Space Jesus
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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10-21-2021, 05:11 AM
1A: Indeed
"Have mercy, now, save poor Bob if you please."
“This is a story about walking down a road.”
Indeed it is. The man steps forward along a trail windswept with memories he had long fought to uncover. And he had done so. Each missing piece had been plucked from his fragmented mind, turned over in his fingers, and studied with a heartening inquisition that led him to places none thought possible. But it was he for whom the stars fell; it was he to whom the universe channelled its will; and it was he who stood triumphant. ‘The future is not ours to see.’ No. Not ours. It was his.
“I figured I should get that out there in the open so as to manage expectations from the get-go. I’m here, out in the middle of fucking nowhere, child strapped to my chest, walking down a road. If you want to look for a metaphor in this sort of thing, be my guest. Drill down to those infinite spaces between my words, and maybe you’ll even get beaten over the head with symbolism harder than Bobby Bourbon beats himself watching a turkey get glazed. By turkey, I absolutely mean Thunder Knuckles. Sorry, that was crass of me. I guess what’s said is said though, so fuck it. Beat yourself raw and knock yourself out with all of that shit. Look into it as much as you’d like. Or don’t. Your call, your consequences. Me? I’m going to walk that way.”
Indeed he does. He takes another step in the direction of his extended finger. And then another. Meanwhile, those since-recovered memories? They remain littered on the road behind him. Discarded haphazardly with an almost casual indifference. A sense of guilt swells within him. With everything he had gone through, he’s really just going to leave those pieces lying there? In a sense. But just where is ‘there’?
“I’ll save you all the ‘ever forward’ line. Ash to all that. That’s from the before-times, back when there were more questions than answers. The ‘who’, the ‘what’, the ‘where’, the ‘when’, the ‘why’, the ‘how. All the hits. All the classics. But most of that’s been answered by now, at least for me. And that… that was the ‘why’ wasn’t it? Why I fought. Why I struggled. Why I survived. It was for me, not for you. All of this was just my story. I took you with me along the way, by force where needed, and… I did it. I fucking did it. Through the parts that were real and the parts that were less so, I got everything that I ever wanted.”
Indeed he did. And to know where the ‘here’ is, all you need to do is glance down the dusty path that unfurled behind the man, and look back in the direction from whence he came. The road stretched behind him, extending, unbending, through the desolate wasteland. He couldn’t remember if it had been that way before he had traversed it, or if that was what was left over after he was finished. He wasn’t sure he needed to. Protecting the babe in his arms from the elements, he continued his march.
“After all that, what’s left but the here and now? What more is there for me to do but to take another step and keep walking down this path? Eat the world? Ate ‘em all. Even Bobby, back at War Games. But I’m okay with secondsies. Just ask Lou. I told him what would happen. I said it at May Day, I said it at War Games, and I said it again at Relentless. Never you. And should his own road lead him to my mountain once again, I’ll tell him all over again. He may very well be right in saying that that he has pushed me further than anyone else. But you all feel it, don’t you? There is still oh so much further I can go!”
Indeed there is. His attention returned to the road ahead, and his pace slowed to idle stroll. The journey he had travelled so far was already known to him before he set out. It was exactly what he had set out to do. That gave it a measure of predictability. Again, for him. But what lay ahead was something new, something almost exciting. Out here in the open, he wanted to take a moment to breathe The New in, and to decide what to do with it.
“The question he, and any other interested parties should be asking, is what will that mountain look like when they stumble up to its base once more? Because it's changed. It had before Relentless too. Lou didn't see the smaller changes for himself, and ignorantly he refused to believe me when I told him about them. He wanted to view my journey as static. As if he could progress, but I couldn't. Those changes were minor though. The sun ducking behind a cloud on a still scorching hot day. But today? The seasons have shifted, and with them, my very reason for being. It’s looking like a new dawn out here on the trail."
