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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Reggie's Forbidden TV Tape 2
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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-11-2021, 06:46 PM

[We see Reggie with his hair in braids, black jacket with a white shirt underneath it with his black jeans on as he walks down to a local diner on a cold afternoon in downtown Baltimore, he sits at a booth where he had a cup of sprite and plate of a burger and fries while he see’s JB coming at his table to chop it up for old time sakes.]

JB: Oh Reggie, how have you been lately?

Reggie: I’ve seen better days, been on some minor benders here and there, but i’m trying to kick out of that habit you know?

JB: What you talking about Reggie?

Reggie: Let’s say during my hiatus from the ring, my vices came back into my fold and I ended up slipping. I never told you this, but I had drug problem before I got in this wrestling shit.

JB: Why didn’t you tell me this before I put you on? I thought we are brothers of THUGS and all that shit.

[Reggie then takes a bit of his burger, and the waitress comes to ask if JB wanted anything but he refused and she left them be, and JB looked at Reggie with worry glance as he didn’t know about his past vices.]

JB: Well Reggie, are you talking to someone about that kinda stuff? I mean this is some serious shit you telling to me at this moment, bruh.

Reggie: Well I am and well… I’m not that innocent that meets the eye, you and Tommy know about my stint up in California, and I did try to warn you both about my past life, but it was fallen on the wayside and deaf ears. Maybe i’m not good enough to hang with you guys if i’m a dent in your lives!

JB: Reggie, don’t talk that nonsense like that to me! Me and Tommy aren’t saints either, I had some dirt on by my lonely before I even went to college and Tommy, don’t get me started on his own shit before he wrestled. So, you aren’t alone in that end, and it’s time for all of us to embrace what make us who we are.

[Reggie then stops eating his burger, and took a sip of his sprite and he nodded his head towards JB, then the waitress came back around again and JB simply order himself a coffee. About a five minutes later, she came with the coffer and he thanked her and she left, by this point Reggie was on his phone, and being notified on wrestling news letters about Cage’s recent “expose” on about him. He ignored it and put his phone away, and JB noticed he was pissed off about something as he sipped his coffee.]

JB: Reggie, is there something wrong, you seem like you want to beat up someone.

Reggie: This penjedo named Cage Coleman managed to do some kinda expose type hit piece against me with his so called publicist or some shit. He had to make up a bunch of shit to get himself over, which I don’t fuck with at all.

JB: Well let me tell you something, you are doing something right when someone like this Cage Coleman busta is talking shit about you, and telling a bunch of whole lies with his words. I mean, is it really killing you softly when he says things that aren’t true?

Reggie: Nah, I mean he does have the boys and girls in the back talking about it with how much it’s been blown up by these news letters online. Plus he’s this indy darling that everyone blows his dick on purpose.

JB: Let me take a look of this guy, see what’s so hot about him?

[Reggie then turns on his phone, and searches some photos of Coleman, and hands him the phone. JB then looks at various photos of him and even an “incriminating” photo of him in one of various matches prior to his arrival in XWF. He then shows Reggie this, and he laughs as JB hand him back his phone.]

JB: So this is the guy who’s talking shit about you, and getting views blown up by the minute. I mean, he might have the in ring shit down, but I didn’t know that he swung that kinda way.

Reggie: Look, so what if he swings BOTH for the fences at his BattIng Cage’s in Malibu, he still needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut. But you know what though, i’m involved with him this Saturday in this tournament thing, you think you’d want to be by my side that night?

JB: Hell yeah, even if you don’t advance due to some bullshit, i’ll always have your back as a THUG brother. All I want you to know is, we are brothers and we stick with one another, win, lose or die… we still multiply and divide the competition.

[Then they give one another a handshake that they just made up out of the blue, and their waitress hand them the bill and Reggie pays it off, and both of them leave the dinner, and they went their own separate ways.]

[This time, Reggie is seen in a car driving somewhere in the middle of the day. He arrives at the junkyard place, and he opens up the trunk to see someone that had encounter with Cage, maybe this “ring rat” he had close ties with, whom just happened to be placed in the trunk later on that day. He pays the crew $200 dollars to dispose of the car and person by crushing it. Then he walked out the junkyard gate, and was walking a he had his shades on to keep a low profile, few hours later he was sitting on a rooftop stairs, and air out this thoughts.]

Reggie: I am at a point where I do things, just to do things without thinking the consequences. Someone told me to dispose of a body in the yard, and I did it and they told me we’ll never speak again in broad daylight. I didn’t even take the money in the duffle bag, since I don’t like touching other people’s money who are shady, I guess i’m shady motherfucker myself for doing this shit. It might haunt me for my days, but I had to do it when it looked liked the same chick who fucked Cage Coleman, who told the world he had something going on down there.

I might not care about not being in that same manner as he is, but i’m not afraid to tell a lady that you got to deal with what was given to me by god. I guess she and her pimp were at odds when she aired out Cage’s personal shit to the world, which caused her life to be taken away. I’ve seen enough dead bodies too know, that her’s wasn’t going to be a open casket at all. I hate to sound morbid, but an angel should guide her somewhere else that isn’t in his arms of death and bullshit talk.

Cage, eres un pedazo de mierda que necesita aprender a comer un pastel humilde o ser jodido….. No tengo miedo de ti ni de no pasar a la siguiente ronda por ti y tu popularidad!

Basically, I am not afraid to admit that I won’t see the next round of this tournament because of you Cage, everyone is going to be rooting for you and hoping you dethrone the TV Champion herself at Bad Medicine or as my mi pequeña novia Adi Gold would say… “Bad Medicare”.

Does that mean I won’t fight until the end of this shit? As Che Guevara once said……

The revolution is NOT an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.

Everyone in this TV title tournament is the apples that need to fall on my end, and that include to those who I might end up fighting if I do see myself moving to any of the rounds that’s place in front of me. I’ve had people fall many times in this place, that by now I can open up a fruit market in Mexico to feed the homeless if I wanted too. I’ve had to make everyone around me fall, and have them question if was worth trying to get nutrients from the sweat that they shed in that ring against me.

I don’t think that my destiny is to be able to dethrone the TV champion, oh no it’s more of being able to beat the piss out of that sensational, douche bag, wanna be prankster named Cage Coleman, and to stop his boost in momentum in the company.

Cage, you can make up all the stories about me…

Post your instagram pictures onto your personal vlogs…

Have your PR take liberties that can land you both in court over defamation of character…

Think you have a slight shot of being able to go far in this TV tournament thing as you hinted out in your vlogs last week…

Sea lo que sea, Cage, solo debes saber que te silenciaré en ese ring y arrojaré tu cadáver a un río.

To everyone else in this tournament as well, whoever will end up dealing with me, will have to put up a fight of their own life, because I will not guarantee it will be seven star meltzer classic that Cage might bring against you.

Soy Reggie Estrada y te meteré en una bolsa para cadáveres con o sin un título de Televisión en mi cintura. ¡Un matón fuera de esta mierda!

[Then the scene shifts into gun fire from people, places being burned, and people destroying TV at their local electronic stores. Then it shift back to Reggie burning photos of all the people in the TV title tournament in a garbage can at an alleyway, and walks away with a silhouette that fades this promo out.]

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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