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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-23-2021, 10:55 PM

Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows.

The locks clicked (there were several of them), and the door squeaked open. Footsteps entered the room, leaving the door open behind it. Two, what appeared to be security guards, stepped into the open doorway.

"Daily rounds" one guard said to the other. "And this one is a real loon. Total batshit."

One guard, who was new to the job, looked into the room with the same gaze that tourists give animals at the zoo.

"Jenn, honey, its time for your medicine."

The voice was soothing, as most of the nurses' were. They had to be. With all of the nuts in this place, even the slightest high-tone would send most of them off the diving board.

Nancy was always nice to her patients, she geniunenly cared about them. She knew it wasn't their fault that they were there or that they they were.

"It was July when the dogs began to disappear from the neighborhood. About a week later, people began to go missing."

She smiled weakly. It had been months, and nobody, even their most experienced therapists, had not gotten through to this one.

"Yes sweetie, July. It was awful."

She turned and looked at Nancy, a frown on her face.

"Something was scratching the other side of my pillow all night long."

The veteran guard leaned into the new one. "See....I told ya. This chick is completely off the rails. Hot little thing, its a shame...."

She took a few pills out of the bottle, and dropped them into her hand. She had a water bottle with her as well.

She took a few more gentle steps towards the girl, who was still staring at the wall.

"Come on now Jenn, don't make us do this the hard way......" she sighed, "again."

The girl giggled a little.

"Is it weird that I like the sound of screaming?" she giggled again. "Metal scraping against bone sets my teeth on edge."

Nancy took another step, and the girls head shot around. She stared at her with dark, cold, unfeeling eyes. Her voice, however, was soft and playful.

"Razors have so many interesting uses."

She held her hand out, and Nancy smiled. Would she actually take it herself this time? Nancy looked back at the guards, they had their hands on their tasers.

Nancy held out a quivering hand. Her red hair was up in a net, and her green scrubs were fresh out of her locker for this shift. Jenny was her first patient of the night.....and the one she dreaded most.

She had become close to Jenn over these last six months. She had learned a lot about her, and through the often violent outbursts, had begun to have a place in her heart for the girl.

Her quivering hand dropped the pills into Jenn's. This was progress. They always had to strap her down to get her to take anything, and even then, it was a battle.

The girl looked at the small white tablets in her hand and then back up to Nancy. The smile she gave her wasn't one from patient to nurse: it was one from predator to prey.

She lunged at the nurse, grabbing her around the neck and putting her into a headlock. She tried to ram the pills into the mouth of the nurse with a banshee like shreak, and giggle. The guards were on her in seconds, dragging her off.

When they pulled her off, Nancy stood up. Blood ran from her nose and crushed pill dust caked her face like the remnants of a powdered doughnut. The girl was in a frenzy, growling like an animal twice the size of her small frame.

Nancy grabbed her clipboard. She had tears welling up in her eyes, and it wasn't just because of the pain shooting through her nose. She had to do something she hated more than anything, but at this point there was no more hope.

She wrote under her "Reccomendations" tab:

Another round of electro-shock therapy. Double the voltage.

A tear fell from her eye and hit the paper below. The gurards dragged the growling girl away.

30 minutes later Nancy sat at her desk, her nose in a splint. Her hands shook as she reached for her coffee cup. She took a slurping sip just as the lights began to flicker. The voltage was enough to make the lights in her office flicker......

She felt the bile rise in her stomach. They were going to kill that girl one day.......and it was her fault.

The lights flickered again and she dropped her coffee cup, throwing up on the tile floor.

It was a few weeks later when the alarm bell sounded. This was not a drill. Everyone was up in a panic. FBI, local police, hell even ATF was there. There was a coroner van parked outside and a man with a shirt, tie and badge trying to hold bath the swaths of media.

Those people were like hornets. No matter how many you swatted away, they kept coming back.

Inside room 302, which held Jennifer Sambuca 23 hours a day, it was chaos. Everything was torn apart. There was cryptic writing on the walls in what appeared to be blood. There was ripped notebook paper, crushed pill bottles and what looked to be bedsprings strewn across the floor. In the center of the room there was a dead girl. Her body was twisted and mangled in a way that a human body isn't supposed to bend.

