as such - but someone against this gate I must defend. And make no mistake, Ms. Angie - I will defend.

Oh, I will defend.”

This time, a roguish, mischievous smile appears on the Lion’s face.There really was no ill will to the phrasing used, but wasn’t Angelica Vaughn’s motivation to have a dream match? Raion was more than willing to comply - and this was the only way he knew to oblige her.

“Here we go, then, Miss Angie. Saturday Night Savage, Edmonton, Alberta. The dream match worthy of a Main Event. The chance for Miss Angelica Vaughn to take a step up further in her nascent XWF career, and my own battle not only to defend this place I’ve earned for myself, but my next step forward in the road to Leap of Faith. You have the eyes of your mother, your manager and your friends upon you, but I have the XWF Universe on mine - and I will make certain they get exactly what I promise them, and what they want to see.

Let that sink in before you feel the impact of the Lightning Bolt, Ms. Angie - as brave and valiant as you may be, you will have fought against a strength that’s beyond comparison - a power that can be obtained only through hardship, and held through faith. That power shall be your test, and if you do not listen to my words, well… you shall be found wanting.

But before I end this message, there is one thing I shall tell you. I hope that, no matter what, this isn’t the first time you and I face each other. Maybe one day we shall face again - even with gold on the line. And maybe that time, when it happens, victory may belong to you, if you are fortunate.

But not this time. Not today. There’s a long road for me to travel and I’ve only just begun, and the only way I shall stop is at Leap of Faith, and only when that big victory is mine. Not before, not for anyone else.

Not even for you.”

All smiles are now gone, and the Lion finally displays his fangs, driving his right fist forward that cuts the very air around him - his white cape and his wild mane now fluttering in the morning breeze after the force applied to that punch.

The warning had been given, and Angelica Vaughn’s fate was now her own.

“Because at Savage Saturday Night, Ms. Angie Vaughn… it’s our time to go through the gates.”

Turning around, the Lion begins to walk through the Chinese Garden gate - but not before he turns back his head, letting out a slight shadow of a smile, and a wink of his right eye.

“Just forgive me, however, if I happen to go first.”

Fade to black.

3000 words (

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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Angelica Vaughn (04-22-2022), Atara Raven (04-30-2022), Marf (04-22-2022), Ring Master (04-22-2022), Theo Pryce (04-30-2022), Vita Frickin Valenteen (04-23-2022)

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