Indeed it does. The dirt under his feet has dried and caked under the sun's fury. It cracks under the weight of trying to contain the footsteps of a giant. Once upon a time, he would turn his sights towards the sky and he would rage. Now, his fist doesn't shake. Instead he just muses over the layers to that stock narrative device, wondering whether he still needs to spell this out for people. Once upon a time. Memories. Time. Myth. He wove stories through them all. And from them, birthed The New. Complete.
"Lou got stuck on a name. Perhaps I'm doing him a disservice in saying that, but what was first passed off as a throwaway comment became almost emblematic of our struggle. I used his name as freely as I liked. Of all the things he could have perseverated upon, that really wasn't where he should have hung his hat. He wasn't the first for me. I doubt he will be the last either. Names and I have a funny relationship. It was never control over him that was at stake. It was control over me. I got it too. Of course I fucking did. I said it, even. I am Alias. I can't say that I've gotten used to it yet. It still feels queer on the tongue, like it’s a whole new language. I don’t expect anybody else to care that much. For them, it's not exactly groundbreaking and let's face it, they used it anyway. All of them except Lou. But it wasn't their name that was missing. I might not expect people to care, but I do expect them to do their darndest to try and understand it, if they want any chance of trying to exert their own… control."
Indeed they should. They may use whatever name they wish for him. He knows this, just as he is sure some will come up with names a lot more colourful. He doesn't mind. He can give as good as he gets. Can and will. Because The New is safely tucked away in a place where nobody could ever access it. And there it's real. There it's tangible. There he can reach out and touch it.
He remembers the deal he made with the sun in the depths of the inferno that was lit around him. His leap of faith. He remembers the sun's story too. It had a secret name. When it was spoken into the heart of the healer, Isis, the sun was made whole again.
Thus, the man is whole. His heart, pressed against the back of the young girl, carries within it The New.
And it urges him along the path.
It urges… me along.
"You know what? Let me rewind a bit, to give you some more context."
1B: No Alibi But An Alias
“Standin' at the crossroad, baby, risin' sun goin' down.”
I saw the red vortex in the distance before I saw Her. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t exactly surprised by her arrival. There was a part of me that was curious about how she found me though. No doubt her red-headed (as in proper red, not Bobby Bourbon-ginger, or ex-ginger I guess - not sure how that works)… friend?... who hung back behind her had helped. It’s not like she had a piece of hair or anything to go on. At least, I don’t think so anyway. Oddly enough, up until a few weeks ago, I actually had a piece of hers - thank you Charlie Nickles, or Demos, or whomever, or whatever. That’s on that burning pile now though, alongside those other battered tropes. Only three things had survived those flames - the Universe, the girl, and me.
It was the girl’s reaction that kept my fist unballed. Or more, confirmed that it was the right decision. Though I kept my eyes on the blue-crowned figure in front of me, my fingers were waiting for the girl to flinch. After the flinch would come the scream, and that wouldn’t end until whoever it was that got too close was gone. She had been that way since her parents had died. With everyone except me anyway. But here was Lycana, taking the last few steps towards me, and the girl just followed her with her dark eyes. Silent. From the corner of my eye, I could see how someone could mistake that for mistrust. But in her quietude, I could feel her calmness. It was contagious.
Lycana had led me to The Baphomet’s body. She didn’t have to do that, but she did. A part of me had suspected she would, but for it to actually happen was… interesting. Even Marf was on good behaviour, by his standards. Perfect timing, really. Ash to The Left Hand. Fuck that shit. Doubly so, after understanding what Lycana was asking for. Big Bitch Baph’s body was missing. I didn’t have anything to do with it. She believed me. A part of her already suspected that it wasn’t me.
“We all have our cages,” I told her as I sucked nicotine deep into my tarred lungs. I turned slightly to the side to blow a puff of smoke away from both her and the child. It wafted through the air, swirling from shape to shape. A crescent moon. Gone. A pointed crown. Gone. A question mark.
It lingered.
And then it was gone.
I don’t think she noticed. I wasn’t sure if that was a result of her cage, or my own. She turned back towards her companion, and that eddy of maroon abstract non-matter spiraled to life once more. Lycana looked back at me, over her shoulder.
