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Press Conference
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Rampage Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-25-2021, 03:19 PM

Rampage was in the nation’s capital of Washington D.C.. He stood on the front lawn of the White House as he prepared to address the nation. He was not here to promote the President of the United States or any other politician because he could not stand them. Rampage was here to speak truth to the nation, something this country has needed for a long time. They set the cameras up as Rampage stands behind a podium dressed in a three-piece suit. The crowd gathered around the White House was growing by the minute when finally Rampage speaks.

The great nation of America it’s been a long time since we’ve had a reliable leader. Someone who will keep their word and not push their agenda on us. Instead, this nation deserves someone like Rampage. I know what everyone wants and I plan to deliver. If you don’t know who I am, shame on you for not paying attention, and come Saturday night, Rampage will be a champion. Americans deserve a true leader, something a champion signifies instead of someone like John Black and Vita who have corruption and dishonesty flowing through them. There will be no voting allowed because the votes don’t matter. What matters is that everyone throughout the world tunes in Saturday night to watch Rampage destroy and decapitate my opponents.

Stopping for a minute to clear his throat and taking a drink of water, he once again spoke.

Considering this nation is addicted to drugs, alcohol, and having no life, which is why most know of John Black, but I am here to speak TRUTH about the REAL John Black. Do you really want a man who can only be friends with children to be your champion and leader of the free world? I mean, how sad of a life do you have when you have to pay kids to hang out with you. This sick fuck actually claims it’s his “niece” but we all know the truth about that. This guy is delusional simply because he actually believes his promo skill. John Black is weak as fuck in the promo department, so maybe after Rampage gives him a few headbutts, it will knock some sense into him.

He grabs the microphone from the podium as the cameras follow him, walking around the front lawn.

John Black made a fatal mistake when he spoke my name out of his pathetic little mouth. The only thing I am going to fuck up in the ring John is my opponents starting with you. I plan to beat the soul right out of you. You will lay there motionless, looking down at your body wondering what went wrong. You messed with Rampage, bitch boy, and you will remember it for the rest of your days in hell. IF I kept you alive, it would be for my enjoyment only. If there is one thing you are good for it is laughter because your overall skill in the ring is a joke and you are too dumb to even see it. The thought process you have amazes me because thinking that you make this match a “must-see” event is absurd. If anything, you do not belong in the match period. You have disrespected me for the last time, John Black, and believe me, I disrespect everyone at least I can back up what I say though. You’re nothing but hot air that wants to be seen and heard. The attention has to be on you if the nation doesn’t want to see a tantrum by a grown-ass child like yourself.

He makes his way back to the podium, calming his emotions as a smile appears on his face.

John Black, what do you know about fifteen minutes? It takes seconds to inject your body with drugs. It takes seconds for you in the bedroom and you won’t last but a few minutes in the ring with me. The people of the world need to stop believing in the foolish aspirations you give them. You act like you’re the champion in this match, but you’re not. John, you have no fight in you, to begin with, so what fight are you going to bring to the match? You’re weak and uneducated about this business. In order to be a champion, you need passion and you lack that emotionally, physically, and mentally. It’s okay though because Rampage has enough for both of us. I will expose you on national television for being a crying little bitch as I bring you to tears in the middle of the ring. Enough about you though John, it is time to shock the nation and let my hands do all the talking. Enough about you though John it is time to redirect my focus on Vita. However, a beautiful place like this is not worthy of any speech about her. I want you all to follow me to a very special spot.

Everyone leaves the White House area as the crowd outside the gate cheer the man. Everyone in D.C. appreciates honesty and hates liars. Rampage goes to leave in a nearby cab. He signals for everyone to follow him which they do. The World’s Largest Asshole whispers something in the driver’s ear. The cab driver nods and makes his way to the local dump. Once parked, Rampage steps out and takes a deep breath as he coughs just a little. The cameras begin to roll once more as Rampage continues his speech once more.

Vita, you are a disgrace. You are barely worth mentioning out of my mouth. It’s sad when John Black gets a live televised conference and yet the champion gets mentioned at the local dump. Although it seems quite fitting, if you ask me. John Black is at least attempting to compete against Rampage whereas, Vita, our “television” champion, is MIA with a stipulation that we still don’t know. So one would have to guess what it could be. Knowing you, it is probably the stipulation that you don’t have to compete and still somehow win because you’re a coward. You don’t want to get manhandled by two men because you’re some feminist independent bitch and I get it. What champion wants to look like a failure, not being able to hold their own when it matters the most. Maybe there is no stipulation it was all just an act to give you attention. You are good at wanting attention and doing anything in order to get it. Rampage doesn’t need attention he GETS attention. It is hard to be me always getting seen even if I want to hide. However, I have learned to just go with the flow and when I win the television title, it will be Rampage fever throughout the land.

Rampage walks around the dump looking around trying to understand the mindset of Vita, the television champion. He finds a broken belt as he shakes his head.

Vita, look what I found! You told me on Twitter you broke the belt maybe it was a scapegoat you planned to use so the title could not change hands. I am SICK and TIRED of the games by both John Black and Vita. You are not tough as nails. You will not survive the fight with Rampage, so just give up now. I don’t care what kind of champion you want to be, it will not be enough to overcome Rampage. I will make you look weak and vulnerable as a champion. I will do something I have never done in my life put hands on a woman but step into the ring with me and all bets are off. Vita, this will be the nicest thing I ever say about you. I hope you compete hurt or not because at least you’d go down fighting, but if not, then so be it. Rampage is going to prove to XWF why he is a threat to everyone here. I might be new, but this is my moment and I will not let garbage like you ruin the night.

He turns and forces the camera to zoom in on his lips as his voice gets deeper and scarier.

Vita, I am not even sure why you stay in XWF all you do is constantly fail then. It is clear XWF can expect failure from you more than success. It is why they put Rampage in this match they want someone who WANTS to succeed. XWF WANTS someone who will constantly show up and put all their effort into the match, no matter what. I am sure you will have an excuse it is what you do best, but Saturday night I will silence you for the first time in your life. The world will be a better place without you as champion or taking up a roster spot in a company that excels in signing the best talent. The fact I get to show how a champion represents a company is an honor, and John Black has more confidence than you, which is sad for a champion like yourself. No worries though, I will take good care of the title since XWF can depend on me while John Black and Vita just get by with how long they have been here thinking they are invisible no one can hide from my fury.

He takes a step or two back as the crowd cheers loudly as he delivers one last statement for both opponents.

I am going to do everything illegal in this match simply because I can. I feel both my opponents deserve a senseless act of cruelty and destruction. I have been unstable my entire life, which makes me perfect for a company like XWF. I will not disappoint them with me as champion. They will look at John Black and Vita and shrug their shoulders, not remembering what they did for the company. It is about the future and Rampage is that. You can be in denial all you want it will not change your fate. Saturday Night Savage will be Vita's demise. It will be John Black’s last stand and chance to become relevant in the company, which will lead to failure, of course. Saturday Night Savage begins the reign of Rampage. Will anyone be able to slay me? I doubt it but I will enjoy them trying to take me down. I thank each of you for coming out today and hope you continue the support of XWF.

The crowd leaves as Rampage stands alone on type a garbage pile as day turns to night the scene fades.

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