Her long blonde hair with pink tips was stained with blood......she had been a victim of blunt force trauma, and then bent akwardly.

The detective that was on the case took a drag of his cigarette before ashing it on the concrete wall and bent down to the corpse. Examining it closer, he tilted his head.
"The fuck......" he whispered.......

His hand traveled down to the hairline of the girl....and his fingers pressed up and under.........

It popped off. It was a wig.

"Martin!" he yelled for his partner......"this isn't the girl from 302........". His partner came running into the room. "Then who is it?"

"Nancy Coleman, the nurse."

Backpack over her shoulder she skipped down to the waiting car. It was a normal looking vehicle, didn't draw much attention. A grey Nissan Sentra, Nevada plates. She opened the back door and slung the bag inside before shutting it.

Getting in, her doll in her hand, she shut the door.

"Seatbelt", the driver said, a smile on her face. The blonde inmate also smiled and put the seatbelt on, looking straight ahead. Never at the driver.

"Your hair is different," she said in a robotic voice.

"A lot is different now. You've been gone a long time, Jenn. Nobody stays the same forever."

"I don't like it."

The driver didn't say anything, but put the car in drive and hit the gas.

"I got your letters." Her voice stayed in the same tone, she never looked away from the windshield.

"Well good. I wanted to let you know you had support. Ever since Sarina went MIA and completely ditched us I felt ter---"


"Excuse me?"

"She was my friend. She ditched me. She didn't even like you."

The driver didn't say anything, just looked straight.

Silence abound, she asked
"so where am I bringing you?"

"Home, Ash. Take me home."

Sometimes I sit and look at life from a different angle
Don't know if I'm God's child or I'm Satan's angel

[Image: ibz0A3L.jpg]

"Happy Holidays XWF!

It is a new era, and there are a lot of new faces are wandering around here, mixed in with the old crash-test dummies that I used to roll over without breaking a nail. I see the women's division has gone to shit since I left. They couldn't find anyone to represent the Shooting Star the way I did, so instead of promoting the division and pushing women's wrestling they do away with it all together! My belt! My hard work to build a women's division, and as soon as I leave it all goes to shit!

Hate to say I told ya so."

*shameless giggle*

"So you all probably wonder just where ol' Jenny has been all these months. I wish I could answer that myself. It's been quite the whirlwind since Chris Chaos left me as a sobbing, broken mess on National Television and took my spot in Leap of Faith. I'll admit, I took an L on that one. Breakdown central! Admission for one!"


"But as I was sitting in that mental health ward, in a 12 by 8 room with more camera's than the White House and nurses in and out more times than their pay merits, I began to get that itch. I began to miss the only thing in my life that was truly therapy for me, the one thing in my life that made me whole. I'll admit I am a pretty broken human being, always have been, but coming out to that ring every night and blowing off steam was what made all of my demons go away--at least for the time I was out there. I felt like I was worth something to someone, and it felt damn good. To say I had some success here would be an understatement. To say I didn't go through some pain along the way, that would also be false."

*bites lip with a grin*

"I like a little pain with my pleasure. I would be foolish to expect everything to be as smooth as a baby's ass every single time. I don't think any great competitor here expects that. So I put in my bid to compete on the Christmas Savage, and they actually put me in the first match--opening the show. Flattered? Sure. Humbled. Sure. Excited, hell yes! I feel like it is a fresh start. I was the center piece for the women's division here for a long time. I put it on my back, carried it, and launched the singles careers of many of the women who still call this place home today. I made a habit of educating the younger women of this division, showing them the ropes per say, and to be stepping into the ring with another new name (at least, to me) is something I have been craving for quite a while. Tara Fenix is the new target on my dartboard, and I get to kick off the VERY SAVAGE XMASS with an education session. may not know me, and that is okay. I am sure you have heard my name around. You showed up to the Pay Per View, aptly named Bad Medicine (oh how I wish I could have been there!) and defeated Atara Themis in grand fashion. She had to be stretchered out of the arena! You clipped the Dove's wings in front of a national audience!"