“Oh, and if I were you, I’d go that way.” She points down one of the four roads and smiles. As she vanishes beyond the threshold, I know she’s right.
So I walked.
“Lord, I didn't have no sweet woman, ooh well, babe, in my distress.”
1C: The Way
I guess you’re caught up now, to an extent.
This is the path. This is the way.
I walked it. One step in front of another. Hands resting on halters that didn’t exist. Rest easy, dear friends, I was not imagining things. I was armed in my own way. Armed and ready to draw.
The sun was preparing to rest. It began to dip behind distant mountains that poked above the horizon, encouraging a tumbleweed to frolic along the dirt road, spirited by a desert zephyr that only now dared emerge from behind the rock it had been hiding behind. The vegetation bound away across the marriage of sand and red rock, fleeing from my determined footsteps.
Under sun or moon, real or imagined, this is the way.
A giggling gurgle trickled up from where the girl hung from my torso in her baby harness. She always grew more animated at night. I wondered if it had anything to do with the events that led her to me, under the cover of the morbid dark. I’d be awake too, if I were in her adorable little booties. I’d be scared of the things that go bump in the night.
It’s almost fitting, the time of year it is.
But I’m not her.
As the sun bid its final adieu, and the stars finally pierced their way through the velvet violet above, begging for me to cast my eye back towards them, I knew that tonight it was me. My foot dropped heavy on the seared earth. I walked the path. I was the bump in the night.
But he had nothing to fear. Not from me. With another bubbling spout of laughter, she told me that she didn’t. We walk the way together. I, her shepherd, and she, mine.
Into The New.
1D: BOBby Bourbon
"There's that other thing I should talk about too, isn’t there? Which other thing though? A lot’s happened while I’ve been out here on the road. I’ll leave sleeping Lou’s to lie - and yes, that has two meanings - and instead move onto something a little more joyful. Corey’s back!
Hi Cor’! Good job on the ol’ bait and switch. You uh… you fooled me. You actually did. I know your explanation, and I get it. In fact, you know damn well that I wholeheartedly support any chance to FUCKTHAD over, but there was a part of me that thought you were coming for me. For The Universe. Maybe I shouldn’t own up to that sort of paranoia, but uh… you are all better, man. From your injuries. Like… even more betterer than before. In my experience - and you’ve got to admit I have my fair share of it - that sort of thing screams shenanigans. But hey, you went another way with it, and I couldn’t be more elated. For the record though, I wouldn’t have been mad. It’d have been on like Donkey Kong, and you know that, but mad? Nah. I’ve benefited just as much as others from that play. ‘Tis the way of things round these parts. Here’s lookin’ at you, Jim!
What else have we got in the Santa sack of shitfuckery? Why of course…
O. C. W.
I need to make one thing clear about this. I didn’t want anything to do with a stupid fucking company against company war. Jesus shit-swirling Christ, I’m not exactly a ‘company guy’, ya know? Theo Pryce and I, well, we don’t really have a relationship. Jim? Weird guy who’s just a straightened pube away from being an unlubricated pain in my ass. Betsy? She’s cool, but given the other Jimmy Jam’s role over there, she’s also the person on the XWF side of things who is probably less invested in this kerfuffle than the rest. Lou? Fuck that fucker. And the Bastards? Honestly… it’s OCW’s own fucking fault they let them waltz on in and take their tag titles to begin with. In my opinion, that’s the greatest fucking thing Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles have ever done. It had me rolling! Then the dumb fucks over there let Cunt Face Duke do the same bloody thing, only to throw a hissy fit when it doesn’t work out for them! Again, their fault. Not the Bastards’, not Theo’s, shit not even Thad’s. It’s OCW’s issue.
But at Relentless, they made it mine.
I’m not gonna give a rah-rah ‘let’s go XWF!’ speech. Lou and Jim can speak for themselves, but when I turned up to deliver a couple of cunt punts on their London show, it wasn’t the goddamn cavalry swinging in from that helicopter. On my end, I just don’t take too kindly to people trying to force me into their box. Marcus Welsh tried to do that to me. So now? I’m going to do everything I can to put him in a box. And if this turns out to just be some sort of scheme between Theo and Marcus to make some extra bank like I know my good ‘buddy’ Andy Cortinovis thinks… well there are plenty of boxes to go round, if you catch my drift.
These aren’t just idle threats I’m handing out here. They’re barely even threats at all. I just think it’s important to frame all of this appropriately when I’m about to throw fists with one of the progenitors of this matter. ‘Cause Bobby, I’m not under any allusions that the circumstances we find ourselves in make us friends. I’m not even convinced the word ‘ally’ would be applicable. We just happen to be looking in the same direction some days of the week. On Savage? We’re looking at each other.
I’ve gotta say, I’m actually looking forward to this one. I have been since I first crawled out from the shithole, umm, hole I had been tucked away in, last year. I came into that High Stakes Battle Royal, and your name apparently carried a fair bit of weight to it. I was… underwhelmed. But we all go through rough patches. Like you, that match was one of those rough patches for me. Since then, you’ve been so caught up rejuvenating (HA!) the tag team division that alas, I just haven’t had the chance to see what all the fuss is about first hand.
Wait! Yes I have!
Two words, Bobby-Boo: War Games.
I know, I know, I really need to stop dredging up the past, especially when I’m so eager to bang on about my own future. It’s not the outcome that I want to hone in on here though. It’s how you reacted afterwards. Do you remember, Bobby? Four-on-one beatdown, that was your excuse. Let’s just ignore the four-on-one on me that you were a part of the week before that showdown. Lets just ignore the numbers advantage you had on Page and Fury at Relentless too. All I need to do to, Bobby, to show you just how bad that excuse was, is roll the fucking tape.”
Bobby immediately slides to the outside where he tosses the ring apron back to pull out a steel chair. Dolly Waters connects with a baseball slide dropkick to Bourbon sending him sailing backward into the security barrier while we see Corey and Alias comes from Ring Two into Ring One where they lock eyes with Robert Main.
Corey and Alias strike collectively on Main utilizing the numbers why they can as they take the larger Main back into a neutral corner.
“Yikes… that was like, right at the start. Do I even keep going? Yes. Yes I do.”
Dolly Waters slides into the ring with a kendo stick in her hand while on the floor Robert Main pulls a Table out and slides it into the ring before coming around where he catches Alias with a running boot to the face as he reaches his feet knocking him back down to the floor.
“That clip? That was while you were pinning Corey (and he was kicking out). Dolly’s coming in to hit anyone, and Robert’s busy attacking me. Wow… what a four-on-one beatdown! My lord. I’m just going to jump straight to the end, ‘k?”
“So Dolly saved her partner and pinned you, while Corey and I were on the ground, and that’s a four-on-one-beatdown? Man, you must’ve been knocked loopy if you thought Dolly was a whole three extra people. Let me ask you something… should she not have done that, and instead let Robert eat a pin? Wut? Look, before you even say it, you can chill on getting your knickers in a twist about how you didn’t say that. I’m drawing up a deliberate strawman here, but it serves a purpose, I promise! Even if there was any evidence of said four-on-one, essentially what you would have been bitching about would be, get this… teamwork happening in a fucking TEAM match. Fuck me, as disappointed I’ve been with the ‘great’ Bobby Bourbon, I thought at least you’d have some understanding of how the whole tag team thing works. Recent results suggest otherwise, don’t they? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you got screwed in OCW and then on Warfare you got, what? Distracted? I’ve had blinkers on myself before and it’s cost me, so I can appreciate that to an extent, but like… Jim and Robert just stood there and that was enough to cost you. Meanwhile I’m over here dealing with people, yourself included, actually running down to the ring and trying to help Chris Page take back The Universe, and still I come out on top. Cool though. Hope Jim and Robert don’t come out and stand there during our match. I want the best damn Bobby Boubon there is - lord knows you’re gonna have to dig deep to fucking find him.
Do you get why I’m revisiting all of this history with you though, Bobby? It’s not to say that winning War Games means I’m going to put you down on Savage as well. No. These are team matches I’m talking about and this is one-on-one. What I’m doing here, is simply proving that the self-proclaimed Sultan of Smacktalk is full of shit. All that bluster and bragging, it’s a fucking joke, my guy. We can go into your recent singles record if you’d like, but you’ve already shown after War Games, in the lead up to Masters of Macabre, and in the lead up to Warfare, that you’re not the kind of guy who follows through on what he says.
But I am.
And that’s what this is about, Bobby. How we both approach this sort of thing. You fall, and make excuses. I fall, and I win the Universal Championship. There’s a real big difference there. Shit, look out how you set yourself up to begin with. You spend all your effort convincing others that your victory is a given. For me? It’s fucking necessity.
So go ahead, pal, knock off another movie script. Halloween’s coming up, or did you use up all your horror gags failing to beat Mark and NK? Shit, pull a Lou and go back to whatever it was that brought you to the Universal Championship in the past. It won’t matter. I’ve fought for everything that I needed, and I fucking got it. Now? Now I need some more.
I just wish you had kept the damn mask on. I don’t know what it is, but somehow even your arms look smaller now. My dick is disappointingly soft.”
1E: The House at the End of the Road
Time. Space. Existence. All of these things were rather silly and ill-defined. The lesser beings tried to cut them up into understandable components. Naturally, they missed the mark completely. Still, it provided much mirth and merriment for the rest of us. One such categorical tool they developed was something called ‘the universe’. As bizarre as it is, I’ll do my best to explain it.
‘The universe’ was the sum of everything. Or so they thought. It was made up of many ‘galaxies’, which were another one of their foolish constructs. In the farthest corner of one of the more mundane-looking of these ‘galaxies’ - so prim and proper it was with its spiraling arms and bland white muck, was an even more insipid ‘star’. It burned a basic orange and could only muster a strong enough gravitational pull to lure in eight ‘planets’. Eight! They would think that a lot, but as is the case with much of their assumed knowledge, they were about as close to the truth as a groxun is to a cubmolla. If they’re lucky, they’ll understand that reference in about sixty-three billion of their poorly defined ‘years’.
Where was I? Oh! A ‘planet’ is a rocky thingamajig that sometimes isn’t rock at all and is gas instead, and these creatures tend to get stuck on one for the entirety of their measly lifespans. It’s kind of sad really.
Only one of this ‘sun’s’ ‘planets’ could sustain these ridiculous things, and yet the nutters went ahead and divided it up into even more ludicrous categories called ‘countries’. Each ‘country’ tended to think itself the tippy-top of the bunch, and within it, its denizens formed ‘cities’, which were really just a bunch of lines going every which direction. Following one of these lines - let’s call it a ‘road’ shall we? - would lead you all the way out into the middle of nowhere before you came to another ‘city’. It all seemed rather wasteful.
Still, down one of these ‘roads’ was about the only interesting thing that these naive little twits had going for them. It was called a ‘house’. Not just any ‘house’, mind you. It was a ‘house’ that didn’t exist at the end of a ‘road’ that probably doesn’t, and it was occupied by a ‘man’ (if you can call him that) who by all rights shouldn’t! Or at least, it will be occupied by him…
I wasn’t expecting to see a building out here. The girl had fallen asleep again, and I had walked the last several miles in silence. I noticed the smoke first, as it found its way to my nostrils. Burning cedar. I knew it well.
This was the way.
The house loomed ahead in the dark. The lights were on as I crept up to the door. I thought to myself, do I knock? Before I even answered myself, I was RAP, RAP, RAPPING at the door.
On the other side of the door, I heard clopping footsteps, like high heels punching hardwood. The door swung open, and I was met with the most jubilant grin. Warm arms embraced me, careful not to squish the child. Twinkling eyes looked at me.
“Oh, honey! Welcome home!”
“Lord, I didn't have no sweet woman, ooh well, babe, in my distress.”
Do you have a light?
(Banner courtesy of Atara Themis)