" probably think that is just dandy, don't you?"


*Her expression changes into a serious face, hatred pouring from her blue eyes*

"......Atara Themis isn't the measuring stick of success around here, Tara. I AM. Atara Themis is what happens when someone doesn't flush the toilet. She is annoying, gross, and always seems to pop back up when you thought she was gone. Once you step into the ring with me and survive, that is when you are well on your way, girlie!"

*side mouth smirk*

"....You look like a transgender Sharpie, Tara. Figured I would be the one to break the news to you. I admire your creativity, though. I'd have never thought of using cotton candy as a wig replacement. worked so hard to look like the ugly duckling of the candy nerds, its going to be a real shame when I pull every strand of hair out of your disgusting scalp and shove it down your throat. It is going to be a real shame when I scratch your eyes out and break every single one of your teeth. It is going to be a real shame when I educate you the way Atara Themis failed to do. But, can't say I am shocked, she fails at most things. You look like you might smell damp.....I am not sure I shouldn't wear latex gloves for our match Tara......that greasy blue hair may be harboring something fierce!

That and your Assassin's Creed ring attire. Who are you trying to impress? You come to the ring every night with your kids named tatooed on you with an injury history as long as the state of Florida. Is it your pride that keeps you going, even the face of injury? Is it your spirit, or your ego? I say it is your stupidity. How do you think your children will react seeing their mother be dismembered in front of the world on Christmas? Because I will not stop. Injury or not, I will keep going and going and going and going.........heheehehe like a broken enegizer bunny.......or, would that be a normal one?"

*she begins to grab at her own hair and pull, before calming down*

"......You are stepping into the ring with someone who not only can hurt you, Tara, but someone who WANTS to. Someone who wants your two kids to watch as I rip their names off your muffin top with my bare hands and eat it. I am the one who wants to make sure that every once of pain I have felt over the past 7 months comes out at one time, and is projected onto you in one viscious surge. All of my pain becomes your pain when we are inside that ring and........

I sure have felt a lot of pain.

*she runs a hand through her hair again, giggling a bit as she appears to be back into a more jovial mood.*

"You look like a version of Ramona Flowers from a universe where everyone is born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Giiiirrlll I gotta ask....Did genie from Aladin jizz in your hair or are you so boring that you dyed it because it's the only way anyone will ever notice you? Did you dye your hair blue to look older only to end up looking like a slutty 12 year old with daddy issues? Kevin Spacey wouldn't even fuck you, and that is saying something! For realz though.... I see it in your eyes, Tara. You look like the saddest Sailor Moon character, and after Christmas you're going to look like the weakest.

I know you've been at this for a while in different companies around the country. I know that you are a veteran despite only being here for a short amount of time. I know that everyone is betting on you to be the next big thing in the women's division, and to spoil my homecoming in vicious style. Betting....and quite frankly, hoping. They want to see me fail, they have always wanted to see me fail. It is because of that I have been successful. I love a challenge, I love proving people wrong........and I love getting knocked down just a smidge more than I like getting back up......

So do your worst, Tara.

Go ahead, make me suffer. Do to me what you did to Atara....because I welcome the agony".

*bites lip, rolling eyes as if getting turned on by the thought of it*

"Sherman-Williams ran out of primer prepping your face, its too bad I have to smash it into oblivion. Too bad that I have to be the one to give your record that violent shove past .500 to LOSING in the XWF. Too bad that I have to be the one to wake you up and make you realize that small and delicate things are not as easy to break as you may think.

Ghosts have been humans. Demons never have. That's the difference between being scared and being threatened.

I have nothing to lose and something to prove. I have a history of turning shit into gold. Bloody boots build strong legs. My boots have plenty of blood on them, and some of it is my own. I'm still standing.

You're good, you're damn good, but not good enough.

You've beaten many, but have never faced a monster quite like this.

I put the "hot" in pyschotic.

Smile while you still can.

*cackles, belly laughing into a serious face*

[Image: lBsrb3h.gif]


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2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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(12-23-2021), Barney Green (12-24-2021), Theo Pryce (12-26-2021